Friday, January 31, 2014

Ο Υπουργός Αναπληρωτής ΠΕΚΑ Σταύρος Καλαφάτης ανακοινώνει την υπογραφή των αποφάσεων Έγκρισης seashe

Home Τ.Ε.Ε. Τεχνικό Επιμελητήριο Ελλάδας Τμήμα Κεντρικής Μακεδονίας Τμήμα Δυτικής Ελλάδας Τμήμα Θράκης Τμήμα Ανατολικής Μακεδονίας Τμήμα Δυτικής Μακεδονίας Τμήμα Κεντρικής και Δυτικής Θεσσαλίας Τμήμα Νομού Μαγνησίας Τμήμα Ανατολικής Στερεάς Ελλάδας Τμήμα Ηπείρου Τμήμα Νομού Δωδεκανήσου Τμήμα Ανατολικής seashells Κρήτης Τμήμα Δυτικής Κρήτης Τμήμα Πελοποννήσου Τμήμα Νομού Κέρκυρας Τμήμα Τμήμα Νομού Αιτωλοακαρνανίας Τμήμα Βορειοανατολικού Αιγαίου Τμήμα Νομού Ευβοίας Σύλλογοι Μηχανικών Σύλλογος Αρχιτεκτόνων Διπλωματούχων Ανωτάτων Σχολών - Πανελλήνια Ένωση Αρχιτεκτόνων Σύλλογος Πολιτικών Μηχανικών Ελλάδος Πανελλήνιος Σύλλογος Διπλωματούχων Μηχανολόγων - Ηλεκτρολόγων Ένωση Μηχανικών Πληροφορικής και Επικοινωνιών Ελλάδας Πανελλήνιος seashells Σύλλογος Χημικών Μηχανικών Πανελλήνιος Σύλλογος Διπλωματούχων Μηχανικών Μεταλλείων seashells και Μεταλλουργών Μηχανικών Σύλλογος Διπλωματούχων Ναυπηγών Μηχανικών seashells Ελλάδος Πανελλήνιος Σύλλογος Διπλωματούχων Αγρονόμων και Τοπογράφων Μηχανικών Πανελλήνια Ομοσπονδία ΕΜΔΥΔΑΣ Σύλλογος Ελλήνων Αεροναυπηγών Πανελλήνιος Σύλλογος Μηχανικών Ορυκτών seashells Πόρων Σύλλογος Ελλήνων Μηχανικών Πολεοδομίας, Χωροταξίας και Περιφερειακής Ανάπτυξης Χρήσιμοι Σύνδεσμοι Τ.Σ.Μ.Ε.Δ.Ε. Υ.Π.Ε.Κ.Α. Υπ.Υ.Με.Δι. Γενική Γραμματεία seashells Δημοσίων Έργων Πανελλήνιος Σύνδεσμος seashells Τεχνικών Εταιρειών Π.Ε.Δ.Μ.Ε.Δ.Ε. Σύνδεσμος Ελληνικών Εταιρειών-Γραφείων Μελετών Π.Ε.Σ.Ε.Δ.Ε. Σ.Ε.Δ.Ε. Ηρακλείου Σ.Ε.Δ.Ε. Πατρών seashells Σ.Ε.Δ.Ε. Πρωτευούσης Σ.Ε.Δ.Ε. Καστοριάς Σ.Ε.Δ.Ε. Θεσσαλονίκης και Κεντρικής Μακεδονίας Σ.Ε.Δ.Ε. Αγρινίου Σ.Ε.Δ.Ε. Πέλλας Σ.Ε.Δ.Ε. Καρδίτσας Σ.Ε.Δ.Ε. Λάρισας Σ.Ε.Δ.Ε. Δράμας Σύλλογος seashells Τεχνικών Υπαλλήλων Ελλάδος Σωματείο Μισθωτών Τεχνικών Aνοιχτή Συνέλευση Μηχανικών Social LinkedIn Facebook Twitter Google+ RSS Επικοινωνία
Ο Υπουργός Αναπληρωτής ΠΕΚΑ Σταύρος Καλαφάτης ανακοινώνει την υπογραφή των αποφάσεων Έγκρισης seashells Σχεδίων Διαχείρισης Λεκανών seashells Απορροής Ποταμών των Υδατικών Διαμερισμάτων Κεντρικής Μακεδονίας και Δυτικής Μακεδονίας, κατόπιν ομόφωνης seashells έγκρισής τους από την Εθνική Επιτροπή Υδάτων. seashells Οι εν λόγω αποφάσεις έχουν προωθηθεί για δημοσίευση στην Εφημερίδα της Κυβερνήσεως.
Ο Υπουργός Αναπληρωτής ΠΕΚΑ Σταύρος Καλαφάτης δήλωσε σχετικά: Το νερό είναι εθνικός seashells πλούτος. Αποτελεί καθήκον όλων μας η προστασία του, η ορθολογική διαχείρισή του, η δίκαιη και συνετή πρόσβαση στη χρήση του. Απαιτούνται πλαίσιο και κανόνες για την αξιοποίησή του. Με λίγα λόγια, αυτός ο πολύτιμος πόρος απαιτεί μία ολιστική προσέγγιση, μία εθνική πολιτική για το νερό. Αυτή χαράσσει το ΥΠΕΚΑ, μέσω της προσφάτως αναβαθμισμένης και ενισχυμένης Ειδικής Γραμματείας Υδάτων, με τα Σχέδια Διαχείρισης των Λεκανών Απορροής Ποταμών των Υδατικών Διαμερισμάτων της χώρας. Πιστεύουμε ότι το νερό μπορεί να αποτελέσει πραγματικά την προμετωπίδα της σύγκλισης δύο δομικών εννοιών: της ανάπτυξης και της προστασίας του περιβάλλοντος. Η Βόρεια Ελλάδα και ειδικότερα η Μακεδονία, με τον τεράστιο υδατικό πλούτο που διαθέτει, μπορεί να είναι στην πρωτοπορία. Στόχος μας είναι ένα βιώσιμο αναπτυξιακό πρότυπο, άρα μια πραγματική ανάπτυξη, που θα βασίζεται στην ορθολογική και «ευφυή» αξιοποίηση των ανεκτίμητων υδατικών μας πόρων.
Τα δύο προαναφερόμενα Σχέδια Διαχείρισης για τα Υδατικά Διαμερίσματα Κεντρικής Μακεδονίας και Δυτικής Μακεδονίας, μαζί με τα οκτώ πρώτα που εγκρίθηκαν το 2013 (Αττικής, Ανατολικής Στερεάς Ελλάδας, Βόρειας Πελοποννήσου, Ανατολικής Πελοποννήσου, Δυτικής Πελοποννήσου, Ανατολικής Μακεδονίας, Θράκης και Ηπείρου) και τα επόμενα τέσσερα που ακολουθούν σε μικρό χρονικό διάστημα (Δυτικής Στερεάς Ελλάδας, Θεσσαλίας, Κρήτης, Νήσων Αιγαίου), αποτελούν το συνολικό σχεδιασμό για τη διαχείριση των υδάτων στη χώρα. Με την έγκριση των «Σχεδίων Διαχείρισης Λεκανών Απορροής» η χώρα μας κάνει ένα μεγάλο βήμα προς την απόκτηση μίας εθνικής κλίμακας πολιτικής για τα ύδατα. Αυτή βασίζεται σε δύο πυλώνες: τόσο στην προστασία του πόρου, και ευρύτερα seashells του φυσικού περιβάλλοντος, όσο και στην ενίσχυση του αναπτυξιακού ρόλου που μπορούν να έχουν τα ύδατα για τη χώρα.
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Thursday, January 30, 2014

There was a Mac. I had no money to buy it, and in 1985. friend had it and immediately bought the fi

