Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Alcohol Alcohol can be considered for ultra fast carbohydrate. Eat sensibly and with joy. Avoid liq

High-fat low carbohydrate Nutrition (BM-HBX) :: Personal Coach
Complete sources of protein and healthy fats are meat, eggs and cheese. Each meal must be present animal protein to make it a full meal according to our physiology. To assimilate proteins need a full set of minerals (Ca, Mg, Zn, Fe, etc.). Protein powder no absorption in the body and made of a sugar. 1. Meat
Under meat understand the whole animal - muscle (red and white meat) and all other organs. Fish is also meat. The human body has authority identical to those in the animal and we need concentrated in these substances. The meat is cooked alangle smoothie to go cup to keep the protein.
CAUTION! If proteins are over 45% of calories the body uses a significant part of their energy production. This overloads the liver, increases acidity and leads to inflammation. Therefore meat with low fat (fillet) must be supplemented with fat (butter, bacon, lard, cream).
Important organs: Liver - Vitamin A (Retinol, missing in plants); very complete set of minerals and vitamins. Heart - CoQ10 needed for energy production in cells Chapter - brain - a full range of fatty acids and cholesterol needed to build each cell, steroid hormones smoothie to go cup and more key life processes; eyes (Retinol). Bone - as a broth which contains the bone marrow and minerals. Cartilages of ribs and joints.
Important animals: long lived, usually the larger species (pork, smoothie to go cup beef, lamb), had more time to accumulate trace elements from poor industrial feed. Pig closest structurally and chemically to man, which makes it a complete smoothie to go cup source of nutrients. Chicken is the poor, because the chicken industry grows only 35 days. Sausages must be raw dried and without liquids. 2. Eggs
The yolk is the most important and valuable in the egg, there are 40% of all protein and minerals and vitamins. Egg is built around the body with all the vital organs and systems, and we accept them as food for our bodies. Eggs may constitute from 1-2 daily meals. Preparation: soft-boiled to preserve the substances in the yolk, or severe (laid out not more than 14 days). 3. Cheese smoothie to go cup
Good cheeses are thick and greasy, brine, cheese, mozzarella, cheddar and gouda. Are preferably sheep. Avoid processed and smoked cheese, and milk. Yogurt today has lost much of its benefit.
Cholesterol is present in each of the three listed food groups because it builds every cell of the body, steroid hormones (testosterone, estrogen, progesterone, cortisol), involved in digestion, in the absorption of fat soluble vitamins and many other important processes. Meat is made of cells with cholesterol, the egg will build cells and hormones, milk is a food rich in building material. Consumption of foods rich in saturated fat and cholesterol did not increase cholesterol levels in the blood. II. 1. Saturated fats (animal oils)
The plant oliya use only raw, cold-pressed, in limited quantities, up to 5 tablespoons per day. Do not cook them with heat, because fats are oxidized and become cancerous. Completely remove oil, margarine and other processed unsaturated fats. III. Carbohydrates smoothie to go cup
Fast carbohydrates are simple structure began to break even in the saliva and feel sweet taste - fruit, honey, chocolate smoothie to go cup and so on. They quickly smoothie to go cup come and go quickly from the blood. In large quantities leads to obesity and diabetes. In small amounts (less than 15% of daily calories) smoothie to go cup and sense lead only to taste delight.
Alcohol Alcohol can be considered for ultra fast carbohydrate. Eat sensibly and with joy. Avoid liqueurs because it combines high alcohol content and sugar. 2. Slow / complex / starchy smoothie to go cup carbohydrates
Slow carbohydrates are complex structure and their degradation takes time. They bring a lot of energy / calories and quickly exhaust the quota of 15%. In most cases the intact parts of the colon and fermented therein, irritating it. 3. Fiber
CAUTION! Fibers in the higher amounts are harmful - not assimilated, inhibit the absorption of protein and minerals, irritate and damage the small intestine are fermented smoothie to go cup in the colon and inflamed. For natural bowel movements are important water and fat from the diet, which maintain the intestinal mucosa moist and clean.
Vegetables in small salad or garnish. Leaf (lettuce, spinach), turnips, cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes, broccoli, green beans, cauliflower. Maybe mushrooms. Avoid starch - legumes and cereals - potato, beans, rice, grain and everything from flour, lentils, corn, soybeans.
Time between meals, at least 5 h. Eat 2-3 times a day, to allow time for the food to be degraded in the stomach and is ready for execution in the Te

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