Saturday, September 6, 2014

Word of Life

Lundqvist opened by saying that it has blown new beginnings wind throughout Europe conference. His text for the evening was Haggai 2: 2-15. "The future glory shall be greater than the first," he proclaimed with verse 9 in mind. Ulf Ekman took a step from our part of Christendom into the Catholic Church. God put it this verse in heart of life words leadership, he explained. Lundqvist emphasized that this was God's charge to the Word of Life, and also referred to Tommy Barnett called him right after Ekman had converted fluid head and given the same verse.
- We redefining us, and what is the goal? It should not happen in reaction against fluid head the old glory behind but they go for what lies ahead. It's about redefining themselves, personally, the marriages in parishes and movements, said Lundqvist. And he continued:
- What God has done and said is good, but God intended a greater glory. God goes from glory to glory. Joakim has asked God for a definition now. What is our future? God said this I should say now, explained Lundqvist. It was definitely God said it, he pointed out, and the entire Board and leadership gave sanction! Then Lundqvist into the unit, the Word of Life has been working for many years now. For the occasion he replaced the word unit, with the word Community (GEMENSKAP - I come back to it). - We Christians share everything, he said. The calling is for the body and we have a lot in common. fluid head Eg. DNA skeleton and the same blood. Jesus' blood. However, some cases do a hand to hand and not to a foot. It's about the various functions.
Word of Life's fledgling program statement should now be defined. There are six words that are pillars that make us the movement we are. It is our Declaration / Application / definition / focus. These words are now spoken about in church, Sunday school for children, cell groups, that all the Word of Life to go in that direction. Joakim Lundqvist made a clear point that all the speakers who participated in the European Conference of 2014 had spoken these 6 key words, without even knowing that management at Word of Life had agreed to these pillars should be the Word of Life built its fledgling on. It seemed Joakim Lundqvist was amazing. The 6 pillars Joakim defined as follows:
Bible. Shown Lund said ia "The Word is alive and you can build your life on. We work with good coaching, and not first and foremost life coaching. The Bible is central. fluid head Berit Simonsen talked fluid head all about it here as an evening. The Bible is the highest authority. Who you are and what you can do- This is catechesis. This is one of the most important. The Holy Spirit (Holy Spirit). Lundqvist asked "What did Jentezen Franklin talked about on Tuesday night?" - The Holy Spirit. What did John Bevere talked about - the Holy Spirit. Everything should Pregl of the Holy Spirit, everything should be steeped in this, said Lundqvist. World. Lundqvist: - I was so happy when Larry Stockstill preaching about this. We have a mission. We must let the world hear about Jesus. There are two directions fluid head in this expression the world. 1) mission. Mission Ring. Training of managers who travel to their countries. Give food to the hungry. The other part of the world, 2) Israe l. Israel is part of our calling. This we did by Jonathan Bernis homily, the Holy Spirit has oversight and accentuates it to be emphasized. Truth. Joakim explained: - Bible Word in Isaiah 59: 14-16 describes a phenomenon we have in Sweden today, the truth wavers. No intervened stood there. We need believers and churches that intervenes when the truth teetering on the square. The truth should be - it's our calling. Jesus spoke the truth. In grace and truth. What truths: objective truth. "That's just wrong that a human life has value, is sacred and should not be quenched parents shall raise their child marriage. Community (GEMENSKAP). This used Lundqvist most time. In this term vileness I know (T. Steen) in the things of what was previously referred to as the Word of Life's unit labor - they'll be immersed in Christianity, as Ulf Ekman put it. Joakim explained: This community falls back on the verse in Acts 2:42. We are not solo artists, we should have fellowship, he said. This is reflected in: the local church, it is not perfect. fluid head It is born in the heart of God and promises that the grave be not powerful. Lundqvist would recall that that was exactly what Mark Rutland spoke here at the conference - the church. We will build an open church where the weak find strength. fluid head For ordinary people. Treonde need a local church. It is God means to touch this world. Movement (the movment). Lundqvist: - We will have fellowship with all who have DNA like us. We feel fellowship with all that relates to the word of life. Our relationship is going to increase and we are a force to the body of Christ. Community of Christ's body. Lundqvist: - Not only fellowship with those who wear the same type of DNA, but also Catholics. It is a community that is based on everything fluid head that we have fe

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