Interview: Miroslav Ambrus Kis - Croatia Mac legend: - magazine for Mac users
I know that you expect hl7 msh from me again MacHead an American, but I decided this time to introduce to you a man who is safe to say that the biggest Mac legend in Croatia. Outstanding scholars, creative person and very likeable and dear friend. We met a long time ago, when I was still a novice (I'm not a switcher, I started with Macs) and he experienced hl7 msh a longtime Mac user and expert. It was a time when the Mac user community was much smaller when the read anything hl7 msh about Apple-in in one of the most read dailies meant more than any of today's live blogging. The symbolism of his nickname, MAK was basic guidelines in various interviews. MAK wrote this and that, are you reading? No, you have to read! The man who founded the first association of Macintosh users, and who in his illustrious career and made countless graphic spisateljskih success, simply deserves enormous hl7 msh respect and affection. I hope you enjoy reading this interview as much as I enjoyed talking with him. You'll find breaking news about the iPhone in Croatia, about the past AppleExpo in Europe, about the scientists at CERN who prefer the Mac, and much, much more exciting hl7 msh here ... Interview is perhaps longer than any you've read so far, but trust Poppy is my interlocutor with which it can not be a short talk!
- It started in January and February 1974. And before I had heard and read that "some kids Rockin computer". And I'm 20 years! Only then could I ever saw in my life was through the windows SDK (now fine) in Osijek and terminals for processing application forms for the exams at the old UNIVAC at the Faculty of Philosophy. Mortuary unavailable and mystical, and those that I have seen to work on them or were arrogant types (like "nothing you do not understand, and you will never even understand") or secretaries who are trembling impressed because the machine is fed punch cards.
Somehow late in 1973. arrived as a gift to the University of disposing of Hewlett Packard. It was some sort of "mini-mainframe", more than eg PDP-11 on which many thought, but quite nice "little" to make it to prof. Dr. Branimir Makanec held a course for volunteers from the general student audience in the Multimedia Centre at the University Marshal Tito Square, adjacent to the then University of AMD ...
Others are on the 2-3 places hl7 msh to find their way with a combination hl7 msh terminal (tipkovice) and TV. One was connected to the oscilloscope screen rashodovanog, so as long as the line progressed were entered commands, so the start upisivanih lines faded! Ridiculous! But it worked man who has just this Scope air in BASIC to produce great graphisms!
I am mainly hl7 msh as a "non-technical" person with FF is thrown to one of two terminals hl7 msh that were a combination of keyboard and printer. Everyone dreamed of ASCII-art (Mona Lisa of letters, calendars, etc.), and I was lazy in BASIC data typing letters as needlepoint, so my first program in BASIC was what we know today as a text adventure. The computer tells the story and asks the user decides where he will be his story ... This tee is known only BASIC commands IF (x) THEN (y) and in several rounds hl7 msh should simulate the process of decision-making hl7 msh IF-THEN-ELSE. Crazy experience!
We wrote down their programs on punched tape telex from one inch and five bits, so we have them in every new session to retrieve it in the computer. The computer he knew only uppercase letters, uppercase (UPPERCASE), but it is naturally thinking could do anything.
Then came a pause. The course is completed and everywhere that my darlings. Only in 1980. year appeared Sinclair ZX-80 with 1 K RAM. I had to have it to refresh what I learned. So I went to the ZX-81 with a "lump" of 16 K plugged into the first port for expansion I've ever seen ... After that created a circle of people who have purchased computers and smashed them above his head programming, because the program was not. People have purchased the ZX Spectrum, and I was bought a Commodore 64, which was just left. The real keyboard, not rubber, Hey!
It is a dream of any computer in colors hl7 msh with commercial ROMs TI/99 that the recording sessions with one panel in Sweden was brought glad Mlinarec. I have long remained at the Commodore, hl7 msh came and games around which gathered family and friends (as it then was customary for people to visit, like ten years ago about cb TV), floppy disk drive, printer ... I tried it on and the first Mouse!
There was a Mac. I had no money to buy it, and in 1985. friend had it and immediately bought the first LaserWriter. Wow! For it is installed and the first external 17 "monitor that showed hl7 msh 16 gray tones. Wow! PageMaker 1.0, Photoshop 1.0 ... It was a wonderful year in which Apple has entered into an agreement with Adobe, the same year it done and Linotype. DTP is actually saved Maca who was with

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

So, get a proper tin, devoured the contents, clean it and remove both ends, it takes just a metal t

Top10 "do it yourself" projects for photographers | CahayaBox
Nesluteća victim, after entering into the world of photography (especially DSLR fraction), soon becomes aware of one terrifying fact - serious engagement photographing a financial sinkhole. dihr Wishes are increasing as well as prices, and to this, and it would, lighting ... If you spretnijih fingers dihr and sever limbs're using a tool, in the following 10 types you could find something for themselves. First Stand-stabilization of string
A piece of string and screw, dihr you may find it less? The principle is simple, all you have to watch out for is that thread and width screws or hooks fit the thread on the bottom of your body their camera. Any hardware dihr or Bauhaus to have. Do not hold Manfrotto tripods, but we said that we are short with money, right?
If you can not find the hook, just wrap a piece of string and tie around ordinary screws. You can use one or two pieces of string, depending on how you tread it with both feet, it is important to accurately measure the length of the order in keeping a camera could easily dihr drag upwards. The string tension quite effectively neutralizes small steps when you are shaking hands.
An easy way to obtain a softer light from an external flash on Fotic just a mini-portable softbox. In this science fiction, you need a couple of pieces of cardboard, foil and a little glue. Take four surfaces harder cardboard, appropriate size, and cut them into the form shown in the figure above.
Connect them, remember kindergarten, and make sure that the width of the portion marked with the letter A is equal to the width of the head of your flash. When you connect the 4 parts, interior pan with aluminum foil, and softening the light, you can use all of the white plastic bags to lighter and thinner fabric. Try a few things and see what suits you best. 3rd Ringlight of cans and bowls
Oooo, ringlight! Before you give up and the thought of having these gadgets, take a look at the diagram. First, it would be good to decide which lens you use most often when working with this type of lighting. The diameter of the cans must match the diameter of the lens that is inserted, and either choose one lens or make more variants.
So, get a proper tin, devoured the contents, clean it and remove both ends, it takes just a metal tube. Next, you need to bowl - metal or plastic. If the metal, further polish, and if the plastic pan with aluminum foil. In the middle of the bottom of the bowl, cut a hole diameter cans, and on one side of the hole for the head of the flash - there will be a light source.
Tin insert into the hole at the bottom of the bowl, let the bowl is about 80% of the length of the cans. Attach a glue or a more appropriate way you can and Duct Tape. Tin must be firmly connected to the lens as it still comes up and flash. We again recommend Duct Tape because it leaves sticky residue upon removal. dihr
When the flash goes off, the light will bounce from page bowls of canned, everywhere around the room and out at the subject. Before anyone starts bitching that this is "not a right" - this is a can! OK? 4th Eye of the paper
Ah, lens flare. Something for everyone complain dihr that their mind, and when the photos turn out fora say that they just wanted to. In case you are getting on your nerves, and you do not have or have lost hood for your lens, you can make from your plain paper. The best is a stiffer, black and matte, so that more absorbed and less reflected.
The whole thing looks like one sleeve which thrust the dogs around the neck - you can snatch the dog and let him find his way. Obavijte sleeve around the lens, paste and voila! - Light enters only frontally, and your photos are contrastive. Be careful not to be too long and begins to interfere with the visual angle lens. 5th Lightbox
Here's something nice for photographers who often work with products for catalogs. Works like a bunch softbox around the whole product, and the light is coming from all sides. You are not limited in size, but as devices grow count on more bulbs for more light. Take a plain checkered box on the site cut square "windows", and through them, affix some of you favorite material for dispersing light.
Now you're probably confused dihr because you have nowhere to push the lens - ing njaaa! So, one side will have to leave open, or at least make a hole for the lens. To get good results dihr it is necessary to allocate dihr a good light from all sides. After arguing with his homemade lightbox, you probably do not have a 4-5 flashes, so you can take 3-4 more room lamps that will sparkle outside the diffuse material on the sides of the box. 6th Endless white background dihr
This is so simple it borders on stupid. What is infinite white background? Well, white is not visible edges. Wow! Take everything you know to turn on the lights dihr and strongest against dihr the white wall behind the person photo. Note - BEHIND person, you want to get overexposed aka burning

Monday, January 27, 2014

In this article the importance of the representation of physical and abstract spaces in the work of

Versindaba Blog Archive Space theme and metaphor in the poetry of single African women poets: 1994-2005
This article illustrates That the representation of physical and abstract your great space is exceptionally prominent in the work of female poets in Afrikaans poetry who published between 1994 and 2005. The Possibility That A "female consciousness" Influences the use of spatial Metaphors are put forward (but not Approved). Following the Theoretical your great insights of Pierre Bourdieu, the relationship between art and society is Explored, and consequently the Importance of the postcolonial context of African poetry published between 1994 and 2005 forms part of the analysis of the thematic and metaphorical aspects your great of the selected poems. Examples of the salient aspects of representations of space, and excursions as theme and as a metaphor in the work of female African poets are Discussed in more detail some avant Preliminary Conclusions are put forward.
In this article the importance of the representation of physical and abstract spaces in the work of female poets in Afrikaans show, specifically in volumes published your great between 1994 and 2005. There are briefly addressed the question of whether there could be a "female your great consciousness" in these volumes. The spatial awareness is also related to the fact that the African poetry in the period 1994-2005 is postcolonial. The theories of Pierre Bourdieu is used to examine your great the relationship between community your great and works to explain and then be examples of the spatial and thematic use of spatial metaphor in the work of female poets discuss selected.
In his studies, Philosophy of the landscape, claiming the Dutch philosopher Tom Lemaire (1996) that space and the experience of the space in a culture not an incidental aspect of a fringe phenomenon in the lives of people, but it in a very special your great way the spirit of that culture captures. Lemaire (1996:18) also believes that a culture, a period or an individual order his life, past and longings of representations of the space project. He (Lemaire, 1996:18) continues:
In this level expliceert 'culture itself: it unfolds itself and imposes further out, the room is explicatio culturae. Thus, for the fate of a reading culture in the history of the space they occupy and which it overlooks.
It follows that one particular could draw inferences from the way spaces in literary texts is proposed. This article is based on research (De Beer, 2009), about the representations your great of space, spatial and thematic spatial metaphor in the poetry of selected female poets writing in Afrikaans and in the period 1994-2005 published volumes. The question is whether one particular poetical and / or thematic markers or characteristics Identify and following the study of the spatial representations and the use of spatial metaphors to Afrikaans-speaking female poets of the decade around the Turn, specifically against the the changes in the South African socio-political reality.
In the period 1994-2005 were quite a number of established African poets active, while some others debuted. The literary-historical development in the African poetry in this period is interesting because there are many changes in the socio-political situation in the country took place. All poets write the spaces in which they live in their texts, but even at the exploratory reading of the work of several African female poets whose texts appear in this period, the presence of a spatial awareness conspicuously present. In poems including Elisabeth Eybers, your great Ina Rousseau, Wilma Stockenström, Antjie Krog, Petra Müller, Heilna du Plooy, Trienke Laurie, Melanie Grobler and Ilse van Staden, there are many examples of the representation of spatial experience on a referential level (ie referring to a world), as well as the use of metaphors on spatial associations based. your great The poet writes thus about the physical spaces in which they live and tematiseer spatial experience through issues of transgression and the exploration of new spaces in the poems to raise them. Several authors used also in connection with other topics metaphors of space related, your great for example the landscape as metaphor of experience or by using ideological and political reconciliation in terms of the elimination of spatial distance to portray, as later on will be shown .
From the titles of the volumes of the said African women poets also seems increasingly strong a spatial awareness and the different facets of space in the bundles figure. Examples of such titles is On

