Sunday, March 30, 2014

In the deserts of southern Africa covered large areas of mysterious circles cream and sugar set - p

In the deserts of southern Africa covered large areas of mysterious circles cream and sugar set - patches of sand surrounded by a border of grass. How circles occur has long been a mystery, but now is an explanation: they were created by termites.
The German biologist Norbert Jürgens at the University of Hamburg, however, is convinced that he has found the answer to the questions. He has studied cream and sugar set crop circles since 2006 and noted that they come and go in the landscape. He also noted all the animals in their immediate vicinity.
Now he presents his findings in the journal Science. Circles, the emergence and disappearance gives the impression that they are somehow "alive", which in a sense is true. They are namely, according to Jürgens, created by living creatures - sandtermiter related species Psammotermes allocerus.
The conclusion he draws after examining approximately 1,200 circles. Psammotermes was in fact the only organism that occurred cream and sugar set at all study sites. Other species of termites or ants, could occur in the circles, but only in a few places.
Sandtermiterna construct tunnels with very thin walls and unlike other termites, they build no stacks. This makes them easy to overlook which may explain why no pairing them with circles before.
The circles formed by all accounts when the termites eating up the plants in their environment cream and sugar set and Jürgens think they are created in a special purpose. The bald spot of sand in the middle of the circle really cream and sugar set works as a water lowering where the moisture in the soil is composed much longer than the surrounding land. The humidity favors the grass in the circle perimeter, and the grass constitutes termite food during the long dry season.
Termites Termites are social insects that live in colonies of hundreds to several million individuals. They belong, however, not the same branch on the family tree ants, bees, wasps and other insects that form giant communities but is most closely related to cockroaches. Approximately cream and sugar set 2,800 species are described.
Termites are primarily herbivores and can even feed on clean wood. In tropical areas, they can become extremely numerous cream and sugar set and are often dominant in many ecosystems. Many species build huge stacks aboveground Show more facts
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