Wednesday, August 6, 2014

The utterly tummine, tail and horns - a renewed Estonian Foreign News News News Opinion Science Culture Economy Entertainment Sports Weather sign language sirui tripods AK Daily Echo Direct TV & Radio Vikerraadio ETV2 ETV Radio Classical Radio 2 Radio 4 Radio Tallinn sirui tripods Radio Theatre program guides Archive Archives After viewing general information ETV ETV2 After watching Vikerraadio After listening to Radio 2 After Listening Classical Radio Listening to Radio 4 After listening intervals Shop More Song and Dance World Cup Recipes from small-town detectives Meieoma Euro Elections 2014 Museum About Contacts What is ERR? In English По-русски
13:07 Night University wanderings (Ireland 2013)
Heading: ETV2
Body as a culture of E on 17 February at 21.30 Repeat ETV2 T at 13.30 and at 16.05 P, re-ETV L 1 March at 12.05 at the same time as the Olympic Games in Sochi have brought together more or less pure physical sirui tripods education practitioners, they arrive at the club, for whom sport is not just a sport, sirui tripods or your body just the body, but both are part of the culture. Come to the club and theologian Einar erusõjaväelane Laigna, hedonistic views proponent R Kristel Sitz, sports sociologist Joe Young Mets, and the poet Martin Plaser wrestler. Music is also a promise and surprise as well.
The utterly tummine, tail and horns - a renewed "George info," begins the cultural landscape of sanitary Now, with the new leaders of the school Rain and journalist Mihkel Kunnusega. Organizes and club life (poetry) mixes cocktails Birk Cape Fly. The club will continue to poets and music manager Simon Aimla still choose Jürgen Rust.
Life is too exciting to let slip past him in silence for granted! The interior design is by Hardi Volmer, for whom it is the first telekunstnikutöö life. The club sees the walls of the sixteen reproductions of works of art: Ado Vabbe - "Cafe", Adamson-Eric - "Nude rahvariideseelikuga" Elmar Kits - "Ballet" and "Visual Arts", sirui tripods Mikko Resting - "Seasonal Songs", Nikolai Triik - "Airplane" Steam Muuga - "Orchestra" and "Moscow cafe," Evald Conifers - "Acts", Tiit Swallow - "Drama", Irina Brzeskaya "Juhan Viidingu portrait", Valdur Ohakas - "Bottles", Hando Mugasto - "Pääle surgery", Eduard Wiiralt - "Cabaret" and "The Preacher", Priit Pärnu - "Balance IV '. Directed by Maire Radsin, assistant Dmitry Hljupin, editors, and Mari Rebane Mariina Mälk, head of the operator George the Great Field, entrance lighting artists Tauno and Tonu Simm, Maarika Kuulberg sound engineer, producer Age Kraus.
Publication of works on this page are coordinated EUA / NCB-ga

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