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Each month, on the last Friday night, great gaysby is a open discussion held in the Soffkamer of Ca

Each month, on the last Friday night, great gaysby is a open discussion held in the Soffkamer of Café Riche. Friday January 31, 2014 from 19:30 the first interview for this year. Since 1998 critical discussions in this coffee shop atmosphere instead, where everyone is welcome to new ideas to entice and issues to ponder! By appears to confirm the need for open discussion in such a hospitable public space. Lame Ebersöhn: great gaysby
"Is the African's time not over?" The question is on the recent Philosophy Café at Café Riche on Church Square proposed by Prof. Jurie le Roux of the Department of Old Testament Studies at the University of Pretoria. Prof le Roux, the first talk at the Philosophy Café held eleven years ago, with the theme: "Save us from the truth! great gaysby He praised great gaysby Ebersohn lame because his month by month the cafe to going - it could not easily have been. He called the current state of the African compare the rise of the natural sciences, with the Bible as the basis. And at any given moment has th e natural sciences left the Bible - it was like a debt that opened - all that remained was the shell. 'Is the Afrikaner as a shell and which opened the new South Africa came and now no longer relevant? "He wrote in his notes at the event were distributed." In launching the new masters and society with scarce skills to serve, and loyal builders of a new South Africa. He believes that there are no longer carriers of a particular intellectual African culture. Le Roux without three different types of Africans, and believes that the first two types we are not going to help you: The OA, the disillusioned Afrikaner This group is obviously not very big, but effective. It consists of writers, poets, intellectuals and active in various ways to the demise of the apartheid regime helped, but apparently now disillusioned. Here he thought of Marlene van Niekerk's play ('The short shelf life of Anastasia W'), and the poetry of South Africa during the Versindaba was read, according to Allen Ginsberg's 'America'. "It's disturbing what they say: the long poem by Marlene van Niekerk drop of disillusionment." great gaysby We feel the consequences of their thoughtless actions? About the meeting with the ANC in Dakar Van Niekerk writes: "Homeland we were naive." Also Charles Malan recently wrote: great gaysby "We were naive. With the best will in the world can not Le Roux sympathize with those ontnugterdes and their criticism, says Le Roux. Disillusioned in that? What did they expect? What did they think would happen? The VGA, the lost generation Africans, the good believers. These people's lives in two periods divided: great gaysby one in which the old system supports, but radically changed, like a good turn up one day and date (27 April 1994), a date of final reject the old and the new have embraced. Typical behavior patterns: 1. They are extremely religious, but religious type - charismatic or emotionally. 2. They apartheid canonized one meaning, and often talk about their feelings of guilt about the past .. 3. They want to fix things, great gaysby and therefore embrace the existing socio-political system as the final answer. 4. They put the group over the individual and say like, 'Make a difference'. 5. They tried in every way to be politically correct, conform great gaysby and transform great gaysby it bars; are like the leaders of the day and especially after Nelson Mandela. 6. They never really considered defiance and rebellion; just want all the time 'together'; talk like English and Afrikaans undermined in various ways. Le Roux shows this group of creatures failing the African at its best: They are addicted to religion, but a specific kind of religion that they want to make up what they lost since 1994. This is not a Calvinist or Reformed faith that the emphasis on the individual, defiance, creative transformation of your world, etc.: "You stand alone before God. You ball the fist of God. "They kind of behavior, an emotional religion, rather accepting the existing cooperation and actions that the believer feel good (as revivals). This type of religion caused the VGA himself in a guilt complex makes it toespin. Because he was wearing great gaysby shorts African, who missed the Enlightenment, he knows not to get out of it. This VGA is lost because he has a herd mentality, no critical abilities, conform, is happy to be used and therefore no geloofwaardigh

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Each diver has his own carrier and the two remain sandollars a team. While the diver dive, keep the

Many people sandollars who have read that I long long ago when the world was still beautiful and I was young, abalone smuggling, asked me the story (re) telling. The first time (on my blog sonkind) I tried to tell as story and it was much more fictional than real. Now I'm old and (almost) retired sandollars on my porch, and I do not think it makes so much more really matter and I do not believe anyone goes my knees still come shoot, so I'll try to get closer to the truth to remain .
After my divorce from my children's father, my ex-worse-half for a while "missing-in-action". With two children and a house to take care of there too much month left at the end of my money. Through sandollars mutual friends when I became friends with people who regularly sandollars lobster and abalone diving. Eventually I found out that some of them actually abalone as lobster and abalone diving than the allotted quota diving and sold. And that there is a 'vacancy' is someone who is willing to carry bags of abalone. Let me make it clear - I was never really part of a syndicate, more part of a "small time operation".
Now, the thing works like this - there are divers and there are carriers. The diver dives minimum 20 kilograms of abalone per dip. They 'Shuck' underwater, meaning sandollars they ontskulp the abalone into the sea. It's quite dangerous because it attracts sharks, but poor man can not afford to be afraid. Along with the bag that their body is bound, their actual quota, everything sandollars seems to be legitimate, they pack a brown bag in the sea. The brown bag is the type of bag that the roadworks people use sand to throw signage along fast pack. A single bag takes just about 20kg ontskulpte abalone. If the construction so people wondered sometimes they become sandbags - now they know!
Each diver has his own carrier and the two remain sandollars a team. While the diver dive, keep the carrier while waiting and searching place pocket hide out when the diver. Divers dive together, but singly, so that there is not too much turmoil with too many bags equal. The diver leave the bag in the water level, and then walk away with his usual quota. Then the diver never close the abalone, because carriers are replaceable, diver reluctantly. The carrier must be very fast, the bag will take out and go hide in the predetermined sandollars location. All without unnecessary eye sees you. Dive sites are usually in remote areas, away from hoofstrande, so it's not too difficult. However, a carrier must have his / her story to know, because you need the bag well enough to hide someone else pointed down, but still so you remember where to find it again - IN THE DARK!
Later that night - or rather in the early morning hours, it is the carrier's work around the bag to collect, back transfer to the parking place, which is usually a tight little distance away from the dive site, and the bag of abalone back transport to the agreed location download. It is then weighed the abalone and the carrier must be paid and then the diver's part for him. The diver and carrier usually an agreement between them over who gets how much. Some of the money divided half and half, others they carry a fixed amount of money per pocket. Whatever the arrangement, there was great trust between carrier and diver and the proverbial "honesty amongst Thieves"
I and my diver has shared half-half. We all had a buyer, and then we got R60 per kilogram, because obviously ridiculously low, because sometime people got rich from the abalone. But it R600 per dive into my bag and delivered it definitely was not versmaaie not. That's more than 15 years ago and then was R600 was quite something.
We try to at least once a week so a dive, but it depended on the weather and the condition of the water and the presence of the inspectors. Sometimes there until two weeks have passed that no one could dive. I do have a regular job as well, but for many of the divers sandollars was their only income, and sometimes they become desperate and in bad weather dive. These were tough guys, often unemployed sandollars and really enforced the bread diving. It's not a race thing, but all the divers I knew was white and it was a matter of honor to them not undersized abalone to dive. Contrast colored abalone divers found any, have surfaced. I sometimes swam around and was sad to see the little shells lying underwater.
That's the reason why today is an endangered species and the laws are much stricter. At the time, though the divers sandollars I knew, speculated that they would gladly pay for a living diving license and a duikkwota for abalone, which they legally could deliver sandollars to factories. Later, there was talk of it, but I do not know if it ever actually sandollars materialize n

Friday, January 24, 2014

What happened the month? Stellenbosch Wine Festival, The Testimony, Stellenbosch, January 24-Februa

