Monday, June 30, 2014

maxi dress with trailing arm - English: Grant maxi dress with trailing arm made of fabric from the

To facilitate small hint: - a fairy tale begins with the letter A as both Polish and foreign versions. first name of the letter S. A fish is still here fin-fish tripod fluid head in the middle I put a little ociepliny and pierced so that she did a three-dimensional :)
Wiolu-no it is not Akwalans and Shellsea, but good to know about the new fairy tale :) Xementyna-no it is not :) I MiniMini too many fairy tales did not know, but just that we have on board, and the child is of the Assumption. The second hint-I know it is not easy. This fish out of a fairy tale for sure is yellow and has a corrugated fins. To this moves in a bucket of water. October 7, 2012 13:14
Yes, yes! It skipper of a fairy tale about Andzia. Gazyniu congratulations :) Give me a mail with an address for shipping prize. PS We have only one disc, on which there are 3 or 4 stories, the same dialogues about the Loch Ness monster I already know by heart. Comforted me with these booklets. I have to see if I can find something in our bookstore. October 7, 2012 23:06
2013 (23) August (1) June (6) May (6) April (3) March (2) February (5) 2012 (82) December (7) November (7) October (5) Fairy skirt / / Wróżkowa skirt with application Promotion for the weekend :) We threads! New in cloth patch-dressmaker scissors, cent ... III National Congress of creatively twisted in Ustro ... Small contest with a fish-is a winner :) September (10) August (10) July (8) June ( 8) May (12) April (3) March (4) February (5) January (3) 2011 (62) December (8) November (4) October (6) September ( 2) August (9) July (8) June (5) May (8) April (3) March (2) February (4) January (3)
Summer Plans while I get ready to SEE you in SEPTEMBER .... - Hello Peeps Gosh I hope you are staying cool or warm as the other side of our earth is experiencing winter ..... I have a lot of things tripod fluid head planned this Summer .....
Aviatrix Medallion Quilt-Along: Border 6 - This post is part of a quilt-along for my aviatrix Medallion quilt. You can read more about the quilt-along here. The pattern is available in my shop. We're ...
maxi dress with trailing arm - English: Grant maxi dress with trailing arm made of fabric from the bottom drawer. The elastic waist, neck and hem finished with ... Continue reading
We Mysteryquilt topp 2013 is finished today! - I am doing a small happy dance :-) This was a good one to finish. It has been a wonderful thing to be a part of Fatquartershops Bom 2013. I have signed up ...
Sine Nomine Ensemble and a meeting with music by Boccherini - Some time ago I had the pleasure to listen to a concert, dedicated to the works of the eminent Italian composer Luigi Boccherini (1743-1805) on the occasion of j ..
Frozen-inspired Elsa Costume {Tutorial} - I promised I'd Celeste sew her an Elsa costume (and boy, did she nag me until I got it done!). So here it is: Kids costumes are often difficult for kids ...
Workshops patchwork in Szczecin! - * So much is happening! ** This is a me ... I fly with an empty wheelbarrow, because there is no time to load ;) ** For over a year there is a group of Szczecin necks. We meet ...
Dress for wedding for 1zł? Why not :) - What does a typical woman while waiting for her important celebration like a wedding brother? Sure traverses the length tripod fluid head and breadth of shopping malls in search of this unique, beautiful ...
My project at Love Patchwork & Quilting and a giveaway! - Recently, Jenny, tripod fluid head the editor of Love Patchwork & Quilting, asked me if I would like to share my Cassette tapes paper piecing design with readers of this mag ...
Brazilian coffee in the orchard / In the orchard to the Brazilian Coffee - How to "go Brazilian" if you're not a football fan? That's easy - with coffee! If they deliver one third of all coffee in the world, I guess I have some in my T. ..
Jasper Green, and a little announcement. -
So, you're a photographer and you like a quilt? (And a Giveaway :)) - It's been awhile. Again. But I am so excited to share this quilt. In our house, photography is a big deal. Discussions about photography over the dinner this ...
August-Sept Sew-It ... today's New Project - I really like working with the people at Sew-It ... today magazine. Recently they asked me to submit another project for the August-September issue. I made a ..
06 - Weekend in the bookcase - Glossary Clothing - Recently I received my book Fri "Dictionary of Fashion", which long hunted. Before buying I had the opportunity to see inside, so she knew ...
- Hello strangers! Can it really be since Memor

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Box INFO Haiti literacy grazzle the great KAPES Account Forum Lyannaj Pwèm Plans Homepage Actualit

Box INFO Haiti literacy grazzle the great KAPES Account Forum Lyannaj Pwèm Plans Homepage Actualit Haiti Bibliographie CAPES Fairy Forum Liens poems Sommaire Christmas 2012 and New Year's Day
Poems | Atibon Legba | Bolomnwel! | Sing Christmas ... | Décembre | Noël est une féerie | Christmas and joud'lan | Christmas popular neighborhoods | Hothir spend Christmas | Parmis grazzle the great toutes les saisons | If not online Christmas ... | Pumpkin Soup, ie in Haiti le premier grazzle the great du lunches traditionnel January.
May hottie time reconciliation? When neighbors were angry, could reconcile Jòdijou jouwé can make noise like firecrackers cool and sisters can fight
Discusses Christmas my mom? Hottie Christmas my dad? Hottie Christmas my childhood? Everything was in one kawtié fanmi'y Everyone could go home all day beverages hottie happening?
Danbala Wèdo assembled angels, ancestors and celebrate the first day of your date of Guinea. That is what I did see I told you return message for mass Kangayame Pass in your heart. Maintaining humility, grazzle the great truth to do justice to the market society. Advancing similar to General Kapwa Since the 210èm Year Independence 8th Generation and the Next Decade will mark Dessalines, Haiti Departing 21st decade renaissance Red Mountains, Mountains Behind The Mountains. Two Victory 1804, the Victory 2004 World co Scrolling Army Indigenous torch from uninterrupted since In Guinea, Africa our mother and son Klinkunk you, Until we reach Haiti darling San forget grazzle the great Kiskeya, Amayka, KibAlba.
Everyone covered under the blanket of fear of street criminals terror from 6 hours either in the street No pipirit This year this is harder but every year it harder for poor widows' houses in popular neighborhoods and look for life Looking In a downtown street in danger In a country in tears
Who can laugh? Who can celebrate? Who can sing Christmas happen? Matches can not be lit by fire than Strong winds and rain than force not cut both plates, spoons and cups Neither nor pot nor spare for mirth bribery or napon For setting the table Tuna Christmas To welcome Christmas grazzle the great without Christmas sky without salt
We buried in the mire Sheets dignity we littered the street corner How can we expect? How can we celebrate? But Christmas will pass How we can make songs? With words we can compose a song of hope drumming, flute playing Shake rattle, harp Looking For Jesus coming again this year?
Door never stopped back behind houses which house? Under the pergola covered with old sheet metal Homes deceitful sun but can not deceive rain Under which conditions we will get save what we said So is it coming? On the road, on the bridge grazzle the great it will pass? A large distance between you and Christmas A scheme for zetrenn Never happen by our neighbors
A small fir in a corner Life would become A lot light shades Looking lit extinguisher is what we would like to shine the path A spoon of rice and beans and plantains griyo A pressing A good corn porridge for dinner parties so hungry he would have ceased to roar Even our stomach for a day To this day To this Christmas.
Christmas and joud'lan is wonderful ... When the foreskin grazzle the great and put thy raiment to provide serenad. side houses a roster that will take 'de l'air' The letaj ... Guita, manoumba marie and tcha tcha, Clarins, alcoholism leashes, harnesses, bottles sitting there soaking, all the mixed delirium, make you faster on hence pipirit ... Alas! Christmas at home is wonderful ...
Parmis toutes les saisons, Christmas Day et de l'In tinkering toutes leurs raisons are both newer succulents ... Noël au chaud, source au manteau snow, gifts pasta et Chansons et gateaux, rhums et liqueurs amours et au joys of iced tea gingembre, recollections d'un Décembre ...
Burn supendue à un de Noël des hibiscus boryanus endémique Mascareignes, journals pinnées two arborescente Ferns Cyathea cooperi, une des pestes plant of the meeting.
De todas las épocas, Fiesta de las Pascuas y el Nuevo Emo con todas sus razones sound mass deliciosos ... Caliente Navidad nieve to racks, canciones y regalos, pasteles grazzle the great y chocolates, rones y licores, Amor y felicidad went was two gigembre, recuerdos de Diciembre ...
From all the Season with all their reasons, Christmas and New Year are always the best ... When we are near the Sweetest Smiles, wealth on Facebook or Twitter for even more lighthouses Surrey look better in the attached link cum hyphae, in the Mink ...
Bolomnwel! zur anniversaries small Z

Saturday, June 28, 2014

If we pose the problem most disadvantaged masses, the group that does not have mouths that they may

