Thursday, November 21, 2013

TsentrSoprovozhdeniya Posts: 51

Printer 2 oz cups with lids HP LazerGet 1018 install Linux Junior 5.0. after installing the printer via Cups and pechchatal worked fine. Out of paper. After that stopped working. No reset or reboot 2 oz cups with lids did not help. At the bottom of the desktop was to issue an inscription something 2 oz cups with lids like ... not established what the plug-in ... What to do?
Logged 2 oz cups with lids
Re: Setting up the printer via CUPS. Problem.
TsentrSoprovozhdeniya Posts: 51
You do not set it, hence all the problems. If you use the console, then the rights root'a edit the file in the path / etc / apt / sources.list.d / alt.list, namely uncomment the second pair of lines, then repeat 2 oz cups with lids the installation package and printer setup
Quote You have not installed it, hence all the problems. If you use the console, then the rights root'a edit the file in the path / etc / apt / sources.list.d / alt.list, namely uncomment the second pair of lines, then repeat the installation package and printer setup
TsentrSoprovozhdeniya Posts: 51
use a text editor, of which there are many different, but it is more convenient Midnight Commander, is to go to the file and use the built-in editor (invoked by F4) to make changes, save (F2) and get out of the edit window (F10)
Re: Setting up the printer via CUPS. Problem.
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