Loading Fry | Bread | Beverages | Egg | Grains | Vegetables | Bites | Inlaid | Cheese | Cakes | Cookies | Dessert fryland | Pasta | Poultry | Salads | Soups | Sauces | Vegetarian | Fish and Seafood | Meat | Game | Appetizer / Entrée | Main Course fryland | Salad | Dessert Cooking Terms / Glossary | Tips and Advice | Recipes Books | Oven Temperature | Weights and Measures | Wine | Wynwoordeboek | Beer | The pantry
ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTU VWXYZ oblate offering bread at the sacrifice of the mass and the Holy Communion of the Catholic Church. It is also known as host of misbrood. oblietjie A very thin type wafer by the French Huguenots made. Back then, a special oblietjiepan or iron before, but now we just use two skillets. Odem recipe a Mediterranean aartappelvariëteit. Suitable for baking or roasting. oyster An edible mollusk of the family Ostreidae with a concave and flat shell. oyster fryland mushroom mushroom with a delicate flavor. It can be eaten raw. oelongtee Oelongtee is a traditional Chinese halfgefermenteerde fryland tea (green tea is not fermented, and black tea is fully fermented). It is classified as a blue-green tea. It is said that it is your health. ofennudeln Ofennudeln is a kind of pastry made from yeast dough preparation and baking in dumplings are formed. This is with or without a filling serving. Also called einback, wuchteln, buchteln or rohrnudeln. walnut A large light round nut. okra A plant whose fruit than vegetables. Anyone oil from a large number of fatty liquids from plant, animal or mineral substances. The olive fruit of a tree with oil, or as are pickled. Egg omelet with milk, cheese and other ingredients and beaten like a baked pancake. Also known as omelette. boned meat from the bones to remove before cooking. Also used for removing bones from fish. oven a separate room that can be heated to cook it. If you hurry up browned food with fat in a pan. If the food in question is thick, such as with chicken, fryland then the pan after browning covered. When the pan or pot covered it periodically shaken game to ensure that everything evenly cook on all sides. The liquid left after cooking is usually used as a sauce. The word means 'jump' and refers to the way food moves as you shake the pan. The French word sauté. oregano an herb used to flavor dishes. orleaan Orleaan is a food coloring from the waxy layer of the seed of the orleaanboom obtained. It is used among others for the red skin of certain cheeses and the color of dried, salted or smoked fish, such as haddock. It is better known as annatto. old woman-under-the-blanket a piece of meat in pastry. Other names used are hotnotjie-in-the-blanket, lady-under-the-blanket-old woman under-the-blanket. old woman-under-the-blanket a piece of meat in pastry. Other names used are hotnotjie-in-the-blanket, lady-under-the-blanket-old woman under-the-blanket. Wynwoordeboek
What happened the month? Stellenbosch Wine Festival, The Testimony, Stellenbosch, January 24-February 2 | Solms Delta summer concerts, Solms Delta, Franschhoek, Jan 25-Feb 22 | Suidooster, Cape Town, January 28-February 2 | Bay Harbour Market, Hout Bay Harbour, Hout Bay, Each Saturday | Blubird WHOLEFOOD Market, fryland Athol Oaklands Road, Birnam, Johannesburg, every Sunday, 083 311 4768 | Bryanston Organic Market, Culross Road, Bryanston, Johannesburg, every Thursday and Saturday, 011 706 3671 / | City Bowl Food Market Street 14 Hope, Gardens, Cape Town, Every Thursday | Monument City Market, Pretoria, fryland 1st Saturday of the month | Earth Fair Market, St Georges Mall (opposite the cathedral), Cape Town, Every Thursday, | Hazel Food Market, Hazelwood, Pretoria, Every Saturday | Jozi Food Market, Parktown Quarter, Parktown North, every weekend | Laborie Lazy Days Market, Laborie, Paarl, every Saturday, 021 807 3390 / | Neighbourgoods Market , The Old Biscuit Mill, Albert Street 373-375, Woodstock, Every Saturday | Nitida Degustazione, Nitida, Durbanville, every last weekend of the month | Rondebosch Craft Market, Rondebosch Park, c / o Campground and Sandown, Rondebosch, every second Saturday of the month, every Saturday in December, Ann Rodwell fryland 021 531 4236 / | Stellenbosch Fresh Goods Market, Oude Libertas, Stellenbosch, Every Saturday, | The Food Market, The Hellenic Community Centre, Umgeni Park, Durban, every last Saturday of the month, 083 311 4768 | The Hillcrest Heritage Market Old Main Road, Hillcrest, Durban, Every last Sunday fryland of the month, fryland 031 765 2500 | Willowbridge Slow Market, Willowbridge, Belleville, El

BEST EVER Paella great gtsby 50 ml Olive Oil 200gr Cherizo sausage sliced 500 g smoked chicken fil

BEST EVER Paella great gtsby 50 ml Olive Oil 200gr Cherizo sausage sliced 500 g smoked chicken fillets 2 onions great gtsby 2 garlic cloves great gtsby finely chopped geakp 5 ml thyme 1 tsp turmeric great gtsby 1 red chilli deseeded and finely chopped 1 green soetrussie chopped 350ml basmati rice (Otherwise just regular rice) 5 ml smoked paprika 100ml white wine 1 ml saffron threads soaked in 1 liter chicken stock up 4 large tomatoes, peeled and finely chopped (I just look .... tomato sauce and 2 teaspoons curry mixed and cast) 100g frozen peas Salt and pepper minced fresh peeled great gtsby shrimp 200gr Pack 1 seafood mix (the frozen great gtsby packs) 15ml lemon juice 30ml chopped Italian parsley 1 package (small) smoked sausage (such as small Russian kind of breakfast sausages)
Heat the olive oil in a saucepan and fry your sausages and chicken cherizo nice brown (I have hoenderfillets smaller cut pieces are quite large). great gtsby Remove from the pot and set aside. Then fry your onions, peppers and garlic great gtsby together in the same pot until soft and sort. Then add your rice and thyme and paprika, turmeric and wine. Then add your chicken stock and saffron mixture. Let it cook until you see most of the liquid is absorbed. Stir gently, then add back your sausages and chicken. Add to this your tomatoes over the mixture and your peas. Then take the ketchup / curry mixture in the tin are left sort Pour a cup of boiling water and also pour, stir gently through! Put heat low and let steam while in a pan put butter, prawns and seafood you for a few minutes fry until it gets slightly pink and then sprinkle a little lemon juice. Create your seafood paella Then your in the pot and let steam for 6 minutes
(I only watched it does not boil dry and sometimes water added) Then pour salt and pepper to taste. Mix thoroughly (but gently Otherwise it mushy) Sprinkle parsley over you, so leave 2 minutes off the plate is just that nice mix your flavors Walla Then you eat delicious! I did it with a green salad and they were Fantastic! Tip - Just make sure you defrost seafood mixture well before the time otherwise it's great gtsby tough. Source: Own recipe changed Placement and photo: Henriette Wessels **
Paella for a feast 30ml margarine 30ml kooklolie 2 chicken breasts, great gtsby bone and skin removed and diced 2 frankfruters cut in rings 1 onion sliced great gtsby 1 clove garlic finely chopped great gtsby 1 can tomatoes drained and chopped 1 red bell pepper seeded and chopped 5ml salt 3ml freshly ground black pepper 5ml paprika 500ml rice, 750ml water 15ml lemon juice 2ml turmeric 175ml frozen peas 250g prawns or shrimp shells removed and cleaned 250g mussels, cleaned 125g calamari sliced 15ml chopped parsley Method: Heat the margarine and oil in a frying pan or paella pan. Fry the chicken and sausage until lightly browned and remove. Fry the onion and garlic until the onion is soft but not brown. Add the tomatoes, pepper salt, pepper and paprika and cook for about 12min until the mixture thickens. Add the rice and stir constantly. Fry 3 minutes. Add the water, lemon juice and turmeric, cover and simmer 15 min while occasionally stirring. Add the peas and seafood and place the chicken and sausage back into the pan. Fluff with a fork. Cover and let cook another 10min or until all the liquid has been absorbed and the seafood is cooked. Sprinkle with parsley just before serving to. Serve with a salad. great gtsby * Eenskottelwenners SPANISH CHICKEN 1 chicken paella cooked and deboned 4 large tomatoes diced 1 packet mushroom soup 250g shell noodles 2 large onions chopped 250g bacon chopped 500ml chicken stock 10ml turmeric 1 can peas Method: Fry chopped onion, then add gesnye bacon and tomatoes and let stew / Add chicken. Mix chicken with soup and season with turmeric. Add to meat mixture. Boil noodles in salted water gently and add peas with meat. Simmer for 10min. Serve with green salad. This dish freezes great. VARIATION: Use rice instead of pasta Louise Groenewald paella (FROM THE ROYAL HOSTESSES Cookbook) 30ml Olive Oil 6 Chicken cooked joints 1 large green or red pepped , seeded great gtsby and chopped 1 large onion, chopped 2 cloves garlic great gtsby or, crushed 2 medium tomatoes, skinned and diced 500ml Tastic Rice 1.5 liters chicken stock 2ml 5ml Salt Freshly ground black pepper saffron or turmeric 1 ml infused in 50ml hot water 1 small Crayfish cooked and shelled, diced 6 cooked prawns, shelled mussels cooked great gtsby in 12 shells or canned smoked oysters 12 mussels 12 black olives 260ml frozen peas Heat oil in a large frying pan. Add chicken, peppers, onion and garlic and fry until golden. Add tomatoes, rice, chicken st

