Friday, July 11, 2014

REMEMBER ALLAH Satan had promised to distract and mislead others from the path of Allah in any way.

REMEMBER ALLAH Satan had promised to distract and mislead others from the path of Allah in any way. Various luxury and entertainment in the world is between the arms of Satan and his minions to push the man into oblivion and error. Thus, God calls on us all to think about this and trying to avoid getting lured by the wiles of the devil as the joys of life in this temporary world. God is said in Surah Al-An'am, verse 32, with the meaning: "not (called) the life of this world but play and amusement wasted a lull; and verily the Hereafter will be better for the righteous. Therefore, tidakah you not think? "
The Qur'an also megingatkan us that the devotees of the things useless and mere amusement, which beguile and mislead others will get the punishment of humiliation, as Allah says in Surah Luqman, verse 6, which means "And there are among men, those who purchase properties to the story and the mere amusement; The result may mislead (men) from Allah SWT with no knowledge; and there are those who make Allah's religion a jest; they are the ones who will be a humiliating punishment. "
Is a "default" has been explained by Allah in Surah Al 'Araaf, verse 179, with meaning: "And certainly We have created for many of the jinn and mankind, they have hearts wherewith they understand not, and they have a point army? to see, and they have no army? ears to hear. They are as cattle, nay more misguided. They are the ones who default "above verse tells us that the jinn and the men alleged negligent in not using nature, not being used to understand the heart, the eyes are not used to see, and ears are not used to hearing. As a result of this negligence, then the degree of worlds fall to the status of the cattle. Those who default, when the truth is found, in accordance with their tastes and demands worldly desires. Be those who are unjust, because the nature and rejected the Signs of Allah. Beloved country ENTERTAINMENT WORLD ENTERTAINMENT AND DUMPING THIS COUNTRY WITH ACUTE mere amusement! Do you agree? We served and entertainment dumped here and there, day and night - in the television glass; in the radio room; in newsprint, books and magazines; in the virtual world of internet; on the stage; and seanika place again! Amazing indeed and consequently there are those among Muslims who default on the obligation and responsibility to God. What's open now - dumping dish entertainment has encouraged a culture having fun. Entertained and having fun regardless of the time and degree of relationship. Non-mahram men women mix freely. In the end, there was a lapse and relationship great gatbsy intimacy. No wonder we are often presented with news of an illegitimate child, abandoned great gatbsy babies great gatbsy and infant death. ENTERTAINMENT CATEGORY Entertainment category there. Promoted and that is not allowed. In summary, there are three categories of entertainment, namely: 1.Bagi a believer of faith, acts of worship, and remembrance wird or any act which brings the reward of Allah is entertainment. This is because the result of that is peace and tranquility. Soul is always alive and fresh. Emotions are controlled. great gatbsy This is what is meant by Allah in the Qur'an that word means: "Remember just a remembrance of Allah hearts so quiet." 2.Hiburan second category of any other way to get rid of anxiety and not inconsistent with the tenets and beliefs. In fact, if internalized, this type of entertainment can be a way to get closer to Allah. For example, if a picnic or discarded as well as to get rid of tired can also feel the greatness of the creation of Allah, diffuse and soul I feel fear Him. Entertainment in this category, as long as no conflict and no negative effects, it's like a drug to reduce pain to get rid of anxiety for a while, great gatbsy but could not eliminate great gatbsy the source of the anxiety. 3.Hiburan The third category is the most popular among many people today, especially great gatbsy young people. Concert artists, singing, parties, nightclubs, pairing the likes of teenage life is an obstacle now. Entertainment is not only not be healed, even as drug addiction. It's fun, like candy, sweet and savory, but not w

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