Sunday, May 24, 2015

So this morning we had the car his parents and we take advantage plastic candy buffet jars of. We w

'm Back here! The sun returns to Sydney! At 8 am with the whole face of sleep I've been running with Rocio, a friend of Carolina (that lives with us and the 'boss' house) also Argentine who has come to spend a week's holiday. And now, after a shower, I dedicate some of my time to write the blog for you all and hope to make the sun a little. plastic candy buffet jars Then stay with him)
As you know, every weekend, take to disconnect some of the city 'routine'. This last had the opportunity to go camping in North Sydney, specifically in Swansea, about 120 km. central Sydney, about 2 hours by car. Nico, our Australian friend (the English teacher who had been working in Vic) a few weeks ago we were invited to this event. A weekend of relaxation and family camping in plan, as part of her, Gemma, Alfons and me, there we would find with most of his family, brothers, nephews, friends, etc ... we were about twenty in total. A good opportunity to 'live' two days with Australian families hundred percent here! Swansea
So Friday, plastic candy buffet jars after another day of work at 9 pm Gemma, Alfonso and I were heading towards the center plastic candy buffet jars of Sydney, specifically Circular Quay, 100 meters from the Sydney Opera House to catch a ferry to Manly. There we expect Nico, we would go to eat something there, and a beurre his home, about 20 minutes there. Serve to rest, recharge and make way for Swansea car. The house cool! Great, typical Australian with a long garden, a stone's throw from the beach, a lovely family and hospitality all here, an excellent treat. First Nico told me that I would sleep in the doghouse, but finally gave us a room for us all. Every detail! Alfonso and Gemma, the ferry on the way to Manly. plastic candy buffet jars Alfons plastic candy buffet jars before bedtime In hehe 'Pepe' fellow times. Its name comes from 'Pepper' (pepper) lol
So this morning we had the car his parents and we take advantage plastic candy buffet jars of. We waited 2 hours, cooking journey, the truth is quite entertaining to watch this drive to left, making copilot plastic candy buffet jars with the improvised 'GPS', obviously we missed something plastic candy buffet jars lol, highways here ( free) that not strange? plastic candy buffet jars The area around plastic candy buffet jars the highway many, many trees and vegetation, not four pine trees planted in our, among many other things. Our improvised 'GPS McGiver'. Have you ever seen a car with 'cullons'? I do. Arrival at Swansea. First to meet with the family and lunch we stopped at one of the beaches. Genial! We get to know part of the family, we ate a typical aburgueses here (not as you imagine McDonald's) for about 8 dollars and brother Nico gave us his surfboard to go to practice bit. Like all beaches, whatever day it is, waves im-pre-sio-donors plastic candy buffet jars !!! Within hours towards the camping, there we hoped would share our bungalow that four of us with a couple of friends of Nico. Per person a night cost us about 40 dollars, not bad.
The beautiful plastic candy buffet jars house with all amenities, a barabacoa comuntiraria about ten meters, grass, grass and more grass everywhere and the great lake, Lake Mcquaire, twenty meters. Impressive! With grass to rest, eat, play, could enter into the sea in areas where almost all the water you covered to the knees, heart full of shells, plastic candy buffet jars shells, fish ... There we spent the rest of day, wanted to rent some kayaks but they had this, we were disappointed, but for luck and coincidence another brother Nico (do not say names because so many people already there and I remember you say the wrong) gave us his canoe can hold three and more! He was a fisherman and was ideal for a walk around the lake!
Views of the lake (Lake Mcquaire) lake view from the bungalow Gemma and I walk around the lake. Part of the family with the canoe. Observing this great background. Gemma by jets of water hehe In the "night" plastic candy buffet jars at 8 pm, all to dinner across the campsite where they were other friends and family, together with a barbecue dinner, all kinds of food Australians and we contribute our bit with tomato bread! The first thing they did see it was asked, that is on the bread? hehe. All are surprised and found it very good. Obviously plastic candy buffet jars P. There we could know more kids and family. As I said before genuine typical family plastic candy buffet jars here, the talk, the physical (blond, blue eyes, tall, athletic as genetics, etc ..), educated hospitalitaris, sociable, gave taste and healthy envy those families do well well trained and avenues. A small crack !! Chess! Who gu

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