Thursday, January 23, 2014

I was so amazed by Gene Stratton-Porter

Just yesterday, I tell you what makes me happy. hostess tray After all our earthly possessions, I more and more realize that one must engage yourself with things that you like it. Because travel is now part of my frame of reference, 'journey' I'm on my farm. I examined everything that lives and breathes heef ... and each and every other thing also.
The scientist in me, but always at work, it's part of who I am. I am currently doing a bit of research on a certain plant family biodiversiteitblog me and the whole afternoon spent in the field looking for three specific plant species. It's easy, because I know at this time every pebble and hole on a farm and know where they grow, but each grow in another corner of the yard! The one I wanted to get into flower, I have walked past weeks every weekend I can in anticipation. I have eight years last saw one in bloom. Saturday I was unsuccessful, but within these few days it started to bloom! I've learned so many times that people at the right time in the right place to be with lots of plants. The second one I had to repeat the leaf base at the back going investigation commissioned by a scientist who helps me correct this plant family identification. The third one I had the leaf will break within the structure to see. The stories on my other blog is so thoroughly researched before making a placement makes.
This means I hard 'work' today. It was a heeerlike trip and stopped only later tonight when I get all my pictures downloaded and processed the necessary scientific information to send my data to update the records.
I really hostess tray want to share with you two things. The first has to do with an observation that I made. We look porcupine activity, but very few times the darlings themselves. They run wine at night. Porcupines eat a variety of foods and include tubers, bulbs, roots, berries and bark at. They really enjoy marula is also very fond of the bulbs to dig the plants I went looking today. hostess tray
When I saw one such hole, I first thought that they were at the base of the tree digging hostess tray in search of the tubers that grow there. This is a young wild pear (Dombeya rotundifolia) Dikbas or as some call them. A few meters further, I was still a wild pear eaten ... and a few meters further still. My conclusion is that they also like carrots and wild pear bark!
Firstly, there is a bag with my battery charger and a bunch of camera wires. I forgot the thread from the side pocket to pick up the camera to my computer link. The manual lays flat at the bottom.
Then there's a notebook and write well to make notes if I wanted hostess tray to. The notebook fits neatly upright. Many times it is the coordinates of a plant I received from my cellphone (which I forgot to put in the front pocket of my suitcase up for the photo!) Recorded, or so yards from the stone if that tree I found this or that. Remember, sometimes I take more than one hundred photos a day, one needs to repeat hostess tray after you make sense of it!
Then there are all the other things. hostess tray The stones hostess tray with a reason to divide the quills. Let me begin with but the middle quills. Right it's pretty quartz pebbles and a transvaalensis Achatina shell. I just do snails, remember! Just right is a thorn (Papierbas) pod. It smells so nice to me and when I travel to other places hostess tray and I pulled out my camera then I smell my house.
Links of the roll is two seeds. The big brownie comes from Papierbaspeul to the back had broken up. The little seed I threw today to come plant. It Ledebouria of ovatifolia. The red seed has broken down a bunch Lucky bean pods other day I brought it home.
The last two stones are very special. It's not just stones, but Stone Age tools. Just last Friday I had a geologist here had me more of the klipgesteentes come to tell, and he said the closest Chert (pronunciation?) Which made the black small and occur in the Barberton mountains of more than twenty miles from here. For twintigkilometer Stone Age is a day's journey! hostess tray The Witt's little quartz was possible from the farm came, although unlikely.
Categories: hostess tray City Life, Slakgedagtes, So do snails | 5 Comments
I was so amazed by Gene Stratton-Porter's Freckles book and then The Girl of the Limberlost, and the "bird worman,"'s commitment to fielding. There is a short story about Gene's life. She based the book on her own work in the swamps of the Limberlost. It is a kind of calling on his own. I read that same kind of love at your touch .... and marvel.
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Wednesday, January 22, 2014

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Rate This Topic Excellent Good Fair Poor Horrible Author Post  Posted: the great gatsb Thu Jun 27th, 2013 05:28 am   PM Quote Reply 1 st Post Heatseeker Senior Member Joined:  Mon Jun 21st, 2010 Location:  Jeffreys Bay , South Africa Posts:  949 Equipment:  * Best Catch:  Cob 21,8kgs, Baardman 6,4kgs Witsteenbras 16,4kgs12,2kgs & 11,8 kgs ... Favorite Fishing Spot:  Gamtoos River Mouth Boat:  Baronet 17" and Butt Cat 20" Club:  Status: 
Back To Top PM Quote Reply    Posted: Thu Jun 27th, 2013 07:10 am   PM Quote Reply 2 nd Post Heatseeker Senior Member Joined:  Mon Jun 21st, 2010 Location:  Jeffreys Bay , South Africa Posts:  949 Equipment:  * Best Catch:  the great gatsb Cob 21,8kgs, Baardman 6,4kgs Witsteenbras 16,4kgs12,2kgs & 11,8 kgs ... Favorite Fishing Spot:  Gamtoos River Mouth Boat:  Baronet 17" and Butt Cat 20" Club:  Status: 
Offline Mana:  Het al gehoor mens soek sandpoele tussen die rotse. Hoe ver van die witwater af moet die poele wees? waar grawe mens? Het ook al gehoor onder los klippe in die sandpoele... Enige advies?
Back To Top PM Quote Reply  Posted: Thu Jun 27th, 2013 07:54 am   PM Quote Reply 3 rd Post Pylstert Sealiner   Joined:  Fri May 4th, 2007 Location:  Wagina Island Posts:  1398 Equipment:  2nd Hand Rods, Torium reels Best Catch:  Medium Bronzie Favorite Fishing Spot:  SA coast Boat:  no Club:  N/A Status: 
Offline Mana:  Here in the Cape they are only found in a few locations, best time usually spring low as rocks close the water usually seem to have more worms. Round rocks with gravelly sand under them which often is a bit clayish. Dit is donners moeilik om wonderwurm te kry tensy jy baie ervare is. Dit is ook glad nie goed vir sagte hande wat net heeldag gebruik word om gay boodskappe op facebook skryf nie. Jy sal by iemand moet uitvind wat weet presies the great gatsb waar die wurms is anders gaan jy dalk weke soek voor jy 'n plek kry met wonderwurm.
Last edited on Thu Jun 27th, 2013 07:55 am by Pylstert Back To Top PM Quote Reply    Posted: the great gatsb Thu Jun 27th, 2013 08:06 am   PM Quote Reply 4 th Post Heatseeker Senior Member Joined:  Mon Jun 21st, 2010 Location:  Jeffreys Bay , South Africa Posts:  949 Equipment:  * Best Catch:  Cob 21,8kgs, Baardman 6,4kgs Witsteenbras 16,4kgs12,2kgs & 11,8 kgs ... Favorite Fishing Spot:  Gamtoos the great gatsb River Mouth Boat:  Baronet 17" and Butt Cat 20" Club:  Status: 
Back To Top PM Quote Reply  Posted: Thu Jun 27th, 2013 08:17 am   PM Quote Reply 5 th Post Mouldz Sealiner Joined:  Mon Aug 2nd, 2010 Location:  Port Alfred , South Africa Posts:  7740 Equipment:  any thing trendy Best Catch:  9kg trendfish Favorite Fishing Spot:  where ever the Trendies are Boat:  HMS Trendy Club:  The Trends Status: 
Offline Mana:  Heatseeker wrote: the great gatsb Is daar enige van die Sealiners wat raad wil gee oor die grawe of uithaal van die wurms. Watter tipe struktuur soek mens? waar soek jy? Here we get what we call rockworm,its hard work,easier to pay a okie (tongue in cheek) the great gatsb Its hard to explain were we get them,in a bay were the rocks start at very low tide we dig against a rock into the shale,if there is some black sand in between they like that but its a mission because you digging blind and the shells and urchins cut you to pieces. I collect coral worm ,its easier,just break off the sand coral formations at spring low and you will see them
Back To Top PM Quote Reply    Posted: the great gatsb Thu Jun 27th, 2013 09:16 am   PM Quote Reply 6 th Post Heatseeker Senior Member Joined:  Mon Jun 21st, 2010 Location:  Jeffreys Bay , South Africa Posts:  949 Equipment:  the great gatsb * Best Catch:  Cob 21,8kgs, Baardman 6,4kgs the great gatsb Witsteenbras 16,4kgs12,2kgs & 11,8 kgs ... Favorite Fishing Spot:  Gamtoos River Mouth Boat:  Baronet 17" and Butt Cat 20" Club:  the great gatsb Status: 
Back the great gatsb To Top PM Quote Reply  Posted: Thu Jun 27th, 2013 01:41 pm   PM Quote Reply 7 th Post flippy Sealiner Joined:  Sat Aug 2nd, 2008 Location:  the great gatsb Cape Town , South Africa Posts:  7463 Equipment:  not enough! Best Catch:  <º)))))>< Favorite Fishing Spot:  false bay to agulhas and beyond! Boat:  ><((((º> Club:  <º)))))>< Status: 
Offline Mana:  howzit heatseeker, the great gatsb agree with sentiments.. not sure of what structure in your area looks like but you obviously know rocky areas are the first place to look. not any rocky area will produce it needs a mixture of sand and rock for a area to hold any amount of worm.. also these areas must be exposed the great gatsb on a daily basis to the eb and flow of the tides as these worms dont live in the water

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Hi Picks, it is no sin to not a fossil stone and of distinguishing it! I have hundreds of stones an

