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Neat piece in the New york Times where our

The Irish Economy » Blog Archive » Morgan Kelly Looks Ahead
This manfrotto 3265 entry was posted on Monday, November 8th, 2010 at 1:33 am and is filed under Banking Crisis . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response manfrotto 3265 , or trackback from your own site. 244 Responses manfrotto 3265 to “Morgan Kelly Looks Ahead” Michael Hennigan - Finfacts Says: November 8th, 2010 at 5:06 am
You have read enough articles by economists by now to know that it is customary at this stage for me to propose, in 30 words or fewer, a simple policy that will solve all our problems. Unfortunately, this is where I have to hold up my hands and confess that I have no solutions, simple or otherwise.
“You have read enough articles by economists by now to know that it is customary at this stage for me to propose, in 30 words or fewer, a simple policy that will solve all our problems. Unfortunately, this is where I have to hold up my hands and confess that I have no solutions, simple or otherwise.”
Bernard Lietaer: To prevent a trickle-down effect of bankrupcies and lay-offs, companies should organise a reciprocal credit system manfrotto 3265 on the for them best level as soon as possible. The Swiss Wir is an example of a currency that is fit to meet company needs. The currency was founded in the thirties when companies had a hard time getting funds. One in five Swiss SME s is a member of this. Those who sell something, earn a credit balance in Wir which is kept track of in the central unit in Bazel. With this credit balance, the seller in his turn can buy things in the Wir-network. Last year 1.7 billion Swiss francs have been converted to Wir like this. Macro-economic research shows that the volume manfrotto 3265 in Wir automatically expands when bank credits are harder to get hold of. It also diminishes spontaneously when the activity in the official economy grows. The Wir acts as a buffer in times of crisis.”
Neat piece in the New york Times where our ‘Leadership’ is recognised – “In a report last week, the International Monetary Fund [argued] that the increasing debt ratios among advanced nations needed to be addressed. It highlighted the extent to which the debt ratios of all developed nations had exploded since the onset of the financial crisis. The leader is Ireland, whose debt level has almost doubled, to nearly 100 percent of G.D.P. ”
Patricia The Sovereign_in_exile is … settling in for a while … reading up on the Kantian tradition, a bit of macro, monetary, and fiscal, a dash of pragmatism, and the political economy of the 1930s. Pat Donnelly Says: November 8th, 2010 at 6:33 am
He is perfectly manfrotto 3265 correct and knows it and knows that his readers know it. It has taken these dupes years to understand. Now they do. Now he tells us what he has been saying all along but now they understand.
History tells us ……. He did not go there, because he concentrates upon the new power: the EZ. He does not denounce. He simply describes. He is probably very lonely right now. He is on the plateau and can see what is going to happen manfrotto 3265 and describes some of it. The rest is too ugly to dwell upon and say to others. They will remember that he and others knew and told them what was coming. They will shun him. He is apart. No one likes a saint. Still less do they like a prophet. Few will seek him out.
Ireland is not sovereign, it is merely a 1% anomaly, a person drunk on cheap credit who must be chastised by drying out and a fine will have to be paid after a wigging from the judge! Very unpleasant for the inhabitants pretensions.
Ireland will develop a counter culture against the EZ. This will be hush hush, entre-nous. It may take on maffiya type overtones but is inevitable. This is economic warfare. Roberto manfrotto 3265 Calvi? This may go on for generations? manfrotto 3265 Am I already a member? Does the Pope shit in the woods? Baltic Exchange? liam h Says: November 8th, 2010 at 7:43 am
With all due respect manfrotto 3265 I think you’re missing the point of what I’ve written. What he’s describing isn’t national currency but essentially symmetrical counterparts to the prevailing currency system.
The prevailing system is centralized, these are decentralized. manfrotto 3265 The prevailing system is catholic, these may well be sector specific. The prevailing system is predicated on positive manfrotto 3265 interest. These best function with demurage.
My point is: Where are our wits? Where’s our courage? Despite everything I read, I tell you now, I recognize no sovereignty but our own. Time for us to grow a pair. anonym Says: November 8th, 2010 at 8:11 am
I see from yesterday s Sunday Tribune that Frau Merkel is looking into a controlled explosion on Irish, Portuguese and Greek debt to save the German taxpayer. So there will be haircuts on sovereign debt and consequent increases in yields to tip Cathleen ni H over the edge. And until recently haircuts on

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