He oeil sociologique just cause on death janil Louis
Search Category A propos the psychologie et linguistique he ethnologie linguistiqu (1) poetry (4) poetry / sociology (2) sociology (9) Archives Mensuelles buffet warming trays Ferrières 2014 décembre 2011 October 2011 September 2011 June 2010 Liens Créer un blog meta Signup Login
Your January 12, 2010 about 2 hours before the earthquake. a teacher who had made his neck in mother n father and we were trying to make their concept landed in the Haitian language, a DYED, an agronomist, a doctor of sociology, a writer, a guy who did 'battling to cause people, take three (3) bullet ...
Ask Anil death problem we must also be posed problems and death Dessalines James Romanian and many others that we cited in this text, which they also used to open their coup causes than people the same way, I'll stay on this. Stand about three (3) these Dessalines, Romanian, Anil.
If we pose the problem most disadvantaged masses, the group that does not have mouths that they may forget, teaches them their duties. That a minority of prey and the large majority are suffering. System two (2) half of this Dessalines said: Nay We recall memory if not short, it posed problems redistribution of wealth, separation of soil, for these were plotted specified his 17 October 1806. create buffet warming trays a cool image battering some years after independence without emphasizing what it would unleash a few years later in history we. System pezesouse this arbitrary masses, should not change, including WIC should buffet warming trays not have taken those positions, nor does he talk on, anyone who takes this position is for his death. Dessalines is the first example that anyone buffet warming trays who wants to change this. Many government than most is pimp, reactionary, puppet, groups of high and medium output white to speak in slang day today the international community. Also remember Dessalines buffet warming trays also pose problems color, he wanted to society did not 'sit on skin color but on people, we remember the 1805 constitution buffet warming trays and orders. Questions inner child, illegitimate children, Haiti was not me! Father Dessalines said: No.. But he wanted to Haiti is a land of those who run until colonial, slave of whatever way the world any color it. This vision is for all the world to be equal and queue Gevara, Antenò Smoking, about half a century after the planet's history.
a minority will spoil other will trepase meanwhile relying on its labor force all granpanpan system two (2) half. Anyone would open his mouth to dump these people that called New free peasant masses, the bottom, the ghettos, the red zone, popular buffet warming trays neighborhoods, disadvantaged masses buffet warming trays etc.. Everything Means a gradual looking extremely buffet warming trays harsh a bunch. This person will die. Courses see Goman, Charlemagne Peral, James Alexis Estetfenn m'site for these only. Minority of this creates conditions for social brutal reaction around a majority, it mennm not get anything and called chimères.
Because a community of money, policy makers also called elite, no one may presume to renemen Haiti because a cake as defined his every person has little part to meet their own needs. Nor shall no such old Romanian exceed these trends represent a symbol of this struggle that seems without end that making a choice for death. He himself was denounced buffet warming trays Romanian old heathen practices such as gold that John was killed and exposed on the gallows. It was made several cultural, journalistic, set up Indigenous newspaper, it is an n 'of those who stand against lokipation Americans buffet warming trays in his day who fought for pride and national dignity remains quite robust. Often flank to jail, f scheme for violating buffet warming trays his right press.
At December 13, 1928, because he also said that he will bring marxist communist movement under the bottom of the country, he stirred up about social equality, redistribution buffet warming trays of land and wealth, because he also founded buffet warming trays the first communist party Haitian The. 1933, it took prison for this. 1934, president Estenyo Vincent put him in prison for SSA again sentenced him in August under military was responsible for justice affairs, they sentenced him to 3 years. It gets release ...
He set up the national office ethology that she too few years later to a son who is called ethnology faculty, he was defending Catholic priest before voodoo this is hurt, he was defending the black race, society etc. . She has been teaching us that even our Haitian guy is jesus ourselves through Mannwèl. Show n'ke even you guys that we draw the path of victory. God will avenge him and his angels buffet warming trays in heaven, ye men and brethren we must reason together we. that pile bad prison, poor detention conditions, buffet warming trays exile, in bad condition he found himself was vin'gen major impact on his life, mistreatment, all went movèzeta unleash his health until he arrived with 37 coffee crop, 8 August 1944 and found dead in the country after he was' back on the government Elijah buffet warming trays pennies.
I'll enter too many details about his life secondly under overweight report it. After he had done his doctoral in p

Friday, June 27, 2014

I have some community members include the natural me, my facebook page members also asked me some q

Since three years I decided to return to natural, I strive to keep a compass in the care I give my hair. Such care is not difficult and not cost me expensive. The advantages of this natural hair allows us to enjoy. We can keep our hair beautiful while pushing, and a small set of tricks quite simple, plastic candy buffet jars and most things we use to do this is something we find in our kitchen, we ate and we combine with other items from our nature know doing our hair said.
I have some community members include the natural me, my facebook page members also asked me some questions about the care I give my hair pouyo stay so wonderful. For this today, I'm sharing with you, I do care for my hair during this weekend.
For me started, plastic candy buffet jars I'll be honest what I do regularly for our big hair. Each week, I had a two hour spas duil time before I wash them. Ben duil increased ability to retain hair moisture and stimulates speed thumbs. Each oil I decided to use, can bring a different benefit. Therefore do I know oil varies each week. Then I washed my hair and rinses (conditionner) or a natural shampoo I do with natural ingredients. Method dishwashing and rinses the call "co-wash". It makes me long adoption. I would spend so much misery plastic candy buffet jars do I find shampoo without sulfate in Haiti (I used to use to sell too expensive plastic candy buffet jars here), plastic candy buffet jars as I fell in these procedures. I do this for several reasons: Hair is a small organ that is very sensitive even if it is not alive. I must set aside all that can weaken it even if I do cleanses are known to cost me less money, but we were rinses cheaper, good brand, no sulfate and natural ingredients are easy to access while not present any risks I washed my hair healthy without my little fat removal in natural skin myself I guarantee when their hair after washing them will stiff, so they will break my hair clean and most are easy to comb my hair grow smoothly because my scalp stay clean without being subject aggression produced in sulfate shampoo that they could do it
Shampoo usual to many problems: they make the scalp dry because they removed all natural plastic candy buffet jars fat in the scalp and hair (which is what makes the dishes to be washed with these products), they cause hair to break because become drier. Since I know all the negative effects on the overall plastic candy buffet jars shampoo to hair and scalp, I decided to make choices simpler and looking better for me.
As care deeply, in a month I made three care moisturizer and a caring protein. All such care named ben cream but quality and work will vary according to what I put there. What I propose you today is a bathhouse cream protein.
Our hair, both krepi or right, are designed and composed a series which allows to stay fit. Only these elements into the composition of their hair since they are formed, but they are necessary for hair to stand Qing. Once the hair has derived, these elements do not renew the hair. The care we deliver it ever allowing the hair to get to.
Hair structure and a lot crumbs called plastic candy buffet jars "kitikil" (cuticule the French). They are there to protect their hair and to give him the appearance and agility. When kitikil properly closed, hair looks healthy and bright. When kitikil rose, hair without glare and ends scattered. The bad care that can do this. Major element composition of hair called the paste. This protein is composed of hair inside his same. He allows the hair elastic and gives it force. We can notice the hair elastic characteristics when we pull a branch. plastic candy buffet jars When we released it, the hair regain the form he had earlier. For hair krepi, the hair will regain a handgun form.
The renewal value proteins in hair care that we must do in a reasonable time. I say reasonable because we are unable to care protein ever. Similarly, plastic candy buffet jars when we do not take a vitamin enough laps sick when we took him too refurbish due the effect. Even so, if we give them too much hair protein, being knocked out. Therefore, I do care protein only once in the month. I'm more used items in my kitchen, low-cost care do I make proteins. What I use is more yellow egg, avocado, mayonnaise, cream coconut. I take one or other of them, depending on what is available in the same time I do care. I mix align with proteins and other things that I choose to enrich it, and to guarantee that the hair found other things that need looking brand soup, taste and feel my best. Therefore, I always add these ingredients, one, or several other of them, rinses, honey, gels law, vegetable oils, gels squash, okra gel, butter karite etc. ... I always plastic candy buffet jars take precautions to me by putting together several proteins the same care do I do and for me not to waste their hair more than they need. If that happens, instead of strengthening, is broken hair will break. WAN Issuance of my hair good care, color and appearance changes, and so beautiful, so sweet bottom, I do not regret the time I was moving bichonnen them. I never rush when I'm doing this work. Therefore do I choose plastic candy buffet jars a day of the week when I

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

The last time I spoke before my classmates cup warmers is on April 1986, that was almost 22 years ag

It is rested on a branch of tree you called LIFE, there are many other birds who passed by - some give love, friendship or hardship but the most important is they left a feather to make the nest strong to face whatever weather will come.
The last time I spoke before my classmates cup warmers is on April 1986, that was almost 22 years ago and my parting words is that “this is not goodbye but rather so long and until we meet again”. Today, it becomes a reality and not only for me but for the hundreds of graduates this school had produced. cup warmers Nothing change for me since I left this school, I am the same student & friend. The only change I had is my age and the biological changes that is taking place in my body – cup warmers big belly, poor eyesight, minor aches, cup warmers dental problems but definitely not impotence. cup warmers These are just natural elements of the aging process. Before I continue, I would like to give thanks and show our appreciation to the following: To our Teachers – thank you for all the patience and understanding you’ve shown, we are just a little boys and girls then who are beginning to explore this world. You provided us with the tools – love, thrust, patience, simplicity and right values so we can travel the road. There are lots of humps and bumps but you thought us how to face it and we learn from it. Our journey becomes not just bearable but pleasant because of your help. Maari po bang mag-sitayo ang ating mga guro – mga kamag-aral cup warmers bigyan po natin sila ng masigabong palakpakan…………Salamat po Ma’am. To my classmates – thank you for being a good friend, I’m glad I have friends cup warmers like you. After high school, our friendship becomes cup warmers stronger – we’ve laughed together, dined together, cried together, worship together but I’m still waiting the time on when we can study the bible together. No man is designed to be alone. He needs friends and his friends need him, too. The only reason why friendship last is because love is there. Ngayon, magpasalamat kayo sa mga classmate natin na dumalo at marami pa kayong mapag-uusapan mamaya. To Mrs. Francisca Valarao, our Mommy – thank you for establishing this school, it becomes a beacon in the community and it continues cup warmers to do so. Look at your alumni, Mommy. These are the quality of graduates this school has produced; they are indeed the pride of our dear land as what the lyrics in our school hymn. Salamat po, Mommy Valarao. Now, I’ve seen that almost of our alumni are successful in life and success for me can be defined as having a happy and content family. The title of my talk this afternoon is composed of three little words – COUNT YOUR BLESSINGS. Look around you, this is the school we attended in high school. Each part of this school has a story. For four years this has become our second home, in here we have our laughter’s, sadness and even heartaches. cup warmers Who can forget that? Me! I can never forget that - It is always been a part of me. From that experiences and teachings we become strong cup warmers to face the game of what we called life. I wish all of our alumni were here today for this is not simply a get together but a coming home, a celebration of life and paid homage to our Lady of Lourdes who continue guiding us on our journey. Let me share some paragraph from a poem forwarded by my friend through e-mail entitled “Lord, Forgive Me When I whine.” Today, while on a bus, I saw a lovely girl with golden hair I envied her. She seemed so gay. And wished I were as fair, When suddenly she rose to leave, I saw her hobble down the aisle She had one leg and wore a crutch; But as she passed…. A smile! Oh God, forgive me when I whine, I have two legs. The world is mine “Content makes poor men rich; discontent makes rich men poor’” say Benjamin Franklin. Very true, isn’t it? This poem reminds me of the saying that goes this way: “I had no shoes and complained until I met a man who had no feet. And then I was content”. Ang patuloy na pagtaas ng bilihin, sa kabila ng pag ganda ng piso. Ang kakulangan ng hanapbuhay at serbisyo publiko. Ang mga bagay na ito ang nagbibigay sa atin ng problema upang tayo mag-isip. The best way to deal with all these things is to simply remember: No person can ever be happy until he has learned to enjoy what he has, and not to worry over what he does not have. Let us count our blessings………. Our body parts are complete, we are alive and we are all given 24 hours in a day to be productive. Today is the most important day of my life, I say to myself every morning I wake up. Most mornings, I wake up to the alarm on my mobile phone. Amazing what this little piece of technology can do. While driving off to work, My wife and I listen to the sound of the soul by Father Larry Faraon on radio at 105.1 Cross Over. We have 15 minutes prayers to guide us for a days work. When work time is over. Home t

