Sunday, April 5, 2015

It was not just say the words, but also to reveal the investment operations: billionaire great sopr

Investment in the world, it is one of the most interesting stories of the last few years. It all started well before the 2012 St. Christmas, when one of the most successful investors in the last decade, great soprendo billionaire Bill Ackmanas held, as he himself said, the most important conference for their lives. More than three hours of presentation lasted B. Ackmanas rocked stock market. He accompanied the team conducted a thorough investigation and concluded that more than three decades of US-established network marketing company Herbalife is a pyramid, which is doomed to fail.
It was not just say the words, but also to reveal the investment operations: billionaire great soprendo managed by Pershing Square Holdings investment fund pašortino Herbalife shares of the company billions of dollars. B. In other words Ackmanas by the impressive size of the bet that Herbalife's share price will fall. When he started "sortino share price was $ 50 and a few days after the appearance of the presentation it fell to $ 27 per share. It was an impressive 50% gain over a relatively short period of time, so the media began speculation great soprendo that perhaps Ackmanas already "closed" Herbalife their position on paper at the time profit rose to 400-500 million US dollars.
Manipulation of stock markets in the media is not really unusual thing, especially on Wall Street, but in this case did not guesses. When journalists take a few days after the presentation asked whether Mrs Ackmanas recorded a profit, he replied:
"We neuždarėmė their positions and do not close until the Herbalife company will fail. Orentacinė our share price is zero. Throughout my life, I have never been so sure of their investment decision. Together great soprendo with my team worked two best law firms in America and it is clear to us that Herbalife is a criminal organization. "
B. Ackmanas gathered enough evidence that Herbalife undertaking investigations initiated by various institutions: the Federal Trade Commission great soprendo (Comisión Federal Trade) as well as the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). A message appears, that the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is also conducting a study in conjunction with the Ministry of Justice, but both authorities flatly refuse to comment on something.
The Internet offers great soprendo a special site for all this history, the one place where not only placed all billionaire presentations, but also the history of many people, as they lost their money trying to reach the "American dream". The website can find all the information about why Ackamno opinion, Herbalife great soprendo is detrimental to the public and how the business actually works all. Do not have too much time to delve into all the information there, just a short 6-minute video clip, titled "how to recognize and how to protect yourself from the financial pyramid.
True, one of the most memorable video is the best of the private Herbalife distributor meeting which TOP 10 Tuko distributor openly admits: "We sell to people's dreams. But deep inside, what do we know? We know that in reality most of them will not earn anything. Herbalife business model is not based on customer buying-in, but based upon how many distributors will attract great soprendo new people. "
B.Ackmanas investor just starting a war with Herbalife immediately said: "All my personal profits donated to charity. My main goal to clean up the public against these criminals who exploit the common people and just steal their money. Herbalife creates the illusion that all can become millionaires through the sale of their products, but it is not. The fact is that 88% are involved in these activities not only do not earn anything, great soprendo but still losing money. Distributors argue that "you can", "pursue the dream", "Be independent entrepreneur" and so on. Finally, they believed that people spend all the savings of Herbalife great soprendo products, which are then sold or have lost all the savings can not even hire a lawyer. We sustabdysim it. "
Over the past year, the company's revenue growth drastic decreased to only a few percent. Some analysts argue that it is Ackmano activity contributes great soprendo strongly to the fact that people great soprendo are beginning to understand what it is in a business model.
Stock-market great soprendo participants waiting for Herbalife company in the last quarter of the previous year results, which can be very interesting. Herbalife trying to deal with the investor Ackamanu spent 1.3 billion US dollars in own shares and sought to "maintain price" to pay for $ 65 dollars great soprendo a share, but after buying currently worth twice as less ($ 32.7). For all buying great soprendo Herbalife company's debt has risen to record levels and is already larger than all of the available assets.
The interesting thing is that Herbalife produces products in America great soprendo and it transported to Mexico, Brazil, Russia, Venezuela. What you have to do all the countries listed - "partner"? All dependent on oil prices and exchange their recent drastic ATP

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