Wednesday, July 9, 2014

In fact I

[Credits] [Warning gentle and lovingly: Post this long. Longer length of your large intestine. Hey .. Do not blame me if your hair falls out in congregation after finishing reading this post. Vavavum!] Recently chaos and bedlam crafts with shells world preaching and tarbiyyah when an article which flog ibrah and the lessons to be derived from digital games mahsyur enough but a shadow, Angry Birds was written. Various comments, criticism and opinion thrown. No less a discussion on a mailing list, a mailing list of brisk talk about the article.
A poster that summarizes the latest ibrah and teaching of the game was produced. It seems the world has been taken by the lightning (read: Taken by Storm) with the writing!
The owner of the article was surprised by the response he received briskly. He never thought, writing that he considered only as 'yet another writing' can be so so popular in such a short time.
The reason I write this post not to use the glamor topic being debated is. But honestly, did not expect the pound to mengomen article. Until last night, when some people ikhwah and a teacher (Gulp) asked me to talk about it. And it has been said omputih, the rest is history.
Their main concern is (including me) is when a lot of people crafts with shells who would abuse the meaning of the writing of this article. And I believe, tribes that had been tenaciously defending crafts with shells the 'must' play digital games such as Angry Birds, hand-clapping, cheering joy with writing the article.
I believe, the author of the article has a sincere intention when writing it. The author himself stated that he had no intention of promoting the game. I bought it. I believe he just wanted to see manifest ibrah relevant to be shared with readers. Not to mention Angry Birds is a game that is quite popular crafts with shells this decade. I acknowledge the fact that it uses a very interesting approach; Angry Birds seen from the eyes of the missionary crafts with shells and tarbiyyah. Congratulations!
The big problem arises when those who are not yet completely understand the direction of this missionary see the article as a green light for them not to leave their ignorance. Even from the comments left by readers, obviously they are very supportive of the writing of the article. Why? Because the article is to give a positive justification to those who play the game!
The explanation is simple; the game is so popular and so many people crafts with shells are et list ever play once in a lifetime. I'm not surprised if many also ikhwah Muslim brothers who have turned the game in their henpon. Angry Birds is quite close to their heart. There is certainly no praise or endorsement of this game will be greeted with a red carpet, although any condemnation or criticism will be cebikan and ridicule! Do not challenged Angry Birds, will be my hunus magic dagger to the sky! Err .. great little sweat.
In fact I'm sure, many of you will quickly rise after the protest after reading my ignorance associated with Angry Birds! O, be patient first. Give me a chance to clarify my (and I'm sure many ikhwah crafts with shells Muslim brothers out there who are also concerned with this), as you give yourself the opportunity to try out the fun of the game Angry Birds. * Koff koff * What is your problem exactly, of Mr Gabbana? It should be mentioned here, why people like me do not agree with this approach. I see, this game is one form of ignorance that should be avoided, especially for those who want to be active and fast in missionary and tarbiyyah. Stainless-steel that need to be scraped clean, should be sprayed with WD40, even if necessary, is discharged directly into the ocean far nun in there. Why? Because ignorance is the enemy within for a dai'e, which have resisted all-out. Ignorance is not only damaging stint understanding and fikrah already and try to set up, but will slow down and may even hinder further missionary journey, one that dai'e. There are no two ways to it. Ignorance and truth may not come together! Usually this. Imagine the pagan allusion gum we chew. One day we decided to get rid of it. We ludahkannya out, but stuck to our shoes. Sticks on the ground. The result? We want to move forward is prevented, delayed by sticking our feet it. Everything is because of we do not throw chewing gum properly. Another analogy. We had to climb the hill

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