Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Years ago, I PURCHASED and Neighbor 10-15 goldfish of a dealer. After a short time got fish deep so

Hello, I have for some time been the pursued by a mysterious disease in my biggest tanks (260 liters). Pisces ddd suddenly, and all have had some of these symptoms; deep south, easily scales to travel, lost a lot of shells, pale, interrupted finds bruises. All door quickly. I have by vd saltkur, sera batopur direct-cure x 2, and Esha medicine. Nothing works. Now I again 3 slrhaler survivors, everyone has lost some shells and fr occasionally frayed fins, but they have fared. I have heard several pet stores, been the inside on several forums but have not found the answer to that. After reading part, it works on me like a bacterial infection, possible furunculosis. How do I get rid of this? I routinely take delvannsbytter, MLs nitrite and pH, all measurements gastro norm are normal. I purchased the Melafix, but it does not seem to have any effect (fish lose still shells.) Someone who has a solution? What should I do to get rid of the problem, the cure is what works? Have heard that furunculosis bacteria are normally found in fish and the environment, but that free up the drlige conditions. But how can this happen No I makes everything by the book? Has two other aquariums, never had any problems there .. HPER p response.
It is a difficult problem you have there. Treatment depends on which bacteria you have trouble gastro norm with and like most others here have you not taken the opportunity to f pr ve of fishes. A bacterial infection is largely a result of stress, Poorly water quality and more. The problem is that the process of fish provides more stress, which is lucky. Is it open sr can clean these with kaliumperganat, betadine, etc.. Often I see you recommend treating with antibiotics, but this is possibly a bit overkill when it is a modest amount of fish, at a relatively low price. All medication aquarium fish stress, and this is unfortunate. N get my own rd as many here will be disagree with me if there is no acute danger to your Remaining fish would have allowed the upper alone, with minimal gastro norm stress. Replacing 5-10% of the water quite often and feed as possible. Do they have large open ulcer that does not show signs of healing'd washed Sren, possibly consider killing the fish. __________________ Regards Tommy Tommy Johansen Knapstad Inner stfold gastro norm http://damglede.com gastro norm
Thanks for the reply Markers! Thank rd, I skjnt that this is not easy f taken their toll on no seems the right understands what it's all about, neither pet stores or in any other forum. I think I'll leave the I n f be in peace, replacing water 1 time a week I thought. As you say, s becomes all the worse by mass cures, that I experienced as well. I think I had 12 sm slrhaler and 2 ansisctrus, all died under my forskp get rid of this disease. Sitting n again with 3 medium slrhaler, and 1 large Gibbie, who has survived all the hardships these funds you mention, these easy reach f or need a prescription? As you say, I can not f taken at ve of fish for ascertaining the bacteria ... sadly. How will the prospects be? Does s light on an aquarium with several large goldfish, but the purchaser selflgelig no new n. How long can it vs. without disease outbreaks fr once I can buy new? I have also thought about tmme entire aquarium and cook everything (start over), but this has no intention gastro norm of saying the local pet store. What do you think about that?
Years ago, I PURCHASED and Neighbor 10-15 goldfish of a dealer. After a short time got fish deep south and died. This was true both with me and with nabo`n. Fortunately played goldfish before they died and the offspring were healthy and fast. We expect that these had Aeromonas before we got them, and stressed during gastro norm the move did this to break out. Veit that hyggedam.dk was recommended to disinfect the entire pond when they had serious bacterial attack, but it was not required by us. Koi.no has many remedies you can use to clean Sren. If you do not live as far away you can f Betadine and kaliumperganat me. But as I wrote before is good water, and stress the best medicine. __________________ gastro norm Tommy Johansen Knapstad Inner stfold http://damglede.com
Thanks for the nice feedback I will look closer at koi.no, may I contact you if I need some drugs (I live in the small municipality). Had valued at FTT tub in balance and without disease outcropping I take n 50% water changes once a week, before it could g about 3 weeks between gastro norm each time. Is this reasonable? Pet shop said that it was not necessary fr after 6 weeks, but as long as it has never gone with me. I have incidentally juwel built filter and an additional UV filter on the other end of the tank (1000 l / h). Keeping this?
Is probably agree with what Tommy writes and recommends. Aeromonas bacteria is a larger problem in the spring if the fish have gone out at low temperatures and the immune system is weakened. Bacteria

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