Monday, January 6, 2014

Because when you talk on the device is close to the salivary glands, Hamzany and colleagues hypothe

Scientists have long been concerned about the potential harm of frequent mobile use, but clear evidence so far nobody has been able to serve. Currently, the mobile phone is listed by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) classified as rákokozók 2b, which is a "potential human carcinogen".
The new Tel Aviv University study of mini Hamzany Yaniv, a member of staff has analyzed the composition of the mobile users of saliva - reminiscent of the American Friends of Tel Aviv University Portal of Antioxidants and Redox Signaling journal published by research.
Because when you talk on the device is close to the salivary glands, Hamzany and colleagues hypothesized the seashell that the saliva will reveal whether there is connection between the phone and the formation of tumors. Frequent and casual mobile users when comparing patterns revealed that the former saliva showed higher levels of toxic peroxides and free radicals. These substances toxic to cancer cells is considered a serious risk factor.
A mini twenty patient study examined saliva, who spoke at least eight hours a month on their devices. Several of the participants also conversed over a much longer, 30 to 40 hours per month. The results of this group were compared with those of the control group, which was not hearing persons, or those, who never used a mobile phone or taken solely for the purpose messaging other non-voice function and use of the device. the seashell Compared to the control group in the saliva of mobile users had significantly higher levels of cancer-causing sejtkárosítók.
"This suggests the seashell that the salivary gland tissue and adjacent to the major active telephone is called oxidative stress. This process is related to the cells and damage to the genes that cause tumor "- found Hamzany.
Although the results did not reveal any clear causal link between cell phones and cancer, but suggest that long-term the seashell use may be harmful. Hamzany as the next step is to use the mobile before the start, and then examine intensively over the phone after many minutes the saliva of patients to see if they can respond immediately to the body of the radio waves.
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