Friday, April 17, 2015

Hey, Alex, May contemporaries with you (if you set 92). :) Happy 2 years and a half! And yes, I als

About two weeks ago were two and half years since my friend and I are together. And maybe it does not look anything much, but for us, two young men in their twenties, these two and a half years are many. You may find it strange that not a whole number, shells melbourne but I like my half. And two years ago around this date was prom us a wonderful day filled with many emotions. And because of this and many other reasons I wanted to do something special. I knew that one cheesecake would be much appreciated, but my selfish desire to make beautiful cake - something I have not done in a long time, prevailed. I mean, cheesecake can be eaten with or without reason! Little pozabavih implementation, but I do not stop us from enjoying this temptation. A very caloric temptation, but who is watching these things ... :)
If you've seen and other cakes I have ever done, this probably decoration remind lemon ombre cake. Honestly I did this cake idea to look like that, obviously just this type of decoration (a little reminiscent of those of my wedding cakes) shells melbourne I like. I chose the chocolate cake, which contrast with the snow-white surface of the cake. The idea of filling passed through many stages and evolved until he reached the orange cream with cream cheese and sour cream. Overall I am very pleased with the taste and look of the cake. Definitely not the easiest cakes, orange refreshes but otherwise very heavy combination of chocolate shells melbourne and cream cheese. And reminds shells melbourne a lot of summer. Roses made of sugar dough (which I bought, I'm not prepared I). Not quite as true, but if I will soon put pictures how to make roses without the use of incisors (I'm still not gain any). Recipe for chocolate shells melbourne cake I took a small change shells melbourne from the blog of Irene.
Products latter must (used with a diameter 18-20sm.): 350 g. Chocolate 350 g. Flour 20 g. Coconut flour 20 g. Cocoa without shells melbourne sugar 3 tsp baking powder 90 g. soft butter 100 g. 150 g of powdered sugar. granulated sugar 4 eggs 180ml. shells melbourne milk Heat the oven to 180 C. The chocolate was melted on a water bath. In a bowl mix the dry ingredients - flour, cocoa, coconut and baking powder. Soft butter Beat with sugar until light fluffy cream. shells melbourne Add eggs one by one after each Beat well with mixer. The dry ingredients are added several times, alternating with milk. Begins and ends with the dry. Is added and melted chocolate. The mixture is poured into the greased form with baking paper on the bottom. shells melbourne I divided mixture of two and baked twice. So divided, the two marshes bake in preheated oven for about 45 minutes. If you bake mixture all at once, time will be doubled. Bake until the stick, stuck in the middle, shells melbourne not dry out. When the latter must be done, are removed from the oven and turn on the grill, where they remain until their full cooling. When ready, each of the latter must not be divided into two thinner. shells melbourne
Products cream: 400-450 grams. Cream cheese 100 ml. liquid cream 125 g. powdered sugar Butter Butter is broken, until it begins to look like a fluffy cream. Add cream cheese and shake until a homogeneous shells melbourne mixture. Powdered sugar sifted. Beat again until the sugar is absorbed by the cream. In a separate bowl, cream shake to snow. Using a spatula is added to the cream. Orange peel grated and added later.
For assembly: 1 orange milk 300ml. liquid cream flesh of the orange peel of the skin. And each piece is broken into several smaller shells melbourne ones. On the plate or tray for cake put a little cream as swamps to 'stick' and the cake does not move. Insert the first cake and syrup with a little warm milk. With Posh or spoon is allocated shells melbourne part of the cream. With spatula evens. Top is placed next crust. And it is syrupy. Distribute part of the cream. Above distributed orange pieces, lightly pressed into the cream in order to obtain a flat surface. Proceed the same way for the next two marshes - no orange pieces. The quantity of cream I did was enough for three layers of cream and stayed to do so-called Crumb Couto. The idea is that with this first layer of cream is sealed all the crumbs that would otherwise be shown in swamps surface of the cake. Once with orange cream make the first layer cake arrives in the fridge until harden - about an hour. Beat the cream until firm snow. When the cake is cooled, cover all with the cream. Smoothed well with spatula. The amount of cream is enough and long and for decoration. Garnish as desired and the cake is ready! Enjoy!
Hey, Alex, May contemporaries with you (if you set 92). :) Happy 2 years and a half! And yes, I also appreciate the half. ;) And the cake is really cr

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