Sunday, October 27, 2013

Consumed the liter of vegetable cooking oil. Do not forget the donuts should be cooked well in hot

The most delicious donuts ever - Kaunas Express spurginėje, which has not changed since my childhood. Here are boiled in exactly the same donuts as before some twenty five years. shells of an atom Employing the same waitress that I was dubbed "keturasdašimt-penkasdašimt" because it is very hard and strangely pronounces number. Not a hair does not change spurginės interior - throughout the length of the narrow two-way stretch bar, which rotates inside the nimble waitresses. The room is surrounded by a wall mirror with small, though it is artificial leather ornaments. The Liberty Avenue side - turn unattractive window hidden under the white curtains and neon kaproninėmis legend above them - "Express." As a child here (and in the other half of the former Liberty Avenue spurginę too) užsukdavom the granddaddy, which my mom then indulgent complained that prisikirtom before dinner donuts and nebeturim appetite. Oh, that appetite. I remember that one very well the great donuts - leavened considerably larger than the palm of my baby, sloppy off-white sugar glaze and apple jam, which is expelled through the taikydavosi bitten donut side. Take-away tassel handing with a square shells of an atom gray cloth wrapping paper, which little by little greasy, shells of an atom are covered with dark, toes the size of spots. After Grandmother died, I turned five years old and their parents moved from Liberty Avenue to one of the new Kaunas district. But then, during the school years, there užsukdavom with his mother, then - with the klasiokėm, usually with Ruth or Jurga. shells of an atom And when the numbers Birute Pūkelevičiūtė novel "Eight leaves the scene where the Birute bendraklasėmis after school who came down the stairs to the Liberty Avenue, close to the ice-cream parlor, which shed light on the corner of backpacks and seated at the bar smaguriaudavo ice cream - always imagined your spurginę. And now also I imagine. Maybe because it has not changed during shells of an atom my lifetime than once and it seems to me that she is supposed to be and many times before shells of an atom becoming my spurgine. Studentship in here ateidavom not just donuts, but for nearly four litas eat a cup of chicken broth with cake. And the chicken soup was no worse than donuts shells of an atom - some tikrutėliausias with the bottom of the volcanic chicken pieces. And prisrėbusios broth always take away pasiimdavom after donut with jam. Login to "Express" and, later, she was already working, here vedžiausi her husband, who was not yet my husband and co-workers. And now, every time I have a chance to walk along Liberty shells of an atom Avenue, always visit your childhood spurginę where nothing changes. As if in an old Russian Pyramid Animation movie where the mother's husband suddenly returns home turned into a small boy and a new experience of childhood adventures. Yes, and I, as well as unfair, even back then, where nothing has changed. Original Recipe 2.25 for dry wheat flour, 2 cups lukewarm milk, 1.5 cup of melted shells of an atom butter, a cup of sugar, 60-70 g of yeast, 10 egg yolks, a pinch of salt, 0.75 kg of oil. Unscrew the egg yolks with the sugar until white, mixed with other products, salt, knead the dough and leave to rise. Then roll it out on the boards, glass squeeze circles continue to do so, as in the previous description of the *. * "... Fried in hot oil. Baked stepped shells of an atom onto the mesh, lining as absorbent paper to drain the fat. Before shells of an atom serving shells of an atom sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon." Experience tips Donuts dough kneaded from the side products (cooked a large bowl of small CROQUETTES), at its discretion even IBERIA vanilla. Meal consumed the 1.1-liter, but the next time you do without that extra hundred grams, since the dough was just-just-a-little too heavy. Nevertheless, I must compliment the dough elasticity and for the fact that kočiojama totally resisting the hand.
Consumed the liter of vegetable cooking oil. Do not forget the donuts should be cooked well in hot oil, they nemirktų and cooked. Do not move away from the pot, since the hot fat is very hot, they cook food quickly and in time begin to pull Svilo. To avoid svilimo are advised to carefully throw hot grease (or rather put the entry) peeled potatoes, and in order that the products neprisigertų too fat - said to be added to the batter shots. I occasionally when Verdu large amount of donuts, shells of an atom donuts, shells of an atom or leaves the nest, using potatoes approach. Vodka refills because of the pastry neprisigertų fat - really hot enough to boil, but not "heated fat (this can be checked by throwing a small piece of dough or flour žiupsniuką IBERIA - if they immediately start cooking - fat enough already hot. And what tricks you do take you?
Pulled spurgytes Drain sieve, then poured out into a bowl, pabarsčiau icing sugar and ... two of them ate. Awfully tasty for sure that puikiosios donuts. Recommend it. With milky cocoa ... cup of mint tea or fragrant white coffee. Or without shells of an atom n

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