Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Dumped visit this post reasonably random, but these are the lovely Eva. Since you share my passion

A broken mug warmers soul | Your Psychologist Online
I have lived many places in the world, but always close to the sea. Sea means a lot to me and interferes with my metaphors in therapy. Over the past year I have been my hobby to collect shells. Storm and powerful flow has broken shells, but I gather the pieces. Tucked between all the sand it is easy to overlook the small pieces. But when I sit down and spend time as I find beautiful blues and fragments of white and yellow mother of pearl. I take the shells home with me and makes sculptures out of them. "Ocean Soul" I call the sculptures, but it is as much about the human soul and my work as a psychologist. It soon became clear to me that I would not try to reconstruct shells by gluing broken pieces together. Such a project would never be able to make the shells to nothing more than a corrupt and bad version of the original. Instead, I'm looking for the uniqueness of each piece and lift up beautiful fragments by letting them float on the metal threads mug warmers of gold and silver. Violations, abraded edges and pearl speak to the powerful forces that shape us, from violent storms to the less dramatic but equally inexorable daily grinding. Some of the pieces are even traces of plant crops that have clung to them. Some tremble tender and translucent and almost ethereal mug warmers in the wind. Some exudes brash with its originality. mug warmers Some have a special ability to reflect back the colors around them, while others comforted with his melancholy blue. I put the pieces together in new combinations and a new whole emerges.
In many cases, I find that the health care system and NAV trying to bond people together again as soon as possible. The mussels must look like a mussel albeit fractured mug warmers and fragile, and scallops must be satisfied if it looks almost mug warmers like second scallops. But who knows how long the glue holds and what we lose by not using time looking mug warmers for something more.
The client's contribution to the therapy
..and no glue can withstand sea: time and pressure. Reply
Great image of people in varying degrees have been somewhat shattered. No doubt there is much beauty in what others think is broken. I'm probably in the bucket with weary shells mug warmers that look good enough out (according to NAV), but which nevertheless are increasingly struggling to keep the shell intact. This shell did not have minded a little mug warmers calmer water Reply
Tired shells mug warmers yes, you say something, they must also be included. You are probably in good company in the bucket. There are no trifles as required by humans. Do you know how pearls are produced in mussels. Pearls is also a result of shells attempt to protect itself against an annoyance that has come too close Reply
Dumped visit this post reasonably random, but these are the lovely Eva. Since you share my passion for art AND the ocean I'll tell you about an artist I think you might enjoy exploring:-) Reply
Send me e-mail mug warmers of follow-up comments.
Clinical psychologist. mug warmers Blogs and runs the website Your psychologist online as a resource and meeting place for anyone with an interest in mental health. Offering online therapy. Read more on the website: Personal Links Your Psychologist Online
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