Saturday, February 28, 2015

Maybe those musicians should try being less average. __________________ You can't fix what elephants

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Or at least that's dish soap dispenser what David Lowery says. The article is rambling and poorly written, but the gist of it is that digital distribution dish soap dispenser shifts dish soap dispenser a lot of risk away from big companies and onto artists. dish soap dispenser Lowery argues that the average dish soap dispenser musician was better off under the old record dish soap dispenser label model because record labels provided capital for creating new music, and shifted dish soap dispenser some of the profits away from the few super successful artists to the modestly successful ones (i.e., the majority). The digital distribution model has done away with that. Now artists increasingly have to provide the capital, and also see a falling share of the revenue. To top it off, digital distribution hasn't even decentralized the music industry--the business used to be dominated by a few huge record labels, and now it's dominated by even fewer distribution outlets (e.g., Apple) who nevertheless take a huge cut of the profit.  
Maybe those musicians should try being less average. __________________ You can't fix what elephants do. Any private messages sent to this member will not automatically be considered confidential.  
Misery is good for musicians.  
Quote: Originally Posted by Quizalufagus Yeah, then Adele, Rihanna, and Coldplay can be the only paid artists! There are more than 3 paid artists. __________________ You can't fix what elephants do. Any private messages sent to this member will not automatically be considered confidential.  
Digital distribution is good for IT people, though. Somebody has to tend the streams. Musicians also get more control over their work in return for the extra effort of digital self-publishing. They pretty much had no control at all under the old label system. If you're in it to make money, signing to a label is probably best for you. __________________ As if.
Quote: Originally Posted by TySixtus The primary revenue generator for most musicians has always been concerts and tours. The thing is no one would care to go see them if they didn't already know about them from the radio, etc Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk __________________ list of posters you're not allowed to respond to in my threads: 1) autonemesis 2) ****/beau/lulu/muidiri/pandora/("lupa") 3) jerome da gnome  
payola never went away, not really. Record labels offer incentives and purchase advertising to stations. Not officially for airtime, but for airtime. Hopefully Billboard will increase its use soundscan and iTunes to measure song popularity. __________________
Quote: Originally Posted by Dave Hawkins 2011 - Admins on internet forums are lenient on people who make posts about killing people in cold blood 2012 - Various government agencies, being underfunded anyway, stop prosecuting internet crimes 2013 - Anti-Christian dish soap dispenser hate groups start killing Christians and largely get away with it 2014 - A new law is enacted which labels Christians as "subversive to society" 2015 - Football dish soap dispenser stadiums accross the nation add a new event to generate more revenue - Lions Eating Christians   dish soap dispenser
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Quote: dish soap dispenser Originally Posted by Dave Hawkins 2011 - Admins on internet forums are lenient on people who make posts about killing people in cold blood 2012 - Various government agencies, being underfunded anyway, stop prosecuting internet crimes 2013 - Anti-Christian hate groups start killing Christians and largely get away with it 2014 - A new law is enacted which labels Christians as "subversive to society" 2015 - Football stadiums accross the nation add a new event to generate more revenue - Lions Eating Christians  
Bartholomew Roberts View Public Profile Send a private message to Bartholomew Roberts Find More Posts by Bartholomew Roberts Add Bartholomew Roberts to Your Ignore List Bartholomew Roberts's Arcade Awards Tetris Soccer Cup 2012 Football Pirateers RatDome Arcade dish soap dispenser Challenge Bartholomew Roberts in the Arcade!
Intolerant of Intolerance
What is this word you are using? Radio? Is it an attachment for your computer? Does it use a USB port? How do you get your music on it? __________________ Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen. dish soap dispenser -- Winston Churchill  
Gagundathar Inexplicable View Public Profile Send a private dish soap dispenser message to Gagundathar dish soap dispenser Inexplicable Find More Posts by Gagundathar Inexplicable Add Gag

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