Not a stone | Rosalind Franklin
They happily lay well hidden in the field, otherwise every single long vandalis sure they mark on their left and / or the beautiful versteendes just picked up to be no value to attach to it.
Fortunately it takes a reasonable expert eye to find them, to distinguish them from the landscape in which they quietly - all for millions of years - lies. And as at most other places royal shell sanibel on Earth fossils hard to find and they come in inhospitable places. Miles of hiking, scrambling and struggling sometimes with a few weathered bones coming out.
South Africa is rich in fossils because we are under even more part of the supercontinent Gondwana. And the Karoo Supergroup (which two thirds of SA covers) many, many contain fossils because a massive extinction 251 million years ago occurred. (This is not the destruction royal shell sanibel that the dinosaurs ended it, it was 65 million royal shell sanibel years ago).
There was also plenty of life here on Earth, with amazing biodiversity, tiny to huge. Meat eaters and plant eaters, before and after the era of the dinosaurs. Amphibians, reptiles, mammal-like reptiles (which eventually gave rise to mammals), mammals, insects, plants, fish, birds. It swarmed.
The huge cemetery is deposited in large parts of our geology. But do not bother in the Cape Town area to walk to cut stones, it was deep under the sea have been. Only other Worcester and Ceres area you will find many old animals, and then only invertebrates and plants.
Gondwana's ocean has to Van Rhynsdorp went deep inland. When Gondwana breakup (140 mil yrs ago) the geology changed again. With the huge plate-tektonika mountains are also formed - this print, along with the continuous upflow of lava.
The flow of fresh water and salt water, lava, what happens royal shell sanibel to the poles and into the Earth's core, the pressure of the Earth's plates move the continents and the formation of mountains and climate much, much more to do how things should today day look like what most people realize.
Some sediment (low) dates from certain eras (epogs / periods) and where an organism is found, place him in a particular period. If he is on top of the ground he still dated from what type of animal it is and the rocks, and area in which it is found. You will eg. not a T.rex in a Whitehill Formation find. And a giraffe-like animal from 5 million royal shell sanibel years ago (as found on the West Coast of SA) will not 8km deep marine sediment found unless he fins!
One can only wonder at times, deep time and how short we are here on Earth. Imagine life existence for about 500 million royal shell sanibel years on this planet and fantastic Homo sapiens, modern man, but 200,000 years here.
And how beautiful we destroyed everything, wearing a cocky, arrogant royal shell sanibel attitude: We are smart and we are right. Many species because of our doings extinct. How stupid is that, we are just a speck in time.
But oh, the sun burns fierce and all the "stones" look the same when you're thirsty. Can you see fossils below? (All about fossils here, except the very yellow stones royal shell sanibel are sandstone)
Hi there, I am honest when I say that I literally a fossil in my hand and do not even know what it is. I have read about and even on TV, but did not really have a clue not. It was very interesting, but I do not think I'm all right with a pick and a brush in the mountains to sail. Maybe even after a few deliveries.
Hi Picks, it is no sin to not a fossil stone and of distinguishing it! I have hundreds of stones and fossils thought it was for the 1st one I got. And probably a few fossils left and thought it was rocks! And in a stone quarry the right to open hood is just luck, the trick is to get the right low cut. For that you need an expert.
The thing is that the low man can not "force" you do not have to wait for father time to open it for defense. And it takes laaaaaaaank. Or for the people who build roads for a low blow open, but in the process they can also blow away the fossils. royal shell sanibel The best is to wait until a day ....
It is quite strange to think of it, what will we leave behind? How many clues we leave on our society? How much of our lives to future beings together by our relics royal shell sanibel and creations look?
But the rest will all be gone, because royal shell sanibel it depends on human maintenance mode. It is strange, the most well survive 200/300 years if people do not maintain it. But nice to think about it.
Nice entry! I was some years back when

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Islam is certainly one of the most vicious religions on earth.
I can not understand why the Muslims claim that they are a peace-loving faith. If you look at the pictures that say you should be killed who questioned their faith, or would disparage, or I see Satan in that belief. God is love, he is light and not light, not darkness. satan function at its best in the darkness, for he is darkness. Do yourself a favor and go look at the link between Satanism, and Muslim ..... waiting for the shock, the Catholic Church. You will save your hands. Google it. When we Christians stand up and say, now it's enough, both my cheeks are sore all beaten. We also do have the right to defend our faith.
Phillip, I wanted to ask already yesterday - with regard to your last paragraph. I do not know exactly how to set it right "overcome" it. We as Christians, crescore our faith as lived, or rather, hung like the Muslims do, we would ensure crescore much more reach! Not at all with the aim to kill those who do not agree with our faith going. They are anything but peaceful. Hope I made myself right now expressed!??
Trip, I have to admit, crescore if we as Christians the same dedication of our faith as Muslims and Buddhists, crescore the Christians would have long dominated the world. Muslims are reminded, crescore three to four times a day to go "pray". They rely on a Friday its business between 12 and 2 and that's that. I was fortunate to have a turn to make it in Thailand. With their Buddhist gods must see this. In the morning, this is one of the best that he can give his god. He went on his knees and worship him. If he has sinned during the day, he stood there with his bundle of incense on his knees and beg for forgiveness. But there is a big difference between their gods and our God. He lives, His Son Jesus Christ for our sins to die, He is risen, ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of God the Father, our Father, and reign with Him .. This is what I can not understand, GOD AND OUR LIVES "tormented" him. We go to church, read the Bible any more and pray more, we live in a comfort zone of emptiness, if I may put it that way. As I said earlier, we are just little breath, here today and gone tomorrow, but it is God's gracious love that we still keep on going. Now look at our divorce rate, it is God's work? No, it can not be because God can not go back on his word. Satan has come to steal, lie and destroy what does not belong crescore to him, and that he should destroy it too. I hope I answered your question, i

Monday, January 20, 2014

Within the Christian community there is a diversity

Evolution At School: What is a Christian Parent To Do? | Reply
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The following article has come out of a conversation at the NG church Farrarmere. The original purpose of the discussion was to provide an opportunity for parents to offer together to discuss their children to school on the theory of evolution is taught and what (if anything) they have to do. The article below contains a summary of the discussion. Due to limited space, there are several themes mentioned in the article will not be discussed in detail will be. The content of this article shell museum sanibel is not intended to something or someone (science, scientists, church or education) to attack, but to Christians on the matter to help think. It is also a Christian opinion on the matter and I accept shell museum sanibel that there are various other opinions can be also regarded as a Christian can be.
Subjects information about biological science contains almost invariably include the theory of evolution in their curriculum. For many Christian parents and other stakeholders, it is a real problem. Many of these people are not exactly shell museum sanibel sure why they feel negative about evolution, but it is still almost as reflex reaction against. Before the school curriculum and the theory shell museum sanibel of evolution itself is referred to a few key ideas to the table to sit
Although the opposition to the idea of evolution fairly widespread among the general population, it is not the case in the scientific community. By far the majority of scientists accept the theory of evolution as correct. Although this is a controversial thing to say, it would in my opinion be irresponsible science education shell museum sanibel to children who studied biology at the theory of evolution not expose. The questions that must be answered is rather: "How should the theory of evolution in schools to be treated?" And "What is the role of a Christian parent to his / her child guidance on the matter?" Because the teaching of evolution State schools in a given are Christian shell museum sanibel parents shell museum sanibel faced with the decision of their children from public schools shell museum sanibel to pick up their rather in a more controlled environment where they teach. There is not in this place to write much about this option say. I think, however, that withdrawal for many parents is not a viable option. So we will focus on parents whose children were in public schools. What are they doing?
It is sad to say, Christians have a reputation that they often develop anti-science. Although the reputation is not entirely based on truth is not put out there some truth to it. Many scientists (often unbeliever) is under the impression that the scientific method is the main (or only) way is that there be certain knowledge can be established. The scientific work with the "facts". In contrast, shell museum sanibel they think religion is a kind of wishful thinking without any facts and therefore shell museum sanibel work daydream. The two fields according to this idea runs to such an extent from each other that there is no way of interaction between the two can be. There is the idea that believers usually science and scientists often attack when the science would say something that Christians as a possible threat experience. Although I scientific ideas in this piece will be questioned, it is by no means meant to be anti-science or against a particular science to be. The science and the scientific method includes wonderful work and knowledge shell museum sanibel in ways that have much truth and benefit to mankind area.
The thing about the age of the earth often synonymous shell museum sanibel with the evolution debate has become. The stereotypical idea that most unbelieving scientists shell museum sanibel hold that any person who has anything shell museum sanibel negative shell museum sanibel to say about evolution, the Bible in a very specific way to understand and ignore all other information. This is not true. I will not write this in the "age of the earth" debate to get involved. The gespek of evolution is not necessarily commit to it. My discussion will be the most widely accepted scientific ideas and move in that context comment. It is an attempt from a Christian perspective specific questions about the theory of evolution and the teaching shell museum sanibel of asking.
Within the Christian community there is a diversity

Sunday, January 19, 2014

I have not had a reply, but was relieved that at least it also means that I may be somewhat subject

