Sunday, March 2, 2014

Various living beings inhabiting this vast earth

Various living beings inhabiting this vast earth's surface. Millions of species of flora and fauna inhabit the land surface and the layers in it. Many of them perched in trees or live around the base and roots. blue solo cup Not to mention the variety of animals and plants blue solo cup that inhabit rivers, lakes and even the ocean depths of darkness. By looking at the course of all these things, we will find a number blue solo cup of things that will amaze conscience directs us to the majesty of the Creator. Sea creatures as seen in the picture is a group of soft-bodied animals (mollusks) called scallop. Notice the small dots are colored bright blue lined along the edge of the disc-shaped creature blue solo cup is the sea shells. You might think this exquisite blue granules as the shells jewelry. However, blue solo cup when we tell you terkejutkah that each blue dot is actually an eye? However surprisingly, each blue dot is actually an eye. With blue eyes that measuring only 1 mm, the scallop can escape from his enemies. Each eye has a lens and a small scallop retina itself. As we know, the eye lens in charge blue solo cup of collecting and focusing light that enters the eye. However, these creatures do not have the vision center in the brain. In other words, when the scallop saw the object, the shadow of the object image focused by the eye they are not passed on and interpreted in the brain, as was the case in the ordinary eye. Scientists who study the scallop suspect that this eye may not be used to seeing. If so, then what is the usefulness of this dazzling eyes? Scallop use this eye to discern something of the dark light, allowing it to move from grassy plains to sandy areas. In addition, millimeter-sized tiny eye is quite sensitive to the scallop can feel the movement that is happening around them. With this valuable capability, scallops can escape from the predator moved closer to her. scallop eyes have properties and characteristics that truly fit the needs of his life in the neighborhood. This clearly indicates the existence of deliberate design in the formation of the eye. Tiny eye balls is lined up on the outside of the shell so that the creatures can sense what is going on around him. Harmony, order and planning that surrounds all this nature, ranging from crustaceans that live on the ocean floor until the birds are flying in the sky, of all perfection in the trees until the stars in the universe, certainly is the copyrighted work of the planner and accomplished designer. Planner and Designer's superior is unsurpassed God. He is the most excellent Creator, who introduced him to our existence through nan perfect detail design which he created in the creatures. They are wise to feel the infinite power of God, who shows his presence in every corner of the universe, from atoms to galaxies. They are aware of the weaknesses in the presence of the Creator, blue solo cup and felt the necessity to turn to God alone. In the Qur'an, we are reminded of this as follows: Do you worship besides (worship) of Allah, any other god. There is no God (worthy of worship) but Him. All things shall surely perish, unless God. To whom all determination, and unto Him ye will be returned. (Surat al-Qasas, blue solo cup 28:88) (insight-magazine)
Miracle of Seed, Big Capability Information Center

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