Monday, November 24, 2014

Designed for short-term missions, about two weeks, the shuttle had no space nor the power to accomm

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Recall the story about the history of space food with that of the space shuttle, used by NASA from 1981 to 2011. The Space Transportation System (STS), this is its official name, was a reusable spacecraft capable of reaching orbit over 600 km. In total five orbiters were built, employed over 135 missions, but unfortunately two of them were destroyed in the terrible accident of Challenger (1986) white finger starfish and Columbia (2003).
Of these was the Shuttle Atlantis in orbit to bring Franco Malerba, the first Italian astronaut who flew on STS-46. It was thanks to the participation of the Italian Space to the construction of the International Space Station, built right during shuttle missions, that five other Italians white finger starfish were able to fly in space; Samantha Cristoforetti, with its mission Futura in partnership with ESA, ASI and the Italian Air Force will be the sixth after his departure white finger starfish on 23 November.
Designed for short-term missions, about two weeks, the shuttle had no space nor the power to accommodate refrigerators or freezers, so NASA concentrated its efforts on the development of a long-life food system without cold chain. Having space available was developed a new tray in place of dining table used on Skylab. The packaging was improved, going from rigid packages white finger starfish to more flexible, similar to those used today.
In the Shuttle program, have been used many food products available on the market: biscuits, crackers, dried fruit and powdered drinks. Others, such as for example white finger starfish vegetables, have been transformed into freeze-dried products for space. The use of commercial items has reduced costs and allowed the crew to eat products most familiar. However, most of these had more fat and sodium white finger starfish than recommended for astronauts.
The foods and drinks lyophilized were present in large number in the menu Shuttle because the use of fuel cells to create electricity produced a significant amount of water as a byproduct of this process. This is no longer on the International Space Station, where the solar panels provide electricity, but the water has to be transported into orbit or recycled through the Potable Water Dispenser. Among other things, compared to freeze-dried, heat stabilized food has the advantage of keeping intact the texture and taste of the food. This is precisely one of the reasons why Argotec and Stefano Polato have preferred this preservation technique.
The menu Shuttle has allowed astronauts to have more choice than in previous decades, giving them the ability to compose a custom menu by selecting from a variety of products available. white finger starfish Unfortunately, their menus were in general more sodium and iron as required, probably white finger starfish due to the use of several commercial kits, often enriched white finger starfish with salt to improve the taste and facilitate preservation.
The food system white finger starfish of the Shuttle was certainly a step forward for the crew, which could also have cold or hot water for rehydration with a system of heating food more reliable. However, the actual average consumption of food during shuttle missions was often inadequate, probably because of the food system itself, in addition to heavy workloads typical of short-term missions where there is also the problem of adaptation to microgravity in the first