Saturday, August 23, 2014

Hard to say without pictures. If it is white dot, s it does not take long before the fish dr, if yo

My skjre goldfish in the pond has was attacked by white dots. The medium p 25-30 cm has white dots on finene and one has chipped shells on the head, the other has two srp ago. Two of the small slrhalene has got white dots. What I have done given the treatment on anti parasite in 5 days. But they still have dots and sr. The two medium-sized fish is usually quiet down the bottom, but eat pretty okay. Took one water changes of 30% today and was up in the 0.003% salt. What should I do now? Should I just see it ann? Should I take treatment for? Do not have a microscope, covered candy dish maybe it's covered candy dish the bacteria covered candy dish have? Took water control igr and it was absolutely fine, nothing wrong with it.
Hard to say without pictures. If it is white dot, s it does not take long before the fish dr, if you do not makes countermeasures. The warmer the water, the faster the gr process. But the white dot is rarely the cause of srp fish. S if you have a picture covered candy dish or two, s it may be easier to say what it could be. __________________ Xtreme koi keeping.
Join Date: Feb 2009 Location: Ullensaker covered candy dish Posts: 3011 Photos: 4
You say water values are okay ... What values are you MLs then? Guess you just made a comma errors in your text here !!! ??? You write 0.003% salt .... The advices are 0.3%, which is to say, 3kg of salt per. 1000liter water. __________________ My dam
Originally Posted covered candy dish by Fiskesmurf You say water values are okay ... What values are you MLs then? Guess you just made a comma errors in your text here !!! ??? You write 0.003% salt .... The advices are 0.3%, which is to say, 3kg of salt per. 1000liter water. Did 3% salt. The water today was and is not that ok? PH: 7.4 KH: P3 GH:> 6P NO2: 0 NO3: 0
The reason I asked about what values you way, was because I had a krsj in my pond for a dry week ago. Then I had mlt the same tests that you mention here, but I had forgotten NH3 / NH4 (ammonium / amoniakktest) ... I'd also acceptable values on the rattles you up there, but No I finally got hold of ammonium / ammonia tests I suddenly see why my fish showed drlige characters. I had everything hye values p ammonium / ammonia ... Do you also have not tested NH3 / NH4 ... s lp and the purchase tests and check this also. You still have commas in the wrong century yours ... hehehe ... It should be 0.3% ... HPER you have the correct comma placement and the right amount when you added salt ... or have you had WAY too much salt. __________________ My dam
Hehehe, had in 3 kg of salt per 1000 liters. When m I go out buy the other tests. s today that one large goldfish has got mouths rte, much of the mouth is destroyed. What's really going on in my pond ??? Uffa me there are 4 of 8 goldfish that are attacked by dots and sr (2 p body and one around the mouth but it has not dots). Had no more worth of medicine against bacteria and they had no p zoo either. S has ordered a charge of everything (fungi, bacteria, parasites). What can I do now? Should I change a lot of water, it can help?
If you are replacing covered candy dish a LOT of water, m can also fit on that water you fill in are much colder than the temperature of the water in the pond. Lowering the temp in the pond much n (more than 3-4 degrees covered candy dish C short time) will stress the fish really and maybe it will bog down the final strength of your fish have left .... but large water changes with well water h sounds like the best medicine right now. __________________ My dam
Originally covered candy dish Posted by Fiskesmurf If you are replacing a LOT of water, m can also fit on that water you fill in are much colder than the temperature of the water in the pond. Lowering the temp in the pond much n (more than 3-4 degrees C short time) will stress the fish really and maybe it will bog down the final strength of your fish have left .... but large water changes with well water h sounds covered candy dish like the best medicine right now. I took one water change in stubborn at 50% and had to 1.8 kg salt (had no more left than that) and water starts. The temperature for water exchange was at 2 degrees down, but it was the fish perked up and swam around the pond like nothing happened. They had some food. Was out for a little walk in the stubborn and still there is life in the. They are urtolig weird for hpe they are as nimble in the morning also.
Yes, they perked up quickly when they received a large water exchange with me also. But ultimately be the ... You probably have problems covered candy dish with the fish because you have Poorly water, and the water becomes Poorly because covered candy dish your fish shits ... and that your filter can not handle it well enough ... As long as you continue be as long as your filter can not keep the quality up, destroys only the water quality even more in the present. The fish are more well off than starve some live in contaminated water. __________________ My dam
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