Thursday, January 23, 2014

I was so amazed by Gene Stratton-Porter

Just yesterday, I tell you what makes me happy. hostess tray After all our earthly possessions, I more and more realize that one must engage yourself with things that you like it. Because travel is now part of my frame of reference, 'journey' I'm on my farm. I examined everything that lives and breathes heef ... and each and every other thing also.
The scientist in me, but always at work, it's part of who I am. I am currently doing a bit of research on a certain plant family biodiversiteitblog me and the whole afternoon spent in the field looking for three specific plant species. It's easy, because I know at this time every pebble and hole on a farm and know where they grow, but each grow in another corner of the yard! The one I wanted to get into flower, I have walked past weeks every weekend I can in anticipation. I have eight years last saw one in bloom. Saturday I was unsuccessful, but within these few days it started to bloom! I've learned so many times that people at the right time in the right place to be with lots of plants. The second one I had to repeat the leaf base at the back going investigation commissioned by a scientist who helps me correct this plant family identification. The third one I had the leaf will break within the structure to see. The stories on my other blog is so thoroughly researched before making a placement makes.
This means I hard 'work' today. It was a heeerlike trip and stopped only later tonight when I get all my pictures downloaded and processed the necessary scientific information to send my data to update the records.
I really hostess tray want to share with you two things. The first has to do with an observation that I made. We look porcupine activity, but very few times the darlings themselves. They run wine at night. Porcupines eat a variety of foods and include tubers, bulbs, roots, berries and bark at. They really enjoy marula is also very fond of the bulbs to dig the plants I went looking today. hostess tray
When I saw one such hole, I first thought that they were at the base of the tree digging hostess tray in search of the tubers that grow there. This is a young wild pear (Dombeya rotundifolia) Dikbas or as some call them. A few meters further, I was still a wild pear eaten ... and a few meters further still. My conclusion is that they also like carrots and wild pear bark!
Firstly, there is a bag with my battery charger and a bunch of camera wires. I forgot the thread from the side pocket to pick up the camera to my computer link. The manual lays flat at the bottom.
Then there's a notebook and write well to make notes if I wanted hostess tray to. The notebook fits neatly upright. Many times it is the coordinates of a plant I received from my cellphone (which I forgot to put in the front pocket of my suitcase up for the photo!) Recorded, or so yards from the stone if that tree I found this or that. Remember, sometimes I take more than one hundred photos a day, one needs to repeat hostess tray after you make sense of it!
Then there are all the other things. hostess tray The stones hostess tray with a reason to divide the quills. Let me begin with but the middle quills. Right it's pretty quartz pebbles and a transvaalensis Achatina shell. I just do snails, remember! Just right is a thorn (Papierbas) pod. It smells so nice to me and when I travel to other places hostess tray and I pulled out my camera then I smell my house.
Links of the roll is two seeds. The big brownie comes from Papierbaspeul to the back had broken up. The little seed I threw today to come plant. It Ledebouria of ovatifolia. The red seed has broken down a bunch Lucky bean pods other day I brought it home.
The last two stones are very special. It's not just stones, but Stone Age tools. Just last Friday I had a geologist here had me more of the klipgesteentes come to tell, and he said the closest Chert (pronunciation?) Which made the black small and occur in the Barberton mountains of more than twenty miles from here. For twintigkilometer Stone Age is a day's journey! hostess tray The Witt's little quartz was possible from the farm came, although unlikely.
Categories: hostess tray City Life, Slakgedagtes, So do snails | 5 Comments
I was so amazed by Gene Stratton-Porter's Freckles book and then The Girl of the Limberlost, and the "bird worman,"'s commitment to fielding. There is a short story about Gene's life. She based the book on her own work in the swamps of the Limberlost. It is a kind of calling on his own. I read that same kind of love at your touch .... and marvel.
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