Friday, February 14, 2014

Dmitry Tabachnik, defending his reputation officer with extensive experience vintage soap dispenser

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Issue 1 +1 19:30
Dmitry Tabachnik, defending his reputation officer with extensive experience vintage soap dispenser said that his path led through vintage soap dispenser the thorns and not through boudoirs and silk quilts. 1 +1: The "TSN" (Issue 19:32:13)

Antimonopoly Committee requires "Kyivkhlib" vintage soap dispenser to justify higher prices for the button. New Channel: The "Reporter" (Issue 19:00:00)
City council may consider a resolution to ban the sale of alcohol from 10 pm to 10 am. ICTV: The "Facts" (Issue 18:45:00)
The biggest problem vintage soap dispenser in the preparation of Lviv for Euro 2012 - headway. Channel 5: The "Time of news" (Issue 20:30:00)
Yubyley vintage soap dispenser "VIA Hrы." TRK "Ukraine": Program Events (Issue 19:00:00)

Evaporated milk has nothing to do with the milk. 1 + 1: Program TSN (Issue 17:00)
Today in Parliament set up a special commission to prepare amendments. Inter: Program News (Issue 12:00)
STB release 18:00
Money for energy saving measures from the sale of carbon emission quotas by Ukraine under the Kyoto Protocol has not yet received one. ICTV: The "Facts" (1:30:00 release)

Cancel constitutional Court against the decision to cancel polytycheskoy reform of 2004 year asking Venetsyanskuyu commission Vseukraynskoe obъedynenye "Batkivshina." 5th channel: news program Vremya (Issue 19:00:00)
Attorney vdovы Gongadze obzhalovala a resolution against Heprokuraturы otkaze in excitation uholovnoho vintage soap dispenser affairs Leonid Kuchma and Relatively vintage soap dispenser Vladimir Litvin. Channel 5: The program Vremya news (Issue 19:00:00)

Plot number 1 21:00:01-21:04:03 (the broadcast) Oles TERESHCHENKO, host: Earliest heating season. vintage soap dispenser Cold snap forced to give a warm traditional Ukrainian vintage soap dispenser before October 15. The order of government marked "urgent" were local authorities, public utilities and energy. First warm the battery should be in kindergartens, schools and hospitals. vintage soap dispenser But barytymutsya and ass, because the temperature outside is close to minus mark. Paul Tyre Correspondent: In Kiev - plus three degrees Celsius. At least this temperature thermometer registers afternoon on Independence Square. Not warmer and in other cities of Ukraine. According to the regulations, if, within three days the average temperature is less than 8 degrees, Ukrainian must give heat in the house. Here are hereby First Deputy Prime Minister Andriy Klyuyev instructed local authorities and ministries early start the heating season. All because of rapid cooling. In the capital, kindergartens, schools and hospitals have begun to connect the heating back on Monday. But flats in Kiev boiler will heat only on weekends. A number of regional centers, especially in Kharkiv promised houses are connected by tomorrow. A municipal schools and kindergartens for 100 percent of the city should have the heat. Raisa Baharev, head of the kindergarten: vintage soap dispenser "The average school today around 19-20 degrees Celsius. Comfortably children warm. " Paul Tyre reporter: difficult situation in the Luhansk region. vintage soap dispenser It just started kindergarten connected heating upon request. That night the temperature dropped in two degrees. While the pipes are cold, basking in local home-made heaters. Irina Klimchenko, a resident of flats: "Here within this komnate Will heat. Then something vintage soap dispenser on kruhlosutochno regularly is working, and the skirt Malysh behaet. But in ostalnыh dropped off ... In the kitchen with gas topym. In bed glaciers in general, can be so infuriating. " Paul Tyre correspondent: Lugansk authorities claim, the city is ready to run for district heating. Waiting to get gas limits. Sergey Shatokhina, Director of Urban ME "Zhytloservis": "NOW rassmatryvaetsya question, at volume, vintage soap dispenser ODO include otoplenye of time earlier in connection with the cutting poholodanyem, Therefore zhdem. Houses vintage soap dispenser pod stand a working vintage soap dispenser pressure washers, opening zadvyzhky, send in Business. " vintage soap dispenser Paul Tyre Correspondent: But in Lutsk, despite the declaration of readiness to heat include vintage soap dispenser heat in no hurry - wait until the low temperature will last three legislative days. So far only counted two. Rustam Dyachuk, director KP "Lutskteplo": "If the third day of fever, SCE" Lutskteplo "ready for manufacture and supply of thermal energy." Paul Tyre Correspondent: The government declare: before vintage soap dispenser heating is already connected about 10% of residential buildings. Another promise to Saturday. But caution: hot battery will not at once. Yuri KHIVRYCH, Minister of Housing and Municipal Economy of Ukraine: "Maybe it is wrong, it is the quality, so just go. We need adjustment, it is necessary to speed dial the boiler, the temperature dial, then dial mode. That is, the

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