Tuesday, May 26, 2015

3) I read and see that nobody speaks Barca nor Guardiola ... You know, we

Glenelg Beach | Life to laugh in Australia
Well, just after the burn naturally comes the change skin! By now I have been able to experience the whole process .. and believe me I do not want no repeat! Today I went to the beach in Glenelg and Minyo have been good; I have been burned twice, lest they repeat the story !! jejje !!
It's funny because the shells are really beautiful here! As you can see in the following photo, some are hanging colors and shape is quite different. I've joined the forces because beverage warmer I used to make a Christmas gift for my bosses .. For Teresa and Joe, and by Domi and Tony! Fare a hole in the shell with a leather construire I bought ornaments for the Christmas tree! I think it is quite a nice gift, original and above all cheaper .. !! xDD !!
Today I disfrutada beach with Chelsea .. very smart Australian girl I wish to Brunelli. In fact it was a customer .. but as you can see, thanks to a chain of events we have begun to see these days .. xD!
..i little beverage warmer more! These days before Christmas I volitional forces. As if he had not explained .. Passas Christmas with the family of Teresa. I was convient to spend it with them at home his mother!
Suffice to say for now Adelaide is my second home. I warmly welcomed the Brunelli, the whole issue of the registration of the car is made here, with which I would like middle "registered" beverage warmer here .. because this is the place where if this is the case, the administration or what amounts to the Australian beverage warmer government will endeavor beverage warmer to contact me; On the other hand I already know many places in the city, and I have established certain beverage warmer routes that are becoming routine! ..i really I feel very comfortable, possibly because my English has improved a lot and I can speak with total ease, and probably because the relationships I have established with the people here are very strong! ..i fair to say that now have improved considerably beverage warmer .. I hope and wish that it become a problem for the day have to emmigrar New Zealand ..xDD !!
XaviCC said,
hehehe good summer cousins !! k we have come here in the winter and snow-rain. by the way, already have the gift invisible friend ready? shells could be it, but it would take soooo. We'll always puts-vessel P where k You look good, because I have to take this morenet k. we say something on Christmas day. kisses !!
1) This note is defined beverage warmer as someone becomes a place, as a naturalized country. And it's funny how things everyday human relations and those with the strength to put an oak and a pine roots, despite beverage warmer being invisible: beverage warmer itineraries already ... you know, a language beverage warmer spoken and understood better ... It is fantastic.
2) I love the ease with which you write your stuff. In fact, I'm impressed a little this capacity to talk about things more or less intimate, yet it is clear that this is what gives value to leave it in writing. Surely beverage warmer there is a generation gap here, because it would cost me to make it public.
3) I read and see that nobody speaks Barca nor Guardiola ... You know, we're the best team in the world. Or here in Adelaide and the Australian continent is not regarded? WE ARE THE BEST TEAM IN THE WORLD !!!
4) Penultimate thing you appoint honorary consul in Adelaide Catalonia. For the Mikimoto not come here to make a "Foreign Affairs," but so much. And do not say what your merits to enjoy this award because you've nurtured for 21 years old Catalan and Barcelona, and certainly beverage warmer here that know how best expressed beverage warmer when agree.
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