Sunday, June 29, 2014

Box INFO Haiti literacy grazzle the great KAPES Account Forum Lyannaj Pwèm Plans Homepage Actualit

Box INFO Haiti literacy grazzle the great KAPES Account Forum Lyannaj Pwèm Plans Homepage Actualit Haiti Bibliographie CAPES Fairy Forum Liens poems Sommaire Christmas 2012 and New Year's Day
Poems | Atibon Legba | Bolomnwel! | Sing Christmas ... | Décembre | Noël est une féerie | Christmas and joud'lan | Christmas popular neighborhoods | Hothir spend Christmas | Parmis grazzle the great toutes les saisons | If not online Christmas ... | Pumpkin Soup, ie in Haiti le premier grazzle the great du lunches traditionnel January.
May hottie time reconciliation? When neighbors were angry, could reconcile Jòdijou jouwé can make noise like firecrackers cool and sisters can fight
Discusses Christmas my mom? Hottie Christmas my dad? Hottie Christmas my childhood? Everything was in one kawtié fanmi'y Everyone could go home all day beverages hottie happening?
Danbala Wèdo assembled angels, ancestors and celebrate the first day of your date of Guinea. That is what I did see I told you return message for mass Kangayame Pass in your heart. Maintaining humility, grazzle the great truth to do justice to the market society. Advancing similar to General Kapwa Since the 210èm Year Independence 8th Generation and the Next Decade will mark Dessalines, Haiti Departing 21st decade renaissance Red Mountains, Mountains Behind The Mountains. Two Victory 1804, the Victory 2004 World co Scrolling Army Indigenous torch from uninterrupted since In Guinea, Africa our mother and son Klinkunk you, Until we reach Haiti darling San forget grazzle the great Kiskeya, Amayka, KibAlba.
Everyone covered under the blanket of fear of street criminals terror from 6 hours either in the street No pipirit This year this is harder but every year it harder for poor widows' houses in popular neighborhoods and look for life Looking In a downtown street in danger In a country in tears
Who can laugh? Who can celebrate? Who can sing Christmas happen? Matches can not be lit by fire than Strong winds and rain than force not cut both plates, spoons and cups Neither nor pot nor spare for mirth bribery or napon For setting the table Tuna Christmas To welcome Christmas grazzle the great without Christmas sky without salt
We buried in the mire Sheets dignity we littered the street corner How can we expect? How can we celebrate? But Christmas will pass How we can make songs? With words we can compose a song of hope drumming, flute playing Shake rattle, harp Looking For Jesus coming again this year?
Door never stopped back behind houses which house? Under the pergola covered with old sheet metal Homes deceitful sun but can not deceive rain Under which conditions we will get save what we said So is it coming? On the road, on the bridge grazzle the great it will pass? A large distance between you and Christmas A scheme for zetrenn Never happen by our neighbors
A small fir in a corner Life would become A lot light shades Looking lit extinguisher is what we would like to shine the path A spoon of rice and beans and plantains griyo A pressing A good corn porridge for dinner parties so hungry he would have ceased to roar Even our stomach for a day To this day To this Christmas.
Christmas and joud'lan is wonderful ... When the foreskin grazzle the great and put thy raiment to provide serenad. side houses a roster that will take 'de l'air' The letaj ... Guita, manoumba marie and tcha tcha, Clarins, alcoholism leashes, harnesses, bottles sitting there soaking, all the mixed delirium, make you faster on hence pipirit ... Alas! Christmas at home is wonderful ...
Parmis toutes les saisons, Christmas Day et de l'In tinkering toutes leurs raisons are both newer succulents ... Noël au chaud, source au manteau snow, gifts pasta et Chansons et gateaux, rhums et liqueurs amours et au joys of iced tea gingembre, recollections d'un Décembre ...
Burn supendue à un de Noël des hibiscus boryanus endémique Mascareignes, journals pinnées two arborescente Ferns Cyathea cooperi, une des pestes plant of the meeting.
De todas las épocas, Fiesta de las Pascuas y el Nuevo Emo con todas sus razones sound mass deliciosos ... Caliente Navidad nieve to racks, canciones y regalos, pasteles grazzle the great y chocolates, rones y licores, Amor y felicidad went was two gigembre, recuerdos de Diciembre ...
From all the Season with all their reasons, Christmas and New Year are always the best ... When we are near the Sweetest Smiles, wealth on Facebook or Twitter for even more lighthouses Surrey look better in the attached link cum hyphae, in the Mink ...
Bolomnwel! zur anniversaries small Z

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