Thursday, January 30, 2014

There was a Mac. I had no money to buy it, and in 1985. friend had it and immediately bought the fi

Interview: Miroslav Ambrus Kis - Croatia Mac legend: - magazine for Mac users
I know that you expect hl7 msh from me again MacHead an American, but I decided this time to introduce to you a man who is safe to say that the biggest Mac legend in Croatia. Outstanding scholars, creative person and very likeable and dear friend. We met a long time ago, when I was still a novice (I'm not a switcher, I started with Macs) and he experienced hl7 msh a longtime Mac user and expert. It was a time when the Mac user community was much smaller when the read anything hl7 msh about Apple-in in one of the most read dailies meant more than any of today's live blogging. The symbolism of his nickname, MAK was basic guidelines in various interviews. MAK wrote this and that, are you reading? No, you have to read! The man who founded the first association of Macintosh users, and who in his illustrious career and made countless graphic spisateljskih success, simply deserves enormous hl7 msh respect and affection. I hope you enjoy reading this interview as much as I enjoyed talking with him. You'll find breaking news about the iPhone in Croatia, about the past AppleExpo in Europe, about the scientists at CERN who prefer the Mac, and much, much more exciting hl7 msh here ... Interview is perhaps longer than any you've read so far, but trust Poppy is my interlocutor with which it can not be a short talk!
- It started in January and February 1974. And before I had heard and read that "some kids Rockin computer". And I'm 20 years! Only then could I ever saw in my life was through the windows SDK (now fine) in Osijek and terminals for processing application forms for the exams at the old UNIVAC at the Faculty of Philosophy. Mortuary unavailable and mystical, and those that I have seen to work on them or were arrogant types (like "nothing you do not understand, and you will never even understand") or secretaries who are trembling impressed because the machine is fed punch cards.
Somehow late in 1973. arrived as a gift to the University of disposing of Hewlett Packard. It was some sort of "mini-mainframe", more than eg PDP-11 on which many thought, but quite nice "little" to make it to prof. Dr. Branimir Makanec held a course for volunteers from the general student audience in the Multimedia Centre at the University Marshal Tito Square, adjacent to the then University of AMD ...
Others are on the 2-3 places hl7 msh to find their way with a combination hl7 msh terminal (tipkovice) and TV. One was connected to the oscilloscope screen rashodovanog, so as long as the line progressed were entered commands, so the start upisivanih lines faded! Ridiculous! But it worked man who has just this Scope air in BASIC to produce great graphisms!
I am mainly hl7 msh as a "non-technical" person with FF is thrown to one of two terminals hl7 msh that were a combination of keyboard and printer. Everyone dreamed of ASCII-art (Mona Lisa of letters, calendars, etc.), and I was lazy in BASIC data typing letters as needlepoint, so my first program in BASIC was what we know today as a text adventure. The computer tells the story and asks the user decides where he will be his story ... This tee is known only BASIC commands IF (x) THEN (y) and in several rounds hl7 msh should simulate the process of decision-making hl7 msh IF-THEN-ELSE. Crazy experience!
We wrote down their programs on punched tape telex from one inch and five bits, so we have them in every new session to retrieve it in the computer. The computer he knew only uppercase letters, uppercase (UPPERCASE), but it is naturally thinking could do anything.
Then came a pause. The course is completed and everywhere that my darlings. Only in 1980. year appeared Sinclair ZX-80 with 1 K RAM. I had to have it to refresh what I learned. So I went to the ZX-81 with a "lump" of 16 K plugged into the first port for expansion I've ever seen ... After that created a circle of people who have purchased computers and smashed them above his head programming, because the program was not. People have purchased the ZX Spectrum, and I was bought a Commodore 64, which was just left. The real keyboard, not rubber, Hey!
It is a dream of any computer in colors hl7 msh with commercial ROMs TI/99 that the recording sessions with one panel in Sweden was brought glad Mlinarec. I have long remained at the Commodore, hl7 msh came and games around which gathered family and friends (as it then was customary for people to visit, like ten years ago about cb TV), floppy disk drive, printer ... I tried it on and the first Mouse!
There was a Mac. I had no money to buy it, and in 1985. friend had it and immediately bought the first LaserWriter. Wow! For it is installed and the first external 17 "monitor that showed hl7 msh 16 gray tones. Wow! PageMaker 1.0, Photoshop 1.0 ... It was a wonderful year in which Apple has entered into an agreement with Adobe, the same year it done and Linotype. DTP is actually saved Maca who was with

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