Thursday, May 21, 2015

We arrived in Perth early on the morning quite tired because we woke to thirty to catch the plane t

We arrived in Perth early on the morning quite tired because we woke to thirty to catch the plane to Melbourne where we just closed my eyes for a while. Some come with some uncertainty because we do not have confirmation of couchsurfing that we should welcome and because we only have a slight wells food warmer idea of what are our plans for the coming days. From the airport trying to tie a rental car the next day, we still have the tent and think that we can go about doing nights here and there without too much trouble while touring the west coast of Australia. We find it difficult to rent a car, as always, the companies charge all kinds of extras by nationality of your driving license, the kilometers that you drive, festive dates or not and the type of insurance, of course, more the majority does not allow you to drive beyond the 26th Parallel, or the Tropic of Capricorn, because it means that much conduiràs north of Perth and therefore sumaràs many kilometers in the car. The truth is that we start was a little tired of this accuracy and rigidity Australian and / or Western, we feel that everything is more complicated and that everything has a price. We decided to leave the airport and try your luck with the local company Baywaters Rentals This course allows wells food warmer drive to Exmouth, 1268km to Perth, the car is nearly new Toyota Corolla and the price is much more fixed than those offered by other agencies. Well, we have the car and we are ready to start route once more, but does not start until the next day, then spend one night with Berta and Leigh! The couchsurfing we're happy but failed because Berta, Sabadell and friend who lives in Perth for six years welcomes us with open arms to offer a good meal and a comfortable place to spend the night in addition We can spend the day together Sant Jordi, talking in Catalan and saying a lot of things about Australia, wells food warmer travel, dreams and plans for the future ... In Leigh offers cold beer and advised us what to see on our way to the coast. Both are excellent wells food warmer hosts, many thanks for everything !!
The next day we wake up rested and eager, we stop at a supermarket, petrol we kiss and take Highway north Indian. We expect a lot of drive and we want to make some stops along the way before we darkness. You know, driving at night Australia surrounded by bush is a risk activity at any time you can surprise a kangaroo crossing the road or a road train behind demanding that threatens not let him.
By midmorning we stop at Yanchep National Park, a snack and do a walk to see kangaroos lying quietly making a nap and a very lazy koalas while we look carefree chew eucalyptus leaves. Let us four photos and we start again, drive a few more kilometers and we stop again at Pinnacles NP, serves as the entrance of Yanchep NP and in an hour you can use this Martian landscape that land, a land yellowish thousands of rocks eroded wells food warmer by wind and rain that have adopted vertical and pointed shapes. wells food warmer The place is curious that we can sense the sunsets there must be very beautiful but clouds accompany us and we have to reach the rest area where we spent the night, some 150km further north.
We choose places to spend the night consulting a mobile application, Wikicamps Australia, informs us that all service areas and rest, or similar, will find the way. We drive on the highway to the coast, especially busy for camper vans and 4 4 that drag caravans of all kinds, and also some large trucks clueless tourists like us. The rest areas are nothing more than a space reclaimed from the bush beside the road, with four bins, toilets and a poorly placed two tables, but it takes much longer to plant the tent and spend the night. It is a good place to watch the Australians gather around a makeshift fire and chatted with a beer in each hand. In Australia are increasingly common wells food warmer "new nomads" lonely people or couples, mostly retired or retired people who sell properties and collect a bunch of dollars to invest in a powerful 4 4 with Caravan or similar even a motor boat, touring the country and living in a self-generating their own energy with solar panels, their water tanks and stopping points of the civilization to fill the fuel tank and buy the food need. The motivation is clear, yearning for freedom, peace, solitude, outdoors and nature. It is interesting to see them everywhere, proud of their street wells food warmer houses with all amenities while enjoying the freedom of nomadic life.
We're not lucky, the second day route will rain and rain accompanies wells food warmer us all day, they

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