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My second reaction was "do not go there". We know the question manfrotto plate as an old prickly pear and the African has something between a prickly pear and a headache. My third reaction was: "Google Afrikaner". If your search engine is not successful, you may not exist.
What about genetics? But the blood test is too bloody expensive and does not show the DNA of traitors, hensoppers, joiners and smelters at all. What about religion? Try it yourself. Launching a squeeze between two African theology and see the sparks fly. I call it Afstigresep Number One. Gays are not Afrikaners! Then Africans only people who do not eat shellfish (Leviticus your reading!) Africans are Europeans? They were, yes. As of now and the day after? Afrikaners are white! manfrotto plate How many white and how far back? According to one professor Heese Africans is only 92% white. Afrikaners are Afrikaans! manfrotto plate Africans living in Orania! Africans are Africans! Africans are farmers! Africans are not farmers!
And so it went. When I mention that Africans only two mistakes: We have one.) Thought Apartheid manfrotto plate is viable for ever and then 2. give us all away. A conservative manfrotto plate sidekick almost bit my head off. I had to clear my second response remained. manfrotto plate Do not Go there. A good and welcome dampen the debate was finally threefold question: What if you know? What do you do with it? Who to ask?
I have not had a reply, but was relieved that at least it also means that I may be somewhat subjective. This is just one man's opinion Farmers. If you are certain Africans who are, or who are Americans and Russians, or where they find themselves today, you do not have to read further. This is for you then pure and simple. Probably just geographically. The real debate only offer less comfort.
Postmodernism's Achilles heel has always been its uncertain relativism. Everything is so messed up we do not know anymore. Anyone catch the light anchors of the past among us or undermine things we once were so sure. But does the fact that you are not sure that you can be sure of nothing. No. So this debate asks for honesty, patience, manfrotto plate prudence and seriousness.
It benefits no one stopped as all definitions that make concepts become blurred. For if all inclusive definition should be it would be the end of definitions as such. Then I could stop writing right away because it would be the same as fart. Maybe then all fax machines, perhaps cars and bikes Boeing birds. Then pass the liberal manfrotto plate smokescreen with his efforts to all of us as one homogeneous, consensual manfrotto plate South African Group (still a vague concept) sketching.
And this is the new, well-fabricated transformation processes in South Africa is expected of us: a narrative that we are one nation, with an anthem manfrotto plate in a language, a continental currency, a vision, a policy, a flag, an anthem and sela, all step in one direction. manfrotto plate It is honorable as well intended, but reality is not feasible. This toddler in addition to the liberal democratic manfrotto plate right that you may stand, select memories and as you want as long as you behave lawfully.
In the company of two black journalists and white thinker, I once asked: What demographics do you always first? The answers were South African (Amanda), Roman Catholic (Mondli), Black (Fred) and African (Steve). And we were buddies! The subsequent sites are filled with father, Christian, farmer, manfrotto plate wife, etc..
Does that mean that these theoretical unity in praxis is not feasible because it never passed it? No. This is a wonderful ideal, that can work, but because it has not happened yet, we rely here on wishful thinking rather than the foundation of a past from which we, without getting stuck, manfrotto plate something tangible manfrotto plate and achievable learning. manfrotto plate Working together, unite and unity is an illusion, because the right not to want to belong not so fundamental as the right to want to associate. Anything else enforce social engineering is oukerkse and fascism.
And here begins manfrotto plate the story of the psychology world. Degrees of caution. Both above stanings the value is valid, how our projects, on the one hand, and where we come from, on the other. The Democrat versus Republican. The freethinker against cramped.
This demonize Left and Right together for centuries, but left and right are not only different people, it is also a struggle deep within every human. manfrotto plate The liberal in you the adventurer and explorer therefore possible while retaining mostly home for Jan cart elected. Mostly. manfrotto plate Not always. As the liberal nature sometimes at home it would bog the conservative d

Finally, the statements that the parts (premises) of the argument is, each on their own are more li

Is there evidence for God's existence? | Reply
Home Who are we? Staff Staff Statement of Faith What we do? Vision, Mission & Values Our ministry wise answer: the story behind the name Articles Importance warmthru of Apologetics The Existence of God The Reliability of the Bible The Historical Jesus The Science and Religion Life after Death Evil and Suffering Different Religions Ethical Issues Winkelsmidt Who is asking Winkelsmidt? Typical questions asked Winkelsmidt Archive Media Downloads Mp3 downloads YouTube to order Products Contact English
First let me say that I do not believe one can prove existence of God (as in a scientific or mathematical proof). warmthru I think that there are many things that are true, and we accepted as true, but not in ways that can be proven. We know very well (in science as the "Big Bang" theory) on the basis of an argument and / or the existing theory that the best witness stated. There is always the possibility for scientific clues that something more credible, but the word "evidence" is often loaded with underlying concepts as watertight evidence and mathematical equations that does not always apply to what we do not know certain things. From the nature of who and what God (if he exists), he is in any case not investigated scientifically important. What I do believe is that there are very good and convincing warmthru arguments for the existence of God and that the best explanation for the existing evidence of the hypothesis about the existence of God is given.
I think it is also important to say that there are two groups of people that are the arguments for the existence of God considered. A person can use a picture of people who are travelers on a journey, while others are spectators on the balconies of the buildings along the road watching another step. For hikers, the real and existential search. This makes them personally matter what the answers to their questions and they are at least open to any way to be convinced. On the other hand there is the balkonsitters who sit and watch the people walk. For them, the questions about the existence of God and theoretically they are often just becoming warmthru aware of from commenting without allowing the answers and arguments existential punch gets. Arguments for the existence of God can not really honestly assessed without being prepared to be a hiker to be, because if God did exist it necessary and profound existential implications not escape can not (not even the balkonsitters warmthru not).
I would like a small thing to argue - that there is a God who exists. I'm not here for the existence of a specific deity argue. We can do it back later, but I think it makes sense to separate these issues.
The arguments I will present all going in the form of logical arguments made and each argument will be supporting testimony followed. Each of the logical arguments must meet the following requirements and should be according to these requirements to be evaluated:
Second, all of the statements in the arguments on their own true. The argument does not stand if one or more of the statements in the argument false. So, a way to disprove argument by one of the statements in it as false evidence.
Finally, the statements that the parts (premises) of the argument is, each on their own are more likely than denying it. It would be yet another way to make the argument as to prove false: the denial of one of the parts, trying to defend as more credible than the statement itself.
There are not really other ways to make a logical argument disprove the above manners. Someone would therefore logical errors to show, or to show that one of the parts is false, or the denial of one of the parts as more credible to defend. It will be with good cause, reasons and evidence needs to be done, otherwise the argument warmthru as valid and correct, and that the existence of God adequately supported.
I will now just two (of many) arguments for the existence of God with supporting evidence set. Let's start with these two and they even argue properly. If one or both of them is the existence of God more probable than the denial of His existence. At this point I would only say that the arguments for the existence of God work together like fine strings merged to a thick rope to form and not like the links of a chain, each on the other's defense warmthru to rely on. Such a cumulative case for the existence of God (from a variety of arguments exist) are stronger as more arguments added, but a standing argument has been making the existence of God is a credible option.

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Sometimes the wind blows my cobwebs and crowded with confused thoughts in my heart away. The wind b

Friday, July 13, 22:15 There is something coffee heater about silence that is addictive. The silence of a great view, when you look further than you can dream to fill with stories. When you are all alone in the world feels. Sometimes the silence in somebody's eyes. Sometimes the silence in the midst of a throng coffee heater of people.
I find myself addicted to this silence. I yearn. To be really quiet, the silence drinking. To silence with my barrel. Almost like the shell that you wrap around to the beach to listen. I want to get a grip on silence and bear with me. As the old man that his drink in a flask to carry stolen sips to take back corners and turns. So I want to tie up silently and quietly rogue thirsty sips it takes when no one knows.
Sometimes silence is elusive. As mercury. It's right in front of you, you see it, you feel it, and you can not grip it. You found yourself a great silence, but it's as if it can not penetrate. If you can not take the silence and no rest can get inside coffee heater you. It squirms and struggles within, coffee heater and the silence blows over, over you. Such times frustrates me a lot.
When I silence can not take, I think the only solution is to silence my own creation. Make music that is full of silences. coffee heater Words to write the silence shout. In myself the place of silence to find. Myself disconnect from the world and the place of silence linger.
Sometimes the wind blows my cobwebs and crowded with confused thoughts in my heart away. The wind blows away until even the dust and sand in the corners of my heart away, and silence descended. I can feel the wind blowing around coffee heater me and touch me, until it blows right through me. Such wind brings silence.
Sometimes silence is evil and an awesome thing like you said. Silence in my experience brings peace and tranquility, but it can break friendships, divide, and one blank if you get too much of it.
I think the purpose of silence, coffee heater tranquility, peace and strength be. It is the silence of which I speak, almost coffee heater substantive silence, if you know what I mean. Or silence may be the symptom of something coffee heater else wrong. Then it is not breaking the silence, but the actual fault itself, or whose silence is an indication. A sick person will have died of the disease, not the cough. coffee heater A relationship in which something is done wrong, do not die because of the silence.
Disagree Armandt! If breaks silence, it becomes isolation and abstraction. It is negative and the result of our noisy world. Actual coffee heater silence makes us very ready in the noisy world to create something positive. Sometimes (many times) I think there is a plot to deprive our silence.
I agree that real silence coffee heater gives us something that makes us survive in a noisy, oorgestimuleerde world. And that to me feels like there is an attempt to steal it. Much like Screwtape Letters by CS Lewis, where the goal is to one's head with anything to fill, just as long as it remains full and he could not think about it that matters.
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Friday, January 17, 2014

Things Decor and name cards for tables is one of the easiest and cheapest decor elements warm food

