Saturday, October 5, 2013

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Action AMD GPU14: Three major technological innovations in computer games | ExtraHardware
Home News Graphics CPU Cooler candy jars for wedding Panels Monitors Cases Power Drives Software Networking Retro Games Other PC Peripherals Memory Kits
As you already know for some time, yesterday (September 25 / September) organized candy jars for wedding AMD quite a grand event for journalists (High-elven marketing department "event"; badly told a press conference) on the Hawaiian candy jars for wedding archipelago. According to initial information is supposed to be a sort of technological demonstration of the new GPU called moreover Hawaii. Eventually, however, mainly lectured about something completely different - and fortunately much more interesting.
I admit that I had from the beginning a little feeling that generosity events held in the Pacific will be more in inverse proportion to the importance of what AMD will perform. Given that the new GPU Hawaii still uses the GCN architecture and is therefore not so radically new, it just seemed that nothing much interesting from AMD falls out. In fact, however, I was mistaken, the company showcased quite surprising news, and so all these maneuvers with journalists migration to distant lands seems to make sense.
The very recently candy jars for wedding notified graphics, nothing too interesting not produced. Nor about the old-new and přeznačených, or about the truly new, based on GPU Hawaii, many words been made. AMD is actually dismissed candy jars for wedding in a few minutes at the beginning of the presentation and are not too bothered with details. O what will be the assembly generation Radeon graphics cards Volcanic Islands, you can read the news in this particular. It soon became clear that the focus of the demo will not GPU as such, but three new technologies that have the AMD build it.
When the action GPU14 after a long delay caused by technical problems began, some would probably noticed that AMD for some reason puts the image next to customary emphasis on the sound. Introductory candy jars for wedding video underscored that the picture without sound (and vice versa) simply is not a complete experience. Then he showed why: AMD enters the field of digital audio. The manufacturer of graphics cards, it is a rather surprising move, but everything makes sense, if the Radeon introduce not only video, but also and especially gaming accelerators. Producing rich and realistic sound in games allow the company wants to use its technology TrueAudio (or full name TrueAudio AMD Technology).
TrueAudio will simply put technology to accelerate audio in games. It should enable a quick run different effects in computer games, and a fully programmable - over TrueAudio candy jars for wedding will be possible to write a whole line of different effects candy jars for wedding and techniques according to specific needs. Graphic Vice President Raja Koduri AMD (AMD recently caught it from Apple) likened it to the way he gradually increased the scope of what can GPU: first pipeline was fixed, then programmable shaders, and now handle candy jars for wedding general computing. True Audio delivers fully programmable calculations with audio data, all accelerated by the GPU.
Although we expect that TrueAudio will be implemented candy jars for wedding directly on stream processors, a task type as GPGPU (over OpenCL), it is not. According to the server PC Perspective AMD said the new chip in Hawaii for this purpose included the special DSP, which will be reserved for the sound operation and therefore will not eat away the graphics performance. Thanks to specialization also probably be more efficient. TrueAudio so but will be supported on this circuit card endowments - officially, the model Radeon R9 290 and R9 290x-based chip Hawaii, while older Radeons (or new ones created přeznačením older GPU) are out of luck. Technology also naturally be available on GeForce cards - hence serve as the exclusive candy jars for wedding "enticement" to purchase cards from AMD.
Interestingly, AMD also announced support for Radeon cards R7 260X. We do not know exactly what the GPU is based (heavily cropped Hawaii's probably not), but theoretically it could be a chip Bonaire. Is already candy jars for wedding listed GPU from AMD youngest, and perhaps therefore it could no longer contain DSP, only for him has not had software support. However, this is only conjecture, to resolve the mystery will have to wait for more information. candy jars for wedding
The aim is obviously to facilitate the work processor that is in the game often a bottleneck - while its capacity limits what the author can play with the sound carried. TrueAudio calculated on the GPU should therefore allow much better effects, such as different reflections and echoes with programmable character, and much more mixing of sound channels in the scene (in the lecture, spoke to the hundreds). A naturally more spatial experience of the resulting sound. This is accomplished by integrating the graphics engine games - data about the positions of sound sources are directly available and mixing because it may be more faithful. However, after processing on the graphics card are otherwise completely normal audio data transmitted audio adapter, so do not worry that you will need headphones or speakers connected to the graphics.
What can TrueAudio, demonstrates AMD (with industry partners) to surround mixing audio and simulation directions increase

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