Friday, October 4, 2013

A music magazine for musicians

A music magazine for musicians
G-Lab - great guitar effects test is the second time I have the honor rate products Polish companies G-Lab. I once tested their foot-programmable controller for switching effects, and MIDI channels. great support This time came, inter alia, improved version of the driver, but I admit that I am not a person who would up and reveled in the programming of switching systems, MIDI channels and the like. I believe that the new version of this pedal, effects controler will be better than the previous one, however, because I used to test the original model did, I decided to test now rather only individual effects and TB Wah-Pad that I did not repeat in many ways. Test I conducted with strat type guitar, single great support sensor Real '54, amplifier Marshall Plexi 50 (bass channel) and speakers Celestion Greenback Heritage 20W. For comparison, I had a lot of different overdrive effects, Box TB compared to interconnecting signals, analog great support delay and digital delay / hall effect and finally Vox wah pedals, and Dunlop. Dual Reverb Small, nice box, promising two independently adjustable Hall. So, go ahead! great support The very sound reverbs: In position slide switch 1 is reverb enjoyable, though more "analog" sounding. Position 2 is noticeably "digitálněji" great support sounding. Perhaps this situation will be more convenient for applications where the required "full band" sound. That is, when some studio applications - for example, INSERT mixer, some types of loops for multi-channel amplifiers biased channel great support pre-AMPU great support (but do not dare to say that universally in all, because when the loop itself was not hilarious, it can not even thus well thought out effect to meet, or help to improve the sound ...) on a practical level, this effect great support is very "stubborn" because it actually does not allow normal function off their feet - eff off / bypass. Only allows switching between channels A and B. If I need to put into effect the actual position bypass - free sound effect - not even an external Remote input for optional footswitch. It can be solved only by the one of the two channels (A or B) selecting the Level to zero, ie pull the potentiometer down the left, and then me this "channel" effect plays without Hall, as an electronic bypass. Dual Reverb sounds good both clean and with distorted sounds. If I was looking downright errors, then generally the main thing is that the tone of the reverb is digital as opposed to "analog" signal is far less enforce, such as the classic spring reverb in the system. On the other hand, the effect again "decent", though more "studio", and in a handy, easily portable box, available at any time. You can also operate on both the length of the reverb / Halle not only its intensity. So it depends on whether the guitarist looking for "indecent but naturally prudish great support 'Spring Hall system, or might prefer" mastered "sounding studio-quality effects and practical, easy to carry size ... The overall effect are positive because the sound is decent, I'd almost beyond "digital options" in this category. I'd probably be afraid to put it into gear when I longed great support Hall in a miniaturized form. The design is typical of many G-Lab. great support This itself as a manufacturer of effects do not and can not comment because I do not for a second, sophomore, what one likes, another summarily reject. Let, then, the matter does in real life view each his own ... Current consumption at power supply great support 9-10 V I measured about 70 mA, 80 mA manufacturer says, which is a digital reverb normal value. As a "natural opponent" digital effects can, paradoxically, this Dual reverb compliment rather than to him "spit fire and brimstone." In its category, is a fairly decent product ... Dual Vintage Overdrive, I'm afraid this does not sound to me Overdrive vintage, and as the voice of his name. Vintage great support overdrivery type Boss OD-1, SD-1, Ibanez TS808, TS9, TS10, etc. sound really quite different than the effect. G-Lab Dual Vintage Overdrive sounds great support too modern for it to be able to present to the outside world called "vintage". Sounds a bit like "lighter" distortion with hard clipping - claim limitations. Frequency is colored in sharp treble and full-sounding bass, which is the opposite of vintage overdriverů that had soft feet with a light obscuration into melodic mid and bass cut by the model treble booster, because "bulging" 100W Marshall then stages already "bellowed" at basses themselves and had to be rather "zastředit", ie their riotous sound tame to more specifically, tighter sounding midrange. The Overdrive is not at all of this time and does not correspond to sound old types of overdrive effects. great support It belongs more to the present, a lot of guitarists playing at less resonant devices and need to push them through appropriate great support aggression, which of course has the Dual Overdrive. So I would recommend it for a more modern style, where the requirement for aggressive, "cirkulárkový" sound ... Control works like this: Two sections, or rather two overdrive circuits CH1 and CH2

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