Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Was a very good site that appeals to both eyes and ears, hands health! Must I go to the museum in t

D to your shell is an object found in all the world's oceans. In the past, these objects in a living creature, with a variety of reasons, to leave the shell that live or die as a result of waves and drifting ashore, large and small are several shell.
Sea shell collecting is very common, especially in America. Many clubs and associations operating seashell lisson grove in these fields. Internet purchases at prices ranging from $ 1 up to $ 3,500 at auction made via the sale of shells, the case is no longer a hobby. In Turkey, both our own sea, as well as enthusiasts who have gathered a collection of the world's oceans with a variety of shell also increasingly common. For example, the work of our country can not go on without mentioning managed to do under Kemal Geyran discipline. He Dragos seashell lisson grove Istanbul, 21-year-old lost that he established with the aim to perpetuate the memory seashell lisson grove of his son "Can Geyran Seashells Center", I think it has achieved a first in Turkey. 400 square meters built for such a museum in the hall, on the one hand while watching sea shells, crustaceans and a variety of screens on the walls he can get a wide variety of information related to water marine life. In addition, a video room in a corner of the room, crustacean, able to watch a half-hour documentary. In the Library, 500 Library has a collection of underwater broadcast. Professor Nihat Field, which for years mingle with sea shells, in an article he wrote about it, describing the colorful world, "in Naples, MERCELL made from the shells of marine animals to the beach sold trinkets. I was amazed by the views I have ever seen in one of these exhibitions. This was the shell of a marine creature. I can not do so colorful as a painter, I was bright against a table. A table clad in the colors seashell lisson grove of a thousand gilded gleam unconscious until the whiteness of the waves in the psoriasis from all shades of green ... It was formed so that the colors in a harmony, I was fascinated. This I learned later that the creature's name Patella "he says. One of the shell collectors, Fikret Ozer. Sea shell curiosity, years ago Bodrum Castle seashell lisson grove received from a vendor in front of the 'Tridacna seashell lisson grove Squamosa' type of self-indicating that a shell starts, a collector with a part of more than 3 thousand species today with seashells collected over the years. Sea shell hobby that makes a business Oguz Oral increasingly professional sense that the trade name of a major sea shell in Turkey.
Of course, Istanbul in Goztepe "Nautilus" in the shop named, for enthusiasts like us, the world's brought over the crust, Mehmet Ihsan Kıdeyş with dealing with the gift consists of shell and Shamil Karaerkek and that in Ankara, "Ocean Shells" is also to count no way. Work should be located in close ties with the sea and maritime Young Gideon said, also found in the endangered sea shells, part of the collection consists of over 2 thousand, one of the well-known enthusiasts of this business. Incidentally, the Bodrum Underwater Archaeology Museum and an official organization, and thousands of seashells collected from various countries donated to the museum, the former CEO of Sabancı Holding, will not mention the name of Hasan Güleşçi. Meanwhile, enthusiasts, from the outside, I want to give a name to the two museums. For example, in Italy, in Ancona, 70 km southeast "Cupra Marittima" and in the United States, Bailey Matthews Shell Museum in Florida "... like around seashell lisson grove us, there are hidden collectors did not announce the name of certain ... In short, sea shells, a thousand colors, patterns and with a world figure. I, 12-13 years old, I started swimming seashell lisson grove Kalamış coast to shell collection curiosity, after the start of the underwater sport, the Sea of Marmara in various seashell lisson grove coastal and then I continued in a thousand other beach in the beauty of our country. Above I got from my friend called oral Oguz our shop, I collected when I go out of the shell and abroad in different countries, yet I constantly seashell lisson grove enrich my collection in various shells. In this blog, this shell that I have collected, corals, algae, dried fish, and again, the appetite of a variety of fish that we ingest, my collection consisting of the jaw spent in post processing, accompanied by the information I could gather about them, I wanted to share with you. But I also know that in a lot missing. They also believe that slowly completed and waiting for your warning. seashell lisson grove If you have come this far, I thank you for taking the time and reading persistence.
Was a very good site that appeals to both eyes and ears, hands health! Must I go to the museum in the shortest time and edindig the name you gave the impression that we're sharing the many years of being forced to wait;-) We love you very much - at the bottom of the world,

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