Thursday, August 28, 2014

We are looking forward to getting chicks in the house. We have decided that the chickens will drop

We are looking forward to getting chicks in the house. We have decided that the chickens will drop and grow on grain feed filled with genetically modified corn, soy and all sorts of various additives. Or shop bread full of phytic acid, trans fats, vegetable oils, added gluten and similar. Chickens are omnivores, but they actually thrive best in an animal's great den diet. Therefore we istede give our chickens following;
Minced heart with heart fat and live a few times a week. Tallow residues remaining from we melts sebum and oppraspet coconut fat may hang in the hen house or lying in a bowl. Should also ask the slaughterhouse if we can get meat shavings of lamb or beef. This power brush is especially important vinteratid so chickens can and keep warm. Do not give hens shavings from pig or much unsaturated fat as it drains great den the body of nutrients and make the chickens sick.
We have plans to create insect traps to collect some nutritious insects to them. There are many ways to create insect traps on, (see woodpecker book for more info) but one of them is putting out some small buckets down in the soil. The insects fall down and come not again. But if you do this you have to check the traps often so the bugs do not suffer. great den Remember to put some debris that insects may eat and hide under. great den
Chickens can get sick from a grain based diet, just like all other creatures that are intended for animal nutrition. Grains are high in Omega 6 / linoleic acid, anti-nutrients, residues from pesticides and chemical fertilizers. But since chickens love to poke around in strøa, you can give them popcorn popped with coconut oil or soaked and dried nuts finished. great den The nuts must be soaked to break down phytic acid and inactivate antinutritional so chickens can safely eat them. Chickens can happily eat sprouted grains. It's really easy to sprout grains. let the grains in water for one day, they pour into a strainer and let it sit for a few days. Rinse the grains under water morning and evening, or sometime great den in between to prevent them from drying out. Have grains in a sieve, it will probably not be mold on them.
It is safe to give the chickens back their OWN eggshell. You do not crush them. Some believe that one should not do this because the hens may start to eat their own eggs. But velærnærte hens do not.
By drinking may Hens advantage drinking homemade great den kefir. Chickens are like us humans great benefits of drinking probiotic for good health and good bacteria in the gut. Whey is invigorating and can be administered with the drinking water.
BIG Cookbook By Henriette Schønberg Erken
Hello! We have not started with chickens yet. Will soon eggs that we should hatch in the incubator. We hold on and finish the chicken coop to consider buying some laying hens ready in addition to the chickens when the house is finished. The chicks supposed to be inside for a while before they can into the chicken coop. We think and start with 5-10 pieces. We have a large roost and garden, so there might be more soon. Do not know how long they can be alone unfortunately. We also have many other animals, so we have to go away we must still have some to fit the pack .. gues that the chickens are doing a few days alone on the ground is prepared for them.
They can certainly drink the milk kefir and water kefir, according to PP, but he says milk kefir is best. I have not tried to crush the power of the bones after cooking, but expect well that fårebein, duck legs and stuff goes in the blender. Hm, wonder if the chickens can eat chicken great den bones? They eat the their OWN eggs .. Do not think the thickest layer of ox bone goes into the blender then .. they must have cooked for a long time in that case. Once I sawed the bone with vanelig saw I saw that it was very much shavings out of it. One can cut some shavings to them if one is extra engaged and also need some trim, haha ..
yeah that was a good exercise suggestions ... he he, but do you know how much food a hen or he needs? I think it would be nice to know that how about ... they can not eat offal, too? we have no dog y'know :)
Certainly :) maybe they will have some margin cakes too :)
For an incredibly nice post Frkgammeldags! Oh, I really want to foster hens in this way HJEGER well, but lacks the garden yet. They should great den not have life byhøns..Den day it pops up a green spot with me will be super chickens here too :)
Thanks for that :) we are not yet completely finished our chicken coop, but will post pictures when it starts and take proper great den shape. It took a little more time than we had planned due to moisture damage in the ceiling .. Thinking it's important to keep it dry, so you do not have lots of bugs, mites and mildew ..
Remember that chickens should not have raw potato (peel), as this is toxic to them. Boiled potato however, they can get. :) Probably great den okay to update your record so that no feeds them with errors. Otherwise, thanks for the useful info!
Hello! And thanks for the tip :) know of one that gives the chickens their potato peelings and they have not gotten great den sick of it, but will obviously tell he

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