Tuesday, January 14, 2014

JL Marais job this time with the sea as ontginningsbodem which his poems on the

Versindaba Blog Archive Review: In the blue (Johann Louis Marais)
The text of Johann Louis Marais's new book In the blue is meaningfully tied together with a painting by Lynnette at Krooden on the cover of a blue whale or dolphin, great going and in the background a few tail fins disappearing into the waves. There are all sensory level an experience created this 'blue', and so with a sense of anticipation. What the reader suspects, and perhaps great going expect from the famous "Nature poet, it is a reflection on the life forms and creatures in and around the sea might hold. And this expectation is not ashamed: This collection is full of exciting, 'new' experiences in each poem text. Also keep the title something of a surprise great going in that one back to the saying 'out of the blue', but it is this new exploit to be realistic (truthful?) Referring to the ocean as background given in which the poet his poems instead.
By implication suggests the subtitle A Seeboek and division Oseanaria a sober, scientific approach of looking at things and it works well with the idea of a storage place systematically worked to marine life collecting, describing, preserve and protect and exceed all accessible for the whole process of learning to know and name. It is a 'gathering' of people involved with the sea and its returns, a specific gathering of seedinge and seemense. This is what the poet here, as always, in neat verse forms and packed offering.
JL Marais job this time with the sea as ontginningsbodem which his poems on the 'blue' with all his life creatures, especially seen in the brief and idea of the scientific researcher and collector, yet unique to speak:
The volume is thus as self-compiled venture or exploration, a revisiting of the things (as found in his previous bundles to know: when things palimpsest, Weathered globe, great going local knowledge, Aves, Diorama, etc..), Yet here on a different great going site. In this case the living things, plants great going and animals of the sea, the people of the sea, the 'marine' in all its extravagance! great going
The things in and around the sea which is concentrated, but what is particularly striking is that the language while living enriched by verses that kind of names, proper names, idioms and so to bring the hammer. Even the names of famous people, authors and poets, marine biologists, bewaardes in museums, collectors of shells and seegoed - those people who have some connection with the sea, or did the fishermen, great going mariners, sailors, modern discovery and seereisigers great going Jacques Costeau, figure in several poems. Then, the poet, with his collection great going of verses about the things of the sea where many newly discovered seegoeters now placing new and fresh in the African context of poetic crops in the 'trawl of the word' (squid) caught. This includes the appointment of sea creatures, shells, trees, etc.. he listened carefully as researcher great going and poet recorded from the smallest to the largest, from the delicate horse-fish to the weighty and Stompneus Duiwelvis, great going the Blue Whale, and he saw them each by name, as in the poem Manatoka "I write the name down on my hand. " He observes and describes the teeming vassuigende to headline the dead skulpdoppe to the coral reefs or houses of this "Sea inhabitants", in view to image comes as he exclaimed: "Yes, there are cities in the sea"!
The index shows all the broadening of the knowledge of the enlightening things work, and one suspects this volume might rely on a topic related to the Franciscan saint, St. Bonaventura (1221-1274) , with his philosophy: 'of knowledge by illumination. In this volume is both new and old things of the sea once more brought to light as titles or within the texts themselves: The substance that causes, Boosoog-puffer fish, bottlenose, limpet, leatherback, Lemoenspons, Maanjellievis, hartmossels, mussel, Red Bait, Seskief-slymslang , Spider Shell, etc.. And in particular, shells admired and enumerates as Argonautskulp, Chinese hats, buttons, cowrie shells, nautilus, sleutelgatskulp, winding stairs, perdepootjies, harpskulpe, trompetskulpe, and so on, so in the Laurie Smith poem where the skulpversamelaar great going each point out and the fragility describe their shells.
The reader can seedinge with their unique features and exceptional value, and again with the late poet admits: "The new name sounds like in the beginning." This listing of the types of sea creatures and shells, particularly with integrating the unique, great going the idea around the illuminating 'knowledge as bemagtiging' idea. It's an intimate acquaintance and understanding great going of the things themselves that the awe in every poem poses.
This in itself is a significant contribution great going to the language binding estimate

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