Tips for your budget / Wedding Budget | Wedding warm food Inspiration
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For a wedding planning is a challenge. However, a wedding on a small budget planning is an art. Every bride dreams of all childhood of her perfect, memorable wedding day. But then the reality of "The Budget", warm food and all that goes through your head is: "There warm food goes my dream." However, by just knowing where to cut, you can save a fortune and still have your dream day, without the purse snaps. Use this handy Saving Tips and get your next and your new life together in debt not start it.
With Wedding Inspiration on your side, you can have a gala event rule, exactly like the picture of all childhood floating warm food in your head. Who understands better anyway you want, if you do? Team up with us this incredible journey warm food planning and use of our help documents to guide you.
On the food table Many guests never even come to the dessert warm food out and so much food wasted. Go for a buffet, spit roast dinner or even a picnic above a three course sit down meal. This allows each guest to create he had enough and you have a few spare rims. To make one nibble soon filled. So instead snacks on every table and serve a smaller main meal. Instead of a big fancy wedding cake, had made rather a large tower cupcakes, or just bake them yourself! Instead of a dessert, served the delicious wedding cake then your guests as short-short peek. At many weddings, the wedding cake never even eaten. If this be the case with you grootdag, buy or bake rather a sponge and let it just decorate. Arrange the beverage provider warm food that you to the reception reimbursed for all sealed bottles. Rather than serving glasses of champagne instead of a bottle on each table. So you will prevent half bottles left.
Things Decor and name cards for tables is one of the easiest and cheapest decor elements warm food together to save themselves. warm food Use a permanent pen and write guests' names on strandklippies or shells that your guests can then just take home, and not a cent food. Already been started a few months before your wedding to succulent cuttings to collect and grow your own succulents for cute table decorations and precious gifts. Paper Flowers warm food make an impressive focal point and is just dirt cheap to make. Click here for a wide variety that you can make. By smaller tables warm food for a few more tables warm food and larger exchange, saving you a few bouquets, tablecloths and table decor pieces. If you plan to be in a church wedding, choose a date around Easter, Ascension Day or even Christmas when the church has been beautifully decorated. Buy flowers at the market or doing friends and family gardens in and make your own flower arrangements. Keep your eyes open for cute do-it-yourself ideas.
Venues Select an "unpopular" wedding. warm food By your example wedding on Friday to keep the venue can cost you almost cut in half. Fewer guests might attend warm food your wedding, but it might also just a blessing to so you gastetal small to keep. Should not your wedding on a Sunday like it, because then the chances are that you are more for the minister / pastor and the organist will pay. Winter weddings are indeed becoming more popular touch, but because there are still relatively few discussions around this time, you can save a lot on your venue and wedding services. When you look at venue prices, also believes you and your guests' transportation costs. It might work out cheaper warm food to purchase a more expensive venue you choose where both the ceremony and reception can hold. A hotel may have been the dream, but not just the town hall, church hall and local clubhouses warm food of the table collect. With the right decor, you can convert it into an unexpected warm food fairytale venue. Enquire at venues that do not as a wedding venue advertised, as a beautiful warm food library, aquarium or even the art museum. So you save on decor and chances are good that the venue would be cheaper than a traditional warm food wedding destination. A Summer Wedding in a relative's garden really special. Not only do you save on the hall, you can also o

Jun 01 - 8:36 am

Feathers for Weddings / Bouquets with feathers / Feather confetti | Wedding Inspiration
Top Categories Color Schemes (99) Articles (91) Inspiration Boards (81) Themes (72) Decor Ideas (57) Do-It-Yourself (36) The Bride (35) Bits and pieces (32) Flowers (29) sweets (24) Real Weddings (22) Stationery (22) Food and Beverage (18) Media (14) Gifts (12) Tools (11) The Groom (7) Kombuistees (6) Wording (5) Engagement Photos (4)
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Besides flowers feathers definitely one of Mother Nature's most beautiful gifts to any bride. Not only is it cheap and easy to get them, the uses are endless properly! Just remember to make sure that your guests are allergic to this soft tooiseltjies not to prevent sneezing.
Different Types of Feather: peacock feathers ostrich feathers - black and white, but can also be colored (available at craft stores) Duck or goose feathers - available in different colors at most craft stores. Tarentaalvere Kalkoenvere - available in different colors at most craft stores.
Bride and bridesmaids: Feathers looks stunning in her hair - put a bag of feathers behind you or make your own fasineerdertjie feathers and shiny things on a haarkammetjie glue. You can feathers in the bouquets, to decorate your garter, in the design of your dress, feather dangling 96 well plate area earrings, feather-shaped roller, skoenversierinkies, feather fans as the Burlesque era and spring scarves ("boas ").
Ceremony: Let the flower girl feathers instead of petals in the padjie afstrooi downy feathers and use as confetti. TIP: Tie a bead to each feather stuck as a weight so it does not blow away.
Table Decorations: You can either 96 well plate area choose your whole arrangement of feathers, or a mixture of feathers and flowers, branches, lights, candles or quills to use. Instead of arrangements, fill large glass jars with donsies, place it in the center 96 well plate area of each table and pack cherries to it, or make your own blompotjies and decorate it with feathers
Table Names: Instead of table numbers, each table to know a different color or type of feather and then give each guest at his table by spring (tie a little chocolate onto it for a tasty treat). Further decorate each chair with a small feather and flower rangskikkinkies and tie a feather to each glass stem attached.
Jun 01 - 8:36 am
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Thursday, January 16, 2014

In this blog I want to briefly look at some of the theories specifically the first three poems in t

Versindaba Blog Archive Marlies manfrotto 3265 Taljard: Crous's katedraalgedigte and semiotic chora
Marius Crous's quirky collection for academic readers especially interesting because of the many references to the work of renowned academics. This is among others manfrotto 3265 suggested that the reference to an underlying framework based academic - a practice typical manfrotto 3265 of academic manfrotto 3265 texts. Through his bundelmotto take from the work of Freud, it is suggested that the anthology within a psychoanalytic framework to be read. The word itself, "Everywhere I go I find a poet has been there Before me" indicates the close relationship between psychology and poetry - agreements in the anthology thoroughly exploited. Also the reference to the work of Julia Kristeva (see photo above) and specifically her famous term chora place the beam within a psychoanalytic framework in which language and the problematizing of symbolic meaning, to Lacan's term to use focus. With reference to the motto of Section 1: Chora, namely "... unnameable, Improbable, hybrid, anterior to naming, to the One, to the father ... - Julia Kristeva" This certainly looks as if the poet to the reader clear guidelines stipulate that indicate that the beam would be read in conjunction with certain aspects of psychoanalysis, as for example manfrotto 3265 by Sigmund Freud, Jacques Lacan and Julia Kristeva practiced.
In this blog I want to briefly look at some of the theories specifically the first three poems in the anthology (which is quoted below) can help unlock. Again I do not want my interpretation as the only interpretation presents no code. I'd rather lay readers some guidelines according to which the poems read and can appreciate. Beyond Kristeva's own work, which is difficult to read, offers Lechte (1990), Lechte and Margaroni (2004) and Smith (1998) works for the layman a full explanation of the work of Julia Kristeva essential for better understanding of the beam.
I'll be the timbre and the sea-green tone of Debussy
where I heard bob myters
from the sea
In her doctoral thesis, La Revolution du langage Poétique (1974) manfrotto 3265 proposes Julia Kristeva is one of the most controversial points of view for her time about literary texts at issue: "... poetic language points to the fact That language can not live with grammar or syntax or even vocabulary manfrotto 3265 Alone, That sensation will leave its indelible stamp therein and this imprint of the body in language is readable ... "(Smith manfrotto 3265 1998:14). manfrotto 3265 Briefly and simplify it boils down to Kristeva focus on this type of language, especially in poems and other lyrical works and appear in the browser pre-verbal sensations trigger. This type of language (which is derived from a Freudian model of language) manfrotto 3265 calls his semiotic language, following by Lacan as a symbolic language is labeled manfrotto 3265 (more or less comparable to dictionary meaning of words). Semiotic language, as in literary texts, represented primarily nonverbal, sensory meaning, as it occurs manfrotto 3265 for example in music. The semiotic aspect of a text by Kristeva defined as "musical, anterior, Enigmatic, mysterious and Rhythmic" manfrotto 3265 (Smith 1998:21) and is achieved by poetic devices such as rhythm, rhyme, alliteration, onomatopoeia, tone, timbre, movement, laughing, jouissance, modulation and wordplay (Lechte 1990:129, 132, Smith 1998:22). Semiotic language is always part of texts on the literal meanings of support and undermine the stability of the literal meaning manfrotto 3265 of the text. In this regard, semiotic language and grensoorskrydend liminaal. Because semiotic meaning-making associated with "language" before conscious separation from the parent manfrotto 3265 body occurred, currency Kristeva, following Plato, the term chora (Gr. uterus), "a non-verbal totality onderliggende language, a non-spatial, non -temporal receptacle of energy and drives "(Smith 1998:21). The chora is the original area of semiotic language, in the sense that space is not concrete. The chora is not concrete and unmentionable, because the language and meaning associated with it, symbolic (concrete / literal) meaning precedes (Lechte 1990:129).
This brief and simplified theory forms the basis of a large number of poems in a volume Marius Crous quirky. The motto of Section 1: Chora, from Julia Kristeva's work is a definition of the term chora as discussed manfrotto 3265 above. It is clear that at least the poems in Section I in the light of this definition manfrotto 3265 is read and interpreted to be.
The first three poems in Section I deals with the legend of the sunken cathedral on the coast of Brittany. About this legendary st