Friday, May 1, 2015

Welcoming spring with food and wine at the Illisos riverfront Spring has finally arrived, and it is

H Spring finally sun well came in and time to be happy. The first Saturday, March 24 from 2 pm until 5.00 pm we are expecting the forgotten river of Athens, the Ilissos, (the unique point where the riverbed is open), to move an a festive noon within this green corner city's.
What are we doing; At the bank, we put music and bring everyone a food (which need not necessarily spoon or fork), wine and Cairns each other. At the same time we'll have set up grill and hob with pans for cooking time.
Saturday 24/3, 14.00-17.00 point: the plateau between Agia Fotini and facilities of Swimming Pool. Access: easy, see map, trolley Blister-Pagrati 2, 4, 11, buses southern sun well suburbs (Vouliagmeni), tram (Ag. Fotini)
Welcoming spring with food and wine at the Illisos riverfront Spring has finally arrived, and it is time to celebrate! We will be waiting for you on spring's first Saturday (24th March) from 2 to 5 in the afternoon in Athens's sun well forsaken river, Ilissos (at the only site where the river bed is still visible) to spend a joyful afternoon in this green corner of the city. What will we do? We will set up tables, put on music; you bring food (that does not necessarily require spoon or fork), wine and share with each other! Barbeques and stoves with pans will be set up for freshly grilled food. Saturday 24/3, 14: 00-17: 00 Location: Plateau between Ag.Fotini church and swimming pool facilities sun well Access: easy (see map). Trolley buses Kipseli-Pagrati 2, 4, 11, buses of southern suburbs (Vouliagmenis), tram (Ag.Fotini) * following the event we will clean up the Ilissos's riverfront (participation optional)
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