Saturday, September 28, 2013

Hahahaha! And I thought eating a tava monteee! For me it was hard to get used to so much food ... B

As I told you, I lost a lot of weight ... 20 kg in all! 12kg eliminated in the first four months, with a diet that I had developed the same for me ... I ate enough, but I tried everything in my head ... Type fattening fried foods, sugar, white flour, etc. ... And so I lost my first 12kg ! Logical that after my body got used and I ended up getting sick of living great soprendo like this, so I started leaving for other diets, a little more extreme ... Each time was a new diet ... And over the years I lost over 8kg!
As I had never been, in fact, to dietitians (until 2010 or so, I had never stepped on nutritionists), my single meter was the scale ... And even though weighing 47kg, I was not very fond of my body, one thought little limp, very thin in some places and not so much in others ... But as you can not weigh less than that, I just settled that my body was well and ready! (Who focus on weight balance, great soprendo nor to think that there may be other things, such as body fat, lean mass and etc ...)
Like most people who cut carbs and lives counting calories an hour I started to put on weight, and no matter what I did, I did not go back to my 47kg! As I was engaged, it began to frustrate me ... (Every bride wants to be at his best for the wedding day, right?)
Talking to my friend Ana Paula, she told me about Dr. Marco Japheth and how muitaaa had lost body fat following a month his diet ... She also told me that all the people she had indicated, and followed the diet scratches, lost enough! I had never tested a diet with supplementation, and without enough carbohydrates great soprendo even remember to count the calories, I decided to try and meet Dr. Marco!
At the first appointment he assured great soprendo me that if I followed every little thing, I lose body fat and not gain weight (which to me seemed to be very difficult, since the diet had more food than I was used to eating) ...
Obviously we traveled for honeymoon, honeymoon and completely forgot what it was diet ... and I won a little of what was lost (believe it or not, I do not weigh in the balance, but I gained a lot of fat and even increased slightly my measurements ! - This is to show that the scale does not say anything!) ...
Every day, as a tapioca great soprendo (three tablespoons of Goma Cassava Hydrates, I use the brand AKIO), stuffed with a tablespoon of peanut butter (I use the brand Peter Pan, which shows in the first picture) and take a scoop of Whey, brand ProtoWhey, mixed with water, just at breakfast.
In the diet, my lunch should contain: a protein (that is not red meat, preferably! My favorites are fish and eggs ... I'm not a fan of beef or chicken), a carbohydrate good (integrals, cassava or sweet potato ), some cooked vegetables and raw salad at will!
As I am not very good in the kitchen and I love salads, this one tuna has saved me a lot! It is easy to make and is very tasty!
27 Responses to "A Day in My Diet ..."
Lindona great soprendo My, how you eat little (about me, of course). great soprendo I weigh 59kg, but I have 1.70. But I'm not happy, I need to exercise. I've done pilates, but I found the results satisfactory. I want to strike back. How tall Paulinha, great soprendo if do not mind talking. Bjo great. I love you
Hahahaha! And I thought eating a tava monteee! For me it was hard to get used to so much food ... But now I'm working out more, so I'm feeling more hungry too! I do pilates every day, but I say that is more functional than a workout pilates great soprendo same! I had already made other pilates and did not feel any difference ... When I met my teacher, Fiona Ferrareto, there was something else! Her classes are strong and I saw the difference in the first week! Nowadays I try to combine pilates and kickboxing! = D
Hmm ... Got it, maybe that huh? I'll take a researched other pilates studios. I'll see what I do. Just know that I'm feeling the need for activity .. And detail has a gym around the corner from my house, with various activities and outdoor gym (free) .. ha ha ha ... No excuse, right?? I want a body type lindão the seu.bjoss
August great soprendo 21, 2013 at 10:12
So ... In ancient diet that Dr. Marco had passed me, had fruit, but not this time! I do not know exactly what you tell why ... I'll tell what I'm missing ... Because LOVE fruit, especially the most basic, like apple, great soprendo pear, banana ... But pretty great soprendo soon takes a month and I'm back, then he'll probably change some points of Diet and I think I'll ask some berries, yes! Hahaha
I love your blog,

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