Sunday, March 16, 2014

Christmas has also passed as an ordinary American family. It is not on the evening of Dec. 24 is th

And then really the winter break | Williams College
Tomorrow starts the universe again. The end of the winter break. Or not yet fully begin the university, but this later. Now better described where I spent the winter break, hl7 obr Christmas, New Year's Eve included. The foreign students here on campus more often than not go home because on the one hand is not very rewarding, due to the time difference is not worth two weeks. The university, however, in any case should be deleted, because all will be closed to save energy. So much so that when I came back into the room, I saw that everything is unplugged from the outlet. Good to know that someone walking around in the room, only when I have a code for it.
So foreign students hl7 obr or some ismerősükhöz go if there is one, or if you are someone very összespanolnak them. Well these are very few. Whom none of the above options and still can not go home, sign up for the so-called Christmas International House, which is practically an American university students studying abroad in such a camp in Florida. But there is only a finite space, so I heard that somebody hl7 obr was one of the teachers of. The CIH already very expensive hl7 obr (though still cheaper than to go home) then said to be the vast majority of Asian students. Which does not matter, hl7 obr because I have several of my friends in Asia, but who has seen together to get rid of 50 + Chinese, it can not be expected to experience.
Anyway, so I was a cast-iron may remember Jessica, who was an exchange student in 2005 in Debrecen. I kept in touch with him constantly, but never managed to meet him. Last year he was so that I see it in Boston because it was a race for us there, but the coach said that it will not be the case. So it happened but now that we have agreed and they spent the winter break because he lives only two hours away from New Hampshire State names that Massachusetts northeastern neighbor. hl7 obr Jessica already spent a semester in Russia and in exactly the same day he came back home. So on December 21 I began a three-hour bus ride to the airport in Boston. There were four watch while Jessica arrives, but only after it's been very rutindolognak in September after a 22-hour wait. The father of the terminal there already met. Then in New Hampshire for a one-hour ride, but it has passed quickly, because listening to the stories of Jessica Russia did not notice that we're already there. This family lives in a small town of Brookline, who was outside a large city in America, hl7 obr knows that these small towns actually lie in a vast area, it is far off from each other. No man in the car has no chance at all pedestrian traffic hl7 obr does not exist in this highway connects the various parts of the city. Virtually the city for that price is that there are a few thousand each house has a 100 to 200 yards is not sharp, but the area is hilly, there are huge shopping malls, it has two churches. There's hl7 obr no main street, no city center, just a highway forests everywhere. In addition, vast snow-covered everything while I was there.
The house is a typical hl7 obr American house, it's hard to describe exactly what it is, but that is not the point. Here people live in huge houses because they do not you can afford it, they're not in the heat of the closure of blackmailing Russian Russian hl7 obr gas to China from Ukraine stealing gas as we get home. So the family that looks that are right for parents hl7 obr to four sisters. Line 15, 18, 19 and 21 year olds. Jessica is the oldest. In addition, there were two weeks from one week to two girls aged two boy friends too. (They are both at the University of Michigan, which is about a thousand kilometers away, by car 13 hours repcsivel 1.5 hrs.) So I gathered a pretty nice company, but that did not mean he was very busy in life. I mean, according to what we tried to find opportunities of entertainment, we have the movies, we went to Boston, watched movies, played computer games, board games, but overall it was not a busy two weeks. The slower pace of life here is all the way down.
Christmas has also passed as an ordinary American family. It is not on the evening of Dec. 24 is the gift division, but the 25th in the morning. In the evening a grand dinner hl7 obr to which he can come to the relatives. This is also the case, there were over 20 people there, hl7 obr but it was not as if he were entering a home with a Christmas dinner. The young people were a separate table, all nine of us were. Virtually hl7 obr all this time I listened to the visitor relatives reported the couple two sisters egyetemükről. Well, they sent a very religious, conservative college to her parents, leaving us quite far away sounded like there boys and girls close together they could not, here Williams hl7 obr at the latest agymenés that boys and girls lehessenek roommates. Anyway, so it was no big deal, but I did not expect more.
The next morning started with a great gift division.

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