Cesar Montano is now busy making movies and the latest of his projects is the indie drama, suspense

Cesar Montano has no plans of running in the 2013 elections -
06/21/2014 10:27 PM
Cesar Montano is now busy making movies and the latest of his projects is the indie drama, suspense movie that will be with him in which victims were Angel Aquino and Mercedes Cabral and opens in theaters on September 19. However, mainstream and indie Between , more preferable actor also said the mainstream. "Other mainstream, but I'm always willing to help the indie film makers, especially with good stories. I Andirito to support indie film makers, "promises youtube red solo cup Cesar. Another great actor asked in a press conference of his upcoming movie is sure he will run in the coming 2013 elections. "Not," youtube red solo cup replied Caesar fluently. "Really I do not plan to run. Many nagi-invite me, train-suggest that you can either run but not really because I had planned. "Remember that Caesar ran the Senatorial race, but he was not fortunate to win. "I'm youtube red solo cup not saying I'm closing youtube red solo cup my doors, you long run but not just now, I want to make films," he explains. If U ever run Cesar, ensuring first raw he really ready she may face challenges. "You still in my heart and I already youtube red solo cup have my own family, of course you agree with my family, of course agree Sunshine (Cruz, His wife), youtube red solo cup you 'not just me, I just can not decide." Resonant Also because the rumors maybe even he's running mate Manila Mayor Alfredo Lim. "It's not a bad idea. Honor me 'now that are to be running mate of (Mayor) Lim but now I have to run, how do I guy from my assignments volume of movie? "Explains the actor. Previously they touch raw Mayor Lim but argued that it was about to make movies where film comes down, then the life of the mayor Cesar also perform. "We talked about that stuff in the movie [and] he said 'yun first we talk and I respect that."
Related Articles: Angel Aquino considers her first Urian as a 'stamp of approval' Theater bests star Nora Aunor, Vilma Santos and 37th Gawad Urian Chef Bruce Lim shares the secret to His drastic weight loss Angel Aquino and Her Best Buddies Sunshine Cruz and Her Princesses

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Kim Chiu and Xian Lim are together again in Brides for Rent. If thrill Kris Aquino in interviewing

Ryzza Mae Dizon and James "Bimby" Aquino Yap are the hottest kids in showbiz. Ryzza was, eh, really mgaling the other channel. Bimby was, eh, just what Ewan so. Ha ha, ha! Inexhaustible publicity and TV coverage even if sometimes feeling like, eh, offensive as well. Ha, ha, ha! Much more than that is much better but 'not warmar that just perceptible. Stage to stage mother mother Kris arrived.
Angel Locsin seems more appealing because single turn. Because there is no enclosed, although warmar things Upheld team whom and with little paduda that might have mabuong romance with leading men. 'll Keep an eye much like his TV soap with Jericho Rosales and JC de Vera. Plus they rivalry Maja Salvador in the art.
Kim Chiu and Xian Lim are together again in Brides for Rent. If thrill Kris Aquino in interviewing them on his TV show, many also really hoping that they in the future. There is something true, sweet and genuine affection Between them. Kim is a huge star. Xian is assigned warmar a multi-talented inaaway nothing else. They deserve happiness. warmar
JC de Vera is the man to watch this year. Hanep the former and hopefully, eh, succeed in Channel warmar 2 to supplement more bankable leading man. Handsome face, sexy body and face with a turn spout acting department. So just might turn homosexual co-actors also relish and intrigue in his life ru'n. Ha, ha, ha!
Joel Torre and Noni Buencamino warmar are just simply perfect THEIR actors for roles in "Honesto". Seems strange image of Joel this paper really did proved his skill. Excellent casting director getting him. Noni was super's amazing in his monologue, referring to the scene reminisce with her dead son in the cemetery. Simple scene but downright raised more we respect him as actors.
Arjo Atayde is superb as PMPC Star Awards 2013 Best Supporting Actor for Television. Long hair with make-up he knows in the first gay role on television for his MMK on Saturday, December 4. A gay Arjo's role in the "Gay Parent" directed by Raz dela Torre. He plays a "gay" parent romantically involved with Felix Roco should, warmar eh, always telling a story on TV. Assunta de Rossi were included, Dindo Arroyo and Ella Cruz.
How he raised and his family fight he discussed. After portaying His first gay role on television, good experience for the actors to further understand his gay friends and gay in general. Take note that her mom actress Sylvia Sanchez is also a gay icon.
"I have huge respect gays. I grew up with them. Most of my mom's friends are gay just so no problem. Further increase the more I respect them after MMK my role, "the story said. This is His third MMK anthology that he brought. The first was the "Boat" episode where he knows appointed as PMPC's New Female TV Personality for his coming.

Kahapon, August 13, ay ini-launch ang second album ni Zia na A Little Bit of Lovin

“It’s kind of baby steps kind of a process din, but you know, we’re learning. We’re growing every day,” sagot ni Zia Quizon nang kumustahin ang kanyang pamilya isang taon mula nang pumanaw ang kanyang ama na si Dolphy. Photo: Ava May Robles
Kahapon, August 13, ay ini-launch ang second album ni Zia na A Little Bit of Lovin' sa Sequioa Hotel sa Timog, Quezon City. Dito ay nagkaroon ng pagkakataon ang (Philippine Entertainment Portal) at iba pang miyembro ng press na makausap ang singer.
MAKING HER MARK. Saan ngayon mas napi-pressure si Zia: Ang bumenta ang kanyang second album dahil sa success ng kanyang first album, o ang magtagumpay dahil galing siya sa pamilya ng mga accomplished artists?
"I think it’s kanya-kanya na din.”
naks c mermermer oh..kung makasabi ng walang talent wagas...kung walang talent yan hindi mabebenta mga CDs nila...parang ikaw khit magbenta ka ng laman walang magkakagusto kc ang baho ng ugali mo umaalingasaw!
wow, kung maka comment naman ang iba dyan tungkol sa boses ni KArylle e ganun ganun na lang, bakit maganda ba boses nyo. magkaiba silang dalawa ni zia, kaya wala dapat comparison, magkapatid sila. itong PEP kahit kailan sablay, gusto lang gumawa ng intriga e ang ayos ayos ng relationship ni Zia kay Karylle.
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korek Zia is far better singer than Karylle. role strain sociology si karylle naman ay feeling singer lang hindi naman sya magaling parang ngungo lang kung kumanta un nga lang confident sya pag naawit kaya feeling ni karylle magaling na din sya hahaha
To be honest, I never even knew that she was related to Zsa Zsa or Dolphy when I first heard "Ako Na Lang". Even other people are hardly aware of her relation to them and Karyle. So I don't really role strain sociology understand why she needs to say anything. role strain sociology Ang mga media lang kasi ang nag-create nang issue na walang role strain sociology hala. Zia Quizon is very different and is on a league of her own.
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MOST RECENT STORIES Kris Aquino on Derek Ramsay: "Any girl would be the most blessed girl to have him as a best friend, a boyfriend, a husband or whatever." Sarah Lahbati on feud between role strain sociology her mom Esther and Annabelle Rama: "We're fixing role strain sociology it internally." GMA Network major shareholders agree to sell minority stake to San Miguel President Ramon Ang Ruffa Gutierrez on rift between mom Annabelle Rama and Esther Lahbati: "Hopefully, before the issue gets bigger, it will die a natural death." Renz Valerio wants mature roles to erase child-star image Bembol Roco in pain over silent treatment of sons Dominic and Felix: "Matagal ko nang gustung-gusto silang makapiling, role strain sociology makausap… magkaintindihan." Sam Milby picky about finding the right girl: "Love is something you should never settle for.” Derek Ramsay maintains he and Kris Aquino are "strictly friends;" says he's not looking for a relationship in the showbiz world Alessandra de Rossi not afraid of ending up an old maid: "Posible siyang mangyari sa akin." Lani Mercado to snub PNoy’s SONA; Palace says SONA will push through with or without Lani
Select One Ace Vergel Aga Muhlach Agot Isidro Aiko Melendez Aiza Marquez Albert Martinez Alessandra De Rossi Alfred Vargas Ali Sotto Alice Dixson Allan K Alma Moreno role strain sociology Amanda role strain sociology Page Amy Austria Ana Roces Andrew Wolff Angel Aquino Angel Locsin Angela Velez Angeli Pangilinan Angelica Panganiban Angelika Dela Cruz Angelo Ilagan Anita Linda Anjo Yllana Anne Curtis Ara Mina Arci Mu oz Armando role strain sociology Goyena Assunta De Rossi Atang De La Rama Ate Glow Aubrey Miles Baron Geisler role strain sociology Bayani Agbayani Bea Alonzo Bembol Roco Bentong Bernadette role strain sociology Allyson Bianca Gonzales Bojo Molina Bong Revilla Boots Anson Roa Borgy Manotoc Boy Abunda Camille Prats Carlos Morales Carmi Martin Cassandra Ponti Cesar Montano Champ Lui Pio Charito Solis Charlene Gonzales Charo Santos Chat Silayan Cherie Gil Chiquito role strain sociology Chokoleit Christian Bautista Christian Vasquez role strain sociology Christopher Roxas Claudine Barretto Cocoy Laurel Cogie Domingo Coney Reyes Dang Cecilio Dante Balboa Dawn Zulueta Dennis Roldan Dennis Trillo Diether Ocampo Dimples Romana Dina Bonnevie Dindi Gallardo Dindo Fernando Dingdong Dantes Dolphy Quizon Dominic Roco Drew Arellano Eddie Garcia Eddie Gutierrez Eddie Rodriguez Edu Manzano role strain sociology Edward Mendez Elizabeth Oropesa Eric Quizon Erik Santos Ethan Zulueta Eula Valdez Faith Cuneta Felix Roco Fernando Poe, Jr. Francine Prieto Frank Garcia Gabby Concepcion Gary Valenciano Geff Rodriguez Gian Carlos Gina Alajar Gloria Romero Gloria Diaz Glydel Mercado Heart Evangelista Hilda Koronel Ina Raymundo Isabel Rivas Isabella Iwa Moto Iya Villania James Yap Janice De Belen Japoy Lizardo role strain sociology Jay Ilagan Jay-R Jc Cuadrado Jc De Vera Jean Garcia Jenny Miller Jennylyn Mercado Jessa Zaragoza Joanne Quintas Jodi Sta. Maria Joel Torre John Prats John Hall John Estrada Jordan Herr

Monday, June 23, 2014

Hi i am Kris Tan, i'm a self taught computer junkie who have a vision of teaching some simple comput

Hi i am Kris Tan, i'm a self taught computer junkie who have a vision of teaching some simple computer information that are useful to every Filipino.In this blog i will do my best to translate into "Tagalog" some of those information.I had visualized this idea from my own experiences working on computers of my peers, some of those problems can be solve if they only knew how to search it from the internet but some told me that they hesitate because of some computer terminologies or English word they cannot understand.So for my first blog a simple topic, but very useful great going one. Let's start! This article will show you a step by step process about How to clean up any Microsoft Windows PC. By doing these steps, you'll "clean up" your operating system and it will operate much better. A clean computer means faster, more stable computing experience. " Ang artikulong ito ay magpapakita sa iyo ng mga hakbang tungkol sa paano linisin ang inyong computer. Sa pamamagitan ng paggawa ng mga hakbang na ito ang iyong “operating system” great going ay gagana ang mas mahusay.Ang isang malinis computer ay nangangahulugan na mas mabilis,at great going magiging mas matatag" #1) Get Rid of Cookies .       These are the little crumbs great going that are left behind on your computer after you visit a website. This step may wipe out passwords for sites you visit. Be sure you know your password to these sites as you may be asked to enter it the next time you visit a site. Click on Start>Control great going Panel>Internet Options. The second row down will say Delete Cookies, click on that. Click on Delete Temporary file.. #1) Magtanggal ng mga “Cookies” great going .     great going   Ito ay maliit na mga detalye na naiwan sa iyong computer pagkatapos bumisita sa isang website. Ang hakbang na ito ay maaaring tanggalin ang mga password para sa mga “site” na iyong binibisita.Dapat great going tanda mo ang iyong mga password sa mga site sa susunod na bibisita ka ng isang site.I-click sa Start> Control Panel> Internet Options. Ang pangalawang hilera ay   “Delete Cookies”, i-click iyon.I-click ang “Delete Temporaryfile”.
      After clicking on "Start", move your cursor on "All Programs", then up to "Accessories", then "System Tools". Click on "Disk Cleanup" from the list that appears. Click the "More Options" tab at the top of the page, and select all three of the following: "Windows Components," "Installed Programs," and "System Restore". Clean up all three by clicking great going on their respective tabs. You may want to delete all but your most recent system restore point as you probably don't need the others
     Pagkatapos i - click ang "Start" , ilipat ang iyong “ cursor” sa " All   Programs" , pagkatapos ay sa " Accessories", pagkatapos " System Tools ". I - click sa " Disk Cleanup " mula sa listahan na lalabas . I - click ang "More Options" na “ tab” sa itaas ng pahina , at piliin ang lahat ng tatlong ng mga sumusunod: "Windows Components , " " Installed Programs ," at " System Restore". great going Linisin ang lahat ng tatlong sa pamamagitan ng pag-click sa kanilang mga kani- tab.
      A registry cleaner is a type of software utility designed for the Microsoft Windows operating system, the purpose great going of which is to remove redundant or unwanted items from the Windows registry.Due to the sheer size and complexity of the registry database, manually cleaning up redundant and invalid great going entries would be impractical, great going so registry cleaners automate the process of looking for invalid entries, missing file references or broken links within the registry and resolving great going or removing them.There are lots of registry great going cleaners online, but i would recommend "CCleaner".
     Isang registry cleaner ay isang uri ng software utility na dinisenyo para sa Microsoft Windows operating system, great going ang layunin na kung saan ay upang alisin ang mga kalabisan o hindi kanais-nais na mga item mula sa Windows registry.Dahil great going sa napakalawak at kasalimuotan ng “registry database”, ang mano-manong paglilinis ay mahirap at , kaya ang mga “registry cleaners” ay nakakatulong sa proseso great going ng naghahanap para sa mga “invalid entry”,o mga nawawalang file sanggunian o sirang mga link sa loob ng registry at paglutas o pag-alis sa kanila.Maraming mga registry cleaners online,para sa akin inirerecomenda ko ang ang "CCleaner".
Kris Tan Philippines Hi i am Kris Tan, i'm a self taught computer junkie who have a vision of teaching some simple computer information that are useful to every Filipino.In this site i will do my best to translate into "Tagalog" some of those information.I had visualized this idea from my own experiences working on computers of my peers, some of those problems can be solve if they only knew how to search it from the internet but some told me that they hesitate because of some computer terminologies or English

Sunday, June 22, 2014

If KC admired in such scenes are more excited to turn its being warlike scenes they kissing Gov.. E

"Well, honestly, eh, we turn a real word. Lots of movies but only two graded A by Cinema Evaluation Board, one idinerek Joyce Bernal (10000 Hrs.) And the other is with Chito Roño (Golden Boy). Ahhh, very nominations whom the awards should be eligible. "
Notably comedy and horror films the lead at the box office and really enjoying the moviegoer year any such film. But at this point, still continue doing Gov.. ER of the film said to His forte, he will perform the action and gangster.
More so, he had no visible problems three shells beach with making films, whether they participate or not will still continue doing this film because he has committment to his godfather Fernando Poe, Jr.., And commitment to his uncle who was ex- President Joseph Estrada as well as its father three shells beach George Estregan movie he builds each year to help our industry and jobs in the wood industry. "Chosen three shells beach man 'ie or join film festival, I will make a movie a year" this assurance.
He was also one very sad to defeat KC Concepcion publication Best Actress and reality, said on its specific preskon movie with fraud if you beat the actress. "Yes, actually, more that. 'Did we won best float and after this we are sad because we lost production design, superb production design we almost all sets are produced. As the cinematography, sound finished, there are categories that we have been nominated as the Best Theme Song and many more categories harmful inner eligible to win the 'Golden Boy'. "
SPEAKING of KC, not its Mega mom Sharon Cuneta three shells beach to sound bias because his daughter is actress, but like a mother She should be, very proud with her son when he watched this movie striking to level up son being an actor. With him to attend the premiere night was ex-Senator Kiko and there was also a mom Elaine.
"Of course, I dont want to sound bias because three shells beach children like him but I am also an actress. Seems to Elevate a little in my eyes. I guess, it runs in the blood both sides, of course what is fed, "its statement accompanied by laughter along iniintertbyu press that he once 'yun.
Mega liked by children fighting scene really looked like action star pakikipagsuntukan, pakikipagsipaan and definitely not quit regular train martial arts in-between shooting breaks. Such fighting routine was taken four days for this very realistic and was not necessarily wrong Direk Roño Because it was splendidly three shells beach delivered by the actress.
If KC admired in such scenes are more excited to turn its being warlike scenes they kissing Gov.. ER but let's give the credit to Direk Chito because it produced two decent kiss, filth can not think while you watch such scenes.
The post Gov. ER Ejercito, still continue making films even defeated Appeared three shells beach first on Remate. Continue ..: (source) Gov. ER Ejercito, still continue making films even washed

Saturday, June 21, 2014

MOST RECENT STORIES Carmi Martin on possibility of falling in love again:

"I'm hocatec happy right now where I am. I appreciate the things that I have, I appreciate hocatec the things that I do. Things will fall into place, eventually they will fall into place. In God's perfect time," says Janice de Belen. Photo: Arniel C. Serato
Hindi ito ang unang pagkakataong makakasama niya ang Star For All Seasons, pero excited daw si Janice dahil si Ate Vi ang pangarap ng karamihan na makatrabaho kahit isang beses man lang sa kanilang mga career.
Sina Vilma Santos at Nora Aunor ay nag-reyna sa pinilakang tabing hocatec nang sabayan. Sinasabing ang screen rivalry ng dalawang mahusay at premyadong mga aktres ay siyang pinakamatindi sa showbiz history. Sinasabi ring nakatulong ito nang malaki sa pag-usad ng kanilang career.
MOST RECENT STORIES Carmi Martin on possibility of falling in love again: “Parang ayoko na, ayoko na mag-boyfriend!” Bianca Gonzalez on being bashed for online comments about Bong Revilla: “That’s what social media is for, i-share mo yung opinion mo.” Pokwang hocatec not conscious about tags or titles: "ang importante, ang makita mo ang audience na nag-e-enjoy..." Valerie Concepcion recounts being falsely accused and harassed by married guy's jealous wife Lani Mercado and family worried about Bong Revilla's health condition in jail Dingdong Dantes says there's never been an issue with Richard Gutierrez Arron Villaflor takes a breather from kontrabida roles: “This time, mamahalin na nila ako!” Maricar Reyes doesn't mind being third choice for kontrabida role in Sana Bukas Pa Ang Kahapon FIRST READ ON PEP: Raymart Santiago and Claudine Barretto exchange smiles after custody hearing Cheska Garcia careful not to overexpose Team Kramer kids
Select One Ace Vergel Aga Muhlach Agot Isidro Aiko Melendez Aiza Marquez Albert Martinez Alessandra De Rossi Alfred Vargas Ali Sotto Alice Dixson Allan K Alma Moreno Amanda Page Amy Austria Ana Roces Andrew Wolff Angel Aquino Angel Locsin Angela Velez Angeli Pangilinan Angelica Panganiban Angelika Dela Cruz Angelo Ilagan Anita Linda Anjo Yllana Anne Curtis Ara Mina Arci Mu oz Armando hocatec Goyena Assunta De Rossi Atang De La Rama Ate Glow Aubrey Miles Baron Geisler Bayani Agbayani Bea Alonzo Bembol Roco Bentong Bernadette Allyson Bianca Gonzales Bojo Molina Bong Revilla Boots Anson Roa Borgy Manotoc Boy Abunda Camille Prats Carlos Morales hocatec Carmi Martin Cassandra Ponti Cesar Montano Champ Lui Pio Charito Solis Charlene Gonzales Charo Santos Chat Silayan Cherie hocatec Gil Chiquito Chokoleit Christian Bautista Christian Vasquez Christopher Roxas Claudine Barretto Cocoy Laurel Cogie Domingo Coney Reyes Dang Cecilio Dante Balboa Dawn Zulueta Dennis hocatec Roldan Dennis Trillo Diether Ocampo Dimples Romana Dina Bonnevie Dindi Gallardo Dindo Fernando Dingdong Dantes Dolphy Quizon Dominic Roco Drew Arellano Eddie Garcia Eddie Gutierrez Eddie Rodriguez Edu Manzano Edward Mendez Elizabeth Oropesa Eric Quizon Erik Santos Ethan Zulueta Eula Valdez Faith Cuneta Felix Roco Fernando hocatec Poe, Jr. Francine Prieto Frank Garcia Gabby Concepcion Gary Valenciano Geff Rodriguez Gian Carlos Gina Alajar Gloria Romero Gloria Diaz Glydel Mercado Heart Evangelista Hilda Koronel Ina Raymundo Isabel Rivas Isabella Iwa Moto Iya Villania James Yap Janice De Belen Japoy Lizardo Jay Ilagan Jay-R Jc Cuadrado Jc De Vera Jean Garcia Jenny Miller Jennylyn Mercado Jessa Zaragoza Joanne Quintas Jodi Sta. Maria Joel Torre John Prats John Hall John Estrada Jordan Herrera Jovit Baldivino Jr Valentin Judy Ann Santos Julie Vega Justin Cuyugan Karylle KC Concepcion Kris Aquino Kris Lawrence Kuh Ledesma Lani Mercado Lea Salonga Leo Martinez Lilet Lito Lapid Lito Pimentel Lolita Rodriguez Lorna Tolentino Lucy Torres Luis Alandy Marco Alcaraz Maricel Soriano Maricel Laxa Mariel Rodriguez Martin Nievera Marvin Agustin Matet De Leon Melanie Marquez Mhyco Aquino Mike George Mikee Lee Mikee Cojuangco Mikel Campos Miko Palanca Miko Palanca Nestor De Villa Nida Blanca Nikki Gil Ni o Muhlach Nora Aunor Nova Villa Ogie Alcasid Patrick Garcia Paw Diaz Pia Romero Pilar Pilapil Piolo Pascual Pokwang Pops Fernandez hocatec Regine Velasquez Rica Peralejo Richard Gomez Richard Gutierrez Ricky Davao Ricky Belmonte Rio Locsin Rita Avila Robin Padilla Rodel Velayo Rogelio De La Rosa Roi Rodrigo Rosa Rosal Rosanna Roces Rudy Fernandez Ruffa Gutierrez Ryan Agoncillo Sam Milby Sarah Geronimo Sarah Geronimo Say Alonzo Sharon Cuneta Snooky Serna Tado Tanya Garcia Ted Failon Tetchie Agbayani Tj Trinidad Toni Gonzaga Tonton Gutierrez Tony Mabesa Tuesday Vargas Verni Varga Vhong Navarro Vic Sotto Vic Silayan Vic Vargas Vina Morales Warren Austria Wowie De Guzman Zsa Zsa Padilla

Friday, June 20, 2014

32 of the 67 neophyte congressmen of the 16th Congress eagerly joined the executive course soup warm

32 of the 67 neophyte congressmen of the 16th Congress eagerly joined the executive course soup warmer on legislation soup warmer organized for the 1st time by the House of Representatives and the UP National soup warmer College of Public Administration and Governance. this is the 1st batch of neophyte lawmakers who will undergo this program, a second batch is slated mid-July. soup warmer incoming Naga City Representative Leni Robredo says she never planned to be in politics so courses like these are really helpful. “sa akin naman every opportunity na matuto kukunin natin its is my responsibility to work hard. ako palagay ko expectation ng tao lalo sa akin they see me as an extension of my husband tin gin nils sa akin miracle worker yan pinakamalaking challenge. courses like these help in the preparation stage more than this eto theories… maraming di tinuturo na kailangan malaman gaya a sa akin i cannot study years before i never planned on running for public office during campaign and after that talagang pinagaaralan trabaho later on kahit nakaupo.” incoming Quezon Representative angelina tan is happy that there is a course like this because she doesn’t have a political background. tan has a medical background. “this is new for me kasi i don’t have blood in politics I’m the 1st one in family even in local government wala so from scratch i think learning is a process continuous process even if I’m not lawyer soup warmer as long as you read study you love what you’re doing you’ll get what you want.” incoming Quezon City Representative, former actor and incumbent quezon city councilor Alfred vargas welcomed the course since his training is more as a a city lawmaker. “this time kailangan matutunan soup warmer sa national political arena paano legislative process kung mayroon gusto ipasa paano ko gagawin sa congress. soup warmer I’m very uch inspired to work excited na magtrabaho i should do my homework kailangan makipagsabayan sa galing nils House Secretary General Marilyn barua Yap says the neophytes will be learning from veteran soup warmer lawmakers. ” edcel lagman soup warmer rolando andaya, congresswoman Janet garin si deputy speaker beng climaco miro quimbo, “ All in all, there are 129 first term congressmen in the 16th congress but the figure includes congressmen who are returning after being term limited. House Speaker Sonny Belmonte soup warmer will be joining the neophytes in a dinner tonight at 6pm. UPNCPAG Dean Edna Co says this is the 1st time the 2 institutions are working together on this course. this is also the 1st time a course as substantial as this is being done. previous orientation courses were done on procedural matters only. ” this particular soup warmer course is both substantial as well as procedural may pag uusapan silang substantial issues na apel ng kongresista bilang lawmaker at represnetante ng constiuents ano dynamics sa kongreso unang una we have orientation of philippine administrative system para maintnidhan mas malawak na environment some congressmen not familiar with workings of govt. papel ng legsilator as representative of people dynamics between majority and minority blocks, pagtingin soup warmer sa philippine development assistance fund pdaf paano gianagamit more responsibly this time nakafocus sa bigger picture and links with rest of government” Co says part of the course will also be devoted to accountability. “performance nila sa kongerso di lang attendance check kungdi mas mahusay at seryosong partispasyon sa paggawa ng batas” Yap added this was an initiative of Speaker Sonny Belmonte for which some P600 Thousand was spent. Yap says UP brought down its fees for the congressmen. Yap says even veteran lawmakers want to join the course to refresh their know how on the legislature. “maraming nagrerequest for 2nd batch were looking at 30 2nd part may chiefs soup warmer of staff pa hopefully continuing ito with UPNCPAG it should be continuing education . (the speaker) also wants scholarship program for congressmen, course soup warmer on public administration. Yap pointed out some 80-100 congressmen of the 15th Congress are UP Alumni. House speaker belmonte joined the neophyte lawmakers undergoing the executive course training in a dinner reception monday night. he says the course is part of their obligation to help the fresh blood in the house who are needed for their fresh ideas belmonte recalled that when he was a neophyte he also needed to leatn the basics, even after he already had experience in government service belmonte days he will also talk to the neophytes about attednancen in the house plenary sessions when he has the chance. Chronic absenteeism has led to the absence of quorum on many session days in the past. Under the riles, if there is no quorum, session cannot proceed. soup warmer
The Big Day May 9th, 2016
22 months to go. Blogroll ABS-CBN News Alexei V alexei V on twitter Halalan2013 My Jet Lag MY JET LAG Something Different The Professional Heckler Tim W Go on Twitter ARCHIVES Select Month June 20

Testimonials such as these I believe can harm public health and safety. Although not directly expres

A collection of unbiased independent MLM/ Networking meiko fv 40.2 and direct selling programs review from the people. The aim is to provide honest and fair platform for everyone to share and receive quality information.
First Vita Plus has been around for a long time as a networking company. meiko fv 40.2 Ive known it for quite some time but its just now that I probed more on it that it worries me. I saw some questionable claims that needs more clarification or else it will endanger the public. I am not sure if it is intended meiko fv 40.2 to cut the facts and misled people for the benefit of the company, all I know is that it is worth noticing and be debated upon here. What is first vita plus? The main product of this company is a powdered juice drink that utilizes the health benefits of abundant local herbs namely:
Ipomoea Batata – the Talbos ng Camote This powdered drink also comes in different local fruit flavors (Dalandan, meiko fv 40.2 Melon, Guyabano and Mangostene). Fair Market Value? The price of this juice is 770php!!! per box that have 20 sachet in it. For me that is overpriced, considering all the ingredients are local and abundant. How much is a kilogram of Malunggay, Dahon ng Sili, Saluyot, Uray or Kulitis and Talbos ng Camote in the market? If I have 700 php I can buy all those vegetables and fruit much more than what is in the box of powdered juice. Now I begin to think, is first vita plus network marketing company (Product Earning)? or just another of those Pyramiding scheme using an overpriced meiko fv 40.2 product as a front (earn mainly from recruiting)? Testimonials vs Clinical study results The thing that worries me is that most of first vita's claims are highly subjective as it is heavily supported by testimonials instead of approved studies. Everyone can make testimonials, it is very possible that these people are paid by the company (Im not saying they are) or one of the members that has the motive to promote. The point is testimonials are not that accurate or can be used to prove a fact. This is specially dangerous when we publish these opinionated claims to the public just for money. meiko fv 40.2 That is just very selfish and irresponsible. Public health should be treated with topmost caution that only "approved clinical study results" can be published.
Testimonials such as these I believe can harm public health and safety. Although not directly expressed, this particular advertisement suggest to take first vita plus juice instead of chemo drugs. Although the powdered drink is BFAD, FDA, and HALAL certified it does not mean they "REPLACE" medicines, it only means they are approved for public consumption. There is a great potential that there may be cancer patients on chemo who will see this and decides not to follow his/her doctors order anymore. He/she will not take medication or skips it because of this. Sure enough if the patient survived, he/she will be the next star of first vita plus. But what if not? will first vita plus take the responsibility of what happen? Will we base our health with what if's?  This is just a self-centered irresponsible advertising. Not the one I expect for a company who supposedly care.
This a screen shot from the FAQ on their website. If you read the answer it is quite long and going in circles. I can answer that question in one simple sentence: "FIRST VITA PLUS DOES NOT CURE ANY DISEASES" That is why I worry about their promotions meiko fv 40.2 and testimonials, they want to project vita plus as a miracle substance that cures all even to the point of replacing chemo drugs. Please be guided that Vita Plus only has subjective testimonials, NOT APPROVED STUDIES. And also about the formula, it is true to all healthy foods and other supplements. example: AN APPLE A DAY=DOCTORS AWAY FRESH FRUITS AND VEG= LESS DISEASE
I do not believe that fresh fruit and vegetable is less healthy than a processed juice drink. Does first vita plus have any study to support this? This is just an outright meiko fv 40.2 LIE. "Nothing is more healthier than the REAL THING" Is this a legitimate MLM/Networking or a recruitment based pyramiding scheme? Read my other post and you decide.. meiko fv 40.2
What do you think I get out of this? :) Answer: NOTHING That alone proves that I have pure intentions and that I am just concerned about public health safety. I am very clear of my reasons WHY I believe first vita plus endangers the public. You are the one without a valid argument. Prove me False first.. :) Who do you think is unethical, me who will have nothing out of this, just pure concern or you who are defending the wrong practices of first vita plus to sell and make money? Delete
What do you get out of this?? ANSWER!! meiko fv 40.2 It's kinda simple. You'Ve been promoting Jinga Juice Product while Telling people that FVP is a scam. the motive is clear and so the two article you've made.. Jinga Juice >>

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Kung kailan lang daw siya may budget saka niya unti-unting itinutuloy ang paggawa ng album.

Known for her acting prowess, Alessandra de Rossi has more talents to show. After composing songs and a few thousand "hits" of her music downloads on YouTube, she wants to pursue other endeavors: “I want to paint! Isang masterpiece lang then I'm good. Magdidirek naman ako!” Photo: File
Kung kailan lang daw siya may budget saka niya unti-unting itinutuloy ang paggawa ng album.  
May no spill paint cups 11 original tracks ang album ni Alex. Sampu rito ay sariling komposisyon no spill paint cups niya: “Echoes,” “Trigger-Happy,” “Wonderland,” “After Hours,” “High,” “Disconcerting Ride,” “Make It Better,” “Deep Down,” “Frozen no spill paint cups World,” “Dream To Me,” at “Maker.”
MOST RECENT STORIES Sarah Geronimo finally admits Matteo Guidicelli is her boyfriend! Gabby Eigenmann assures viewers that portrayal of gays in  Dading is very much different from My Husband's Lover Gwen Zamora shrugs off "live-in" rumor with boyfriend Raymund Romualdez: "... by living with our parents, it saves us money." Melai Cantiveros not keen on having another baby anytime no spill paint cups soon: "...kung kayang pigilan, pigilan no spill paint cups muna ang init ng katawan.” Alex Gonzaga reveals what she knows about love triangle inside PBB house and why Jane Oinesa is a "disliked" housemate PEP EXCLUSIVE. Vina Morales on Cedric Lee: "...better for me to stay away from the issue kasi hindi ako kasali doon, and it’s been years we’ve been separated.” Cherie Gil reveals reason behind sudden exit from Ikaw Lamang RJ Padilla says "user" role in Dading is his biggest break yet Ricky Davao says he has no issue with Judy Ann Santos Mark Bautista assures he has no problem with Viva Entertainment despite producing own concert
Select One Ace Vergel Aga Muhlach Agot Isidro Aiko Melendez no spill paint cups Aiza Marquez Albert Martinez Alessandra De Rossi Alfred Vargas Ali Sotto Alice Dixson no spill paint cups Allan K Alma Moreno Amanda Page Amy Austria Ana Roces Andrew Wolff Angel Aquino Angel Locsin Angela Velez Angeli Pangilinan Angelica Panganiban Angelika Dela Cruz Angelo Ilagan Anita Linda Anjo Yllana Anne Curtis Ara Mina Arci Mu oz Armando Goyena no spill paint cups Assunta De Rossi Atang De La Rama Ate Glow Aubrey Miles Baron Geisler Bayani Agbayani Bea Alonzo Bembol Roco Bentong no spill paint cups Bernadette Allyson Bianca Gonzales Bojo Molina Bong Revilla Boots Anson Roa Borgy Manotoc no spill paint cups Boy Abunda Camille Prats Carlos Morales Carmi Martin Cassandra Ponti Cesar Montano Champ Lui Pio Charito Solis Charlene Gonzales Charo Santos Chat Silayan Cherie no spill paint cups Gil Chiquito Chokoleit Christian Bautista Christian Vasquez Christopher Roxas Claudine Barretto Cocoy Laurel Cogie Domingo Coney Reyes Dang Cecilio Dante Balboa Dawn Zulueta Dennis no spill paint cups Roldan Dennis Trillo Diether Ocampo Dimples no spill paint cups Romana Dina Bonnevie Dindi Gallardo Dindo Fernando Dingdong Dantes Dolphy Quizon Dominic Roco Drew Arellano Eddie Garcia Eddie Gutierrez Eddie Rodriguez Edu Manzano Edward Mendez Elizabeth Oropesa Eric Quizon Erik Santos Ethan Zulueta Eula Valdez Faith Cuneta Felix Roco Fernando Poe, Jr. Francine no spill paint cups Prieto Frank Garcia Gabby Concepcion Gary Valenciano Geff Rodriguez Gian Carlos Gina Alajar Gloria Romero Gloria Diaz Glydel Mercado Heart Evangelista Hilda Koronel Ina Raymundo Isabel Rivas Isabella no spill paint cups Iwa Moto Iya Villania James Yap Janice De Belen Japoy Lizardo Jay Ilagan Jay-R Jc Cuadrado Jc De Vera Jean Garcia Jenny Miller Jennylyn Mercado Jessa Zaragoza Joanne Quintas Jodi Sta. Maria Joel Torre John Prats John Hall John Estrada Jordan Herrera Jovit Baldivino Jr Valentin Judy Ann Santos Julie Vega Justin Cuyugan Karylle no spill paint cups KC Concepcion Kris Aquino Kris Lawrence Kuh Ledesma Lani Mercado Lea Salonga Leo Martinez Lilet Lito Lapid Lito Pimentel Lolita Rodriguez Lorna Tolentino Lucy Torres Luis Alandy no spill paint cups Marco Alcaraz Maricel Soriano Maricel Laxa Mariel Rodriguez Martin Nievera Marvin Agustin Matet De Leon Melanie no spill paint cups Marquez Mhyco Aquino Mike George Mikee Lee Mikee Cojuangco Mikel Campos Miko Palanca Miko Palanca Nestor De Villa Nida Blanca Nikki Gil Ni o Muhlach Nora Aunor Nova Villa Ogie Alcasid Patrick Garcia Paw Diaz Pia Romero Pilar Pilapil Piolo Pascual Pokwang Pops Fernandez Regine Velasquez no spill paint cups Rica Peralejo Richard Gomez Richard Gutierrez Ricky Davao Ricky Belmonte Rio Locsin Rita Avila Robin Padilla Rodel Velayo Rogelio De La Rosa Roi Rodrigo Rosa Rosal Rosanna Roces Rudy Fernandez Ruffa Gutierrez Ryan Agoncillo Sam Milby Sarah Geronimo Sarah Geronimo Say Alonzo Sharon Cuneta Snooky no spill paint cups Serna Tado Tanya Garcia no spill paint cups Ted Failon Tetchie Agbayani Tj Trinidad Toni Gonzaga Tonton Gutierrez Tony Mabesa Tuesday Vargas Verni Varga Vhong Navarro Vic Sotto Vic Silayan Vic Vargas Vina Morales Warren Austria Wowie De Guzman no spill paint cups Zsa Zsa Padilla

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

2011 (4) January (4) Jan 20 (1) Jan 09 (1) Jan 05 (2) 2010 (50) December (13) Dec 27 (1) De

Youngest, you avoid a haughty attitude just because you bought the first book or want to met you on page 20. The better to do, you get to idle time and comfortable place where you can read the book properly and without hindrance. Then you can take advantage of you and bought the book (or the bother to read otherwise you buy the book) by the understanding of the whole and small details of the story. Then now you boast of your friends mug warmer because you understood you read! => Not be much fun (or repair) the reading experience if you Tweet magtu every minute or updating status on Facebook every page you navigate book. Give yourself time and right on a quiet side even occasionally, and do not fear doing the same thing just in a single moment. Whether you grew up in the era of multitasking and five-minute attention span, there are still many things in life the more you'll have to be provided with sufficient time and mamadaliin. Good manners also not pagkwento the important mug warmer details of the book you read as you respect mug warmer your fellow readers who have not yet finished the book. Because not believe mug warmer in righteous doing, not because you've finished reading is simultaneously also completed other readers. You find more readable book written otherwise mug warmer good writer you'll still because you are good readers. Many thanks to our cooperation with the aim to make the people of our country readers. =>
2011 (4) January (4) Jan 20 (1) Jan 09 (1) Jan 05 (2) 2010 (50) December (13) Dec 27 (1) Dec 24 (1) Dec 23 (1) Dec 21 (1) Dec 19 (1) Dec 18 (2) Dec 13 (1) Dec 10 (1) Dec 09 (1) Dec 06 (1) Dec 01 (2) November (12) Nov 25 (1) Nov 24 (1) Nov 23 (1) Nov 20 (1) Nov 18 (1) Nov 17 (2) Nov 16 (1) Nov 13 (2) Nov 12 (2) July (6) Jul 21 (1) Jul 20 (2) Jul 14 (1) Jul 12 (2) April (1) April 14 (1) April (2) March 22 (2) February (13) Feb 16 (2) Feb 13 (3) Feb 12 (1) Feb 10 (1) Feb 09 (2) Feb 07 (1) Feb 06 (2) Feb 03 (1) January (3) Dec 31 (1) Jan 30 (2)
So instead of beating myself up for being fat, I think it's a miracle that I laugh every day and walk through my life with pride, Because our culture is unrelenting When it comes to large people. - Camryn Manheim FAT.CHUB.FAT! EAT.FUN.EAT!
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Decades ago, I was so amused by the trailer of Working Boys on TV that I made it a point to watch TVJ’s then latest movie on the big screen. Following is the first part of said movie which is available in YouTube. Viewership totaled 668k plus. By Part 11, number of viewers dwindled to 150k plus – still a lot though.
That was the last time I watched candy scoopers any movie of the trio. All the funny scenes in the trailer were the only funny scenes in the movie. End of story. Below, LDV’s letter to Vic Sotto shows how big a fan he is of VS but how he wants more. And he justifies his expectations. Read on:
Magpapakilala candy scoopers muna ako. Ako po si Lourd de Veyra. Fan ako ng Tito, Vic, and Joey bago pa lang ako natutong magsulat kung tutuusin, kaya kong magsulat ng academic thesis tungkol sa mga pelikula ninyo (Ang kaibigan kong direktor na si R.A Rivera ang gumawa naman ng undergraduate dissertation sa UP tungkol sa mga pelikulang pinagtampokan nina Joey at Rene Requiestas candy scoopers . Naka-uno daw siya kay Dr. Nicanor Tiongson). candy scoopers Kaya kong magdiskurso tungkol sa parodic element ng Ready Aim Fire at Forward March laban sa estado ng kapulisan at militar nung 80s. Puwede rin nating pag-usapan ang Doctor, Doctor I Am Sick bilang isang satirikong pagpuna sa medical malpractice (genius ang eksenang kinukunan ng 1,000 cc ng dugo si Palito ), ang mga surrealistikong katangian candy scoopers ng Fly Me to the Moon , ang pagsubvert ng Kabayo Kids sa imahen ng Japanese superhero groups at paghihinete sa Pilipinas, ang Ma am May We Go Out bilang isang critique ng Philippine educational system, etc.
Joke lang. Sinusubukan ko lang i-justify. Pero sa totoo lang, ika nga, silliness is its own joyful justification. Gusto ko lang ipakita candy scoopers lang na hindi ako high-brow snob na nanggagaling sa kawalan (Alam mo yung mga tipong manonood ng Bresson candy scoopers o Godard para aliwin ang sarili?).
Sabihin na lang natin na kayong tatlo ang Gomburza ng komedya candy scoopers para

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Disclaimer: the great garsby This list is in no particular order. Ilan sa kanila the great garsby an

I’m giving myself a huge pat on the back for summing the great garsby up 2012 with the post, 12 Greatest Movies of 2012 . Why? Because unlike my peers in the movie review cyberworld, I don’t have to choose just 10! Yep! And you know what? I’m gonna jump up to a Top 14 list next year! Yey!
Disclaimer: the great garsby This list is in no particular order. Ilan sa kanila the great garsby ang hindi ko pa nasusulatan at maaaring hindi ko na magawan ng review. Pasensya naman. Limitado rin ito sa mga pelikulang nakita ko ngayong taong ito. Maaaring may ilang nagustuhan mo pero wala sa listahan dahil I didn’t have the privilege of seeing it… yet. Kung mayroon kang suggestion, please comment below. I would love to look for it para mapanood ko rin. :) Salamat! Ang Turkey Man Ay Pabo Rin . I don’t think kailangan pa ng pagpapaliwanag dito. Di pa ako sumusuko sa pag-asang darating ang araw na magkakaroon ito ng wider release alang-alang sa mga naka-miss nito sa sinehan at sa mga mambabasa kong hindi inabot ng limited screening nito. This movie was successful in being both funny and fun without losing sight of the message it wanted to get across. the great garsby It was very refreshing. Four Sisters And A Wedding . Mabuhay ang industriya ng family comedy sa Pilipinas! Saktong sakto ang balanse ng pelikulang ito. Maaaring hindi kasing bold (as in matapang) o gritty as Ang Turkey Man, pero na-impress talaga ako sa pagkakagawa nito for the mainstream the great garsby audience. Now You See Me . This is one of the bigger surprises para sa akin sa taon na ito. I loved the movie and I loved discussing it with the people I saw it with. Bawal ang mabagal ang synapses the great garsby sa pelikulang ito. Warm Bodies. the great garsby Isa pang dark horse dahil I was never a big vampire/zombie/werewolf gal. Di rin nakatulong sa rep ng movie na ito yung pagtawag sa kaniya na Zombie-Twilight dahil may espesyal akong pagkamuhi doon sa series na yun. Kung handa kang basahin o makipagdebate sa akin, here’s the link . Pero kudos to Nicholas Hoult, the cast, and the writers! Hindi siya overly cheesy at ikinatuwa ko ang resolution kahit happy ang ending. Stuck In Love. I thought this was going to be just another Rom-Com. Pero nagustuhan ko talaga ito. Maaaring mabagalan ka sa pacing kung sanay ka sa mainstream flicks, pero sulit naman ang paghihintay dito. Logan Lerman was the cherry on top. I really like that kid. Galing galing! Buti nalang the great garsby din at napanood ko to para may pambanlaw naman ako sa Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters. Ayayay! Syrup . Kung gusto mo ng bago, mahusay, at mentally-stimulating na pelikula, ito yun. Yun nga lang. Hindi mo siya pwedeng isabay the great garsby sa paggawa ng paper or paglalaro ng Candy Crush dahil maiiwan the great garsby ka kung kukurap ka man lang. Les Miserables . O. Before you go and tell me that this was a 2012 film, I have to explain that this was shown here in the Philippines on the first week of 2013. That’s the reason why I couldn’t put it in my 2012 list. Kaya ngayon na lang. Yeah. I know most purists make fun of this film. People didn’t like the extreme close ups and nitpick about the singing. Pero wala akong pakels! Wala na yatang pelikulang mas iniyakan ko kaysa dito. Standing Up. I was bullied as a kid kaya may special the great garsby kurot ang pelikulang ito sa akin. I also liked how it was told in the kids’ perspective. Napa-sigh lang ako pagkatapos. Kung gusto mo ng proper drama, watch this film. The Spectacular Now. I promise to write a review about this movie really soon. Maraming kailangang pagpapaliwanag kung bakit ko to nagustuhan. Dun ko nalang ilalagay. A Place At The Table. This is a documentary about the food situation in America. Eye-opening siya for me dahil may binebentang image ng plenty ang mga developed countries sa aming mga developing pa lang. This movie made me thankful for what I have. It made me love my country more. I thanked God for how everything grew here in the Philippines. Nagpasalamat ako na alam ko ang pakwan at melon at nakakakain ako ng totoong pagkain na mabuti para sa katawan. Not Today. This movie opened the great garsby my eyes about the discrimination in India. the great garsby Haunting siya at hanggang ngayon the great garsby ay apektado parin ako pag naiisip ko. Frozen. the great garsby Good job, Disney! Salamat sa pagsisimula na irepair ang damaged psyche ng mga kababaihan dahil sa konsepto ng Disney princesses na kinalakhan namin. Much Ado About Nothing. Joss Whedon, Nathan Fillion, Clark Gregg, Sean Maher, Amy Acker. With me being a big Joss Whedon fan, I admit na my liking for this movie is biased dahil I saw familiar faces from his other works. Avengers, Dollhouse, Firefly, Buffy! I was one happy fangirl. Oh, and I loved how they showed Shakespeare’s play in a modern setting without veering the great garsby too far off. They made me laugh at the right lines dahil na-build up ng maigi. I think much of the humor in it will be lost kung napanood ko lang sa normal na amateur theater.
I really wish this year will be a better the great garsby year for movies. Hindi kasing ganda ng 2012 ang 2013 e. Pero mukha namang maganda ang forecast

Monday, June 16, 2014

Jose Artemio o mas kilala bilang Jortz ng kanyang mga kaibigan, isa sa mga inahangaan pagdating sa m

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YouTurn : Jose Artemio "Jortz" Dimaculangan
Jose Artemio o mas kilala bilang Jortz ng kanyang mga kaibigan, isa sa mga inahangaan pagdating sa mahusay na paggawa sa vector illustration. Paano ko nga ba nakilala si Jose Artemio o mas kilala bilang hostess food Jortz at bakit siya ang napili ko ifeature sa Youturn sa buwan ng Marso? Kailan lang kami nagkakilala ng personal ni Jortz pero kahit paano ay nakapag-usap na kami via online, masasabi kong malaman an utak niya dahil kita naman siguro sa kanyang mga credential at talaga hostess food naman napahanga niya ako sa kanyang mga likhang vector, oo inaamin ko di ako kasing husay niya sa paggawa pero isa din sa mga pangarap ko ang makagawa ng ganung klaseng tirada. Kaya naman di ako nagdalawang isip pa na ifeature siya sa youturn hostess food malay natin mas dumami ang kliyente niya at mayroon mainspire sa kanyang hostess food mga gawa (you knowns di ba?), kaya anu pa ang hinihintay natin tara simulan na natin kilalanin si Jose Artemio Dimaculangan aka Jortz Dimaculangan.
Name:  Jose Artemio "Jortz" Dimaculangan Location: Las Pinas City Age: 24 Education:  Grade School:Gandhi hostess food Memorial International School hostess food High School: Elizabeth Seton School hostess food College:Multimedia Arts (De La Salle College of Saint Benilde) Genre of graphic illustration: Vector Illustrations Tell us something about yourself: I like working in teams ( a team player). not much of a leader but supports the leader instead. I can get along with others easily as long as they are not rude. I have not tried eating buko pie (seriously). hostess food i like to skate/longboard when im free or bored. Current state of mind: the possibilites of my talents as to where will i put them use to When did you get your start in the industry?: i got my start in the industry in 2011 in New York, i worked part time for the Philippine Consulate Center in New York as a web designer (vectoring logo) and a video editor (instructional video) after that, I began working another part time job in the Special Edition Press as a Multimedia Artist (Video editor and graphics). Did you go to school to study this genre? Yes i did study in De LaSalle College of Saint Benilde for Multimedia Arts. Then, I took up certificate courses in New York in School of Visual and Arts for Intermediate Graphics Design and Typography. How did you discover your passion hostess food for art? I discovered my passion for art when I was in grade 2 when i drew numerous spiderman  artworks from different spiderman hostess food cards. ever since then, my passion for art grew in me. How do you define graphic design? graphic design to me is an artistic form of communication which delivers messages to viewers by means of art. How did you find your style? Has it changed since you started? I found my style for vectors when I was in college and from there I tried mixing different elements (such animal-human hybrid art) up to now i still enjoy doing this style. What was you ever first illustration of? do you still have it, if not where is it? my first illustration was of a monkey illustration but in a form of a little boy. the piece is with one of my closest friends. Where do you get your ideas/inspiration hostess food from? i get my ideas from everywhere honestly from books to television but i get my inspiration from some people that are dear to me and someone very dear to me. (if you know what i mean) How did illustration/graphic design change your life?  hostess food illustration or graphic design changed my life in means of gaining new knowledge for art. from pencil and paper, i learned art in technology such as digital arts. Here the some sample graphic design of Jose Artemio hostess food "Jortz" Dimaculangan
What are the pros and cons of being a graphic illustrator? the pros of being a graphic illustrator is that you can be up to date with current events by means of observing everywhere to get ideas. the never ending ideas always flow through us artists. the cons of being a graphic illustrator is that some artists may have an idea but have a hard time executing them. If you weren't a graphic artist/illustrator or a multimedia artist, what would you want to be? Why? I would want to be like Banksy not because of his love for graffiti but for his love of delivering messages to the world. What legacy will you leave?How do you see yourself 20 or 30 yrs from now? the legacy that i would leave would be the one who has love for arts and monkeys. i see myself in 20-30 years as a graphic artist in a production house. Your #1 art tip or words of wisdom? never stop looking for ideas. hostess food they will eventu

Yes, hindi naman talaga ako nagaral para magcall center buffet warmer lang. Pero nagcall center din

Hi Fashion Pulis, buffet warmer We wrote to express our shock and indignation towards the producers and writers behind GMA's new teleserye, buffet warmer The Borrowed Wife. In its pilot episode, the stars of the program made insulting reference to the call center agents with dialogues, to wit: - Hindi ako nag-aaral para sumagot lang ng telepono! - pang walang pinag-aralan lang yan. We strongly condemn this kind of mockery. The nerve of these supposed writers to discriminate against an industry they know nothing about! I posted something on our FB page to feel the pulse of our followers, and in an instant a great number of people reacted very strongly. Yes we are enraged, we feel violated. The gall to belittle an industry with billions in revenues making it one of the chief economic drivers of this country. An industry that employs hundreds of thousands of hardworking people who pay billions in taxes to the government. What about them? How much do they know? How much research have they done to make such sweeping, degrading statements?   We posted a message on the newly-created facebook and twitter accounts of The Borrowed Wife but we have yet to hear a word from them. FP, we hope you can help us reach the proper channels on this matter. I have attached screenshots from our fb page and theirs regarding our followers' reactions. We will not take these things sitting down, we will pursue this unless mistakes are rectified. This is the height of irresponsibility, the height of insensitivity and unprofessionalism on the part of GMA network and its producers. Thank you, FP, for your accommodation and support. God bless us all. Sincerely yours, JM Cruz Host and Show Creator The Call Center Show Note: Letter is edited for brevity. Please abide by the GUIDELINES in writing comments if you want them to be posted. Initials and comments that are too explicit will not be accepted. buffet warmer Follow @FashionPulis on Twitter for the latest update. Please continue to send your juicy stories to Thank you very much for loving Fashion buffet warmer PULIS ! Disclaimer: The comments of the readers do not reflect the views and opinions of Fashion PULIS.
Nakakatawa ung pagkaexag nung taga Call center show messages! Pwede ba namang wala ng maeenganyong mag apply sa bpo's e yan lang naman ang maraming openings! Hahahaha! Bawas ng drama mga brod at wag magpakasignificant sa pagsawsaw at pagpaparelevant ng show nyo sa mga ganitong maliit na bagay na pinalaki nyo pa! Sa English making a mountain out of a molehill! Ayan call center language yan ha! Delete
Si JM Cruz naman e kahit paulet ulet ginagawa nyo e ganun naman ang tao nasasanay buffet warmer sa monotonous! Sa tingin mo Bakit hanggang ngaun me eat bulaga!? Until now kumikita pa din mga pelikula ni Vic?! At mga jokes at mga predictable na patawa ni vice?! Paulet ulet! It is embedded in our culture! Wag mong gawing big deal at lagyan ng mga mala komunistang buffet warmer nationalism theme! Delete
Nakakatuwa Ito Dahil una, wala namang gaanong viewers ang teleserye ng GMA para maapektuhan ng ganito ang perception ng public! The fact na nagdadub nlng ung mga talents nila at Bawas na sa pag gawa ng teleserye! 2nd is Bakit nanunuod si JM Cruz ng mga ganitong teleserye and sampu o limampu ng mga nagcocomment?! It shows ung level ng learning nila! This is either a paid reverse promo for the show para mapagusapan buffet warmer at maintriga mga goyims or famewhore at naghahanap ng significance ang mga taga call center show at si JM Cruz! Delete buffet warmer
Yes, hindi naman talaga ako nagaral para magcall center buffet warmer lang. Pero nagcall center din ako kasi wala akong pera. Ang dali makapasok sa call center. Very stagnant ng trabaho. Gagana ang neurons sa training. Pero pag sa production buffet warmer na very routinary ng peg. Kaya tanggapin na natin to. Lol Reply Delete
Sorry but i beg to disagree. I'm working in a BPO industry and I am a USRN. I am a Registered Nurse in the Phils and is also licensed in the US. So wag mo ila-lang ang mga nagtratrabaho sa call center. Coz not all accepts undergraduates like you. Others only accepts buffet warmer degree holders. Delete
I respect your opinion but i certainly wont accept buffet warmer it. Been in other jobs and everything gets to become a routine unless you decide to take on a different role or be at a certain level within the company. I assume you've buffet warmer been stuck in the same post for a period of time so you feel that way. Same is true in any other job. For you neurons buffet warmer not to stagnate, do something about where you currently are in your company, that will be a good challenge for you. Delete
Ang komento ko ay base sa nakararami na nagtatrabaho sa call center. Aminin man natin o hindi mas nakararami pa din ang mga may pinagaralan na sapilitang buffet warmer nagcacall center dahil lang sa p