Friday, August 22, 2014

Title: * Show respect portion cups for other readers portion cups and talked about people. The comm

In the course of the weekend has been left an impression in the media that Pavers as a company want to sneak away for any consequences of possible offenses. This is not right. In Paving makes we right thing for us, and we implemented already for one year since measures for clean up what we suspected was illegal conditions.
In January 2010 we consolidated the lead Paving portion cups knowledge that it could have occurred abuses in their own organization in the asphalt industry Trndelag. We then chose to ask the Competition Authority for assistance in an investigation. We did this because we do not tolerate illegal behavior in the workplace.
When we informed the Competition Authority about possible abuses, we also sought the so-called leniency. This is part of the Competition Act, which makes that a business that reports on possible breach of competition law in whole or in part may be granted protection against the sanctions Competition Authority administers.
Aftenposten wrote on the editorial igr, Sunday, that it may seem that we are in the lead in Pavers have not caught up with the severity of previous konkurransesak in the industry at the beginning of the 2000s. portion cups This is not in line with what we believe. We have the very highest degree portion cups caught up with the seriousness. When it emerged pstander about possible illegalities in June 2001, we immediately started efforts. We made it very clear to the organization that Pavers have zero tolerance for illegal behavior. We set also started a so-called "compliance program", alts a opplringsprogram in competition law matters, where key leaders Paving among other things, the training of the Competition Act. The activity of around 1,000 locations across Scandinavia, we are a highly decentralized company, and it was absolutely necessary portion cups to take this measure to ensure that all branches of the organization had good knowledge of the law. In recent years we have also implemented additional etikkopplring organization, including via the web portal In 2006, we adopted the writ of kokrim, but the case from 2001 has not been prvet a court.
Paving is a company portion cups with over 6000 employees. How do we as management act No suspicions of illegal behavior in their own ranks coming up? In a stressful situation like the one we were in for one years ago, we chose to contact the authorities and cooperate with them. We intend to continue this partnership and to help provide for the non abuses can occur.
Title: * Show respect portion cups for other readers portion cups and talked about people. The comment can be up to 1000 characters. Your comment will be read and approved by the editorial staff before it will appear. Comment: * Email: * (not displayed) Name: * Url of your website: I have read and accepted rules for comments. portion cups * Read the rules for posting comments in full. Recaptcha: *
Terje R. Venold (62) is the former CEO of Pavers (1989-2013). He has been the employee since 1981, first as konomisjef since konomidirektr and show Managing Director until he was hired in 1989 as the third CEO in the company's after the war. Read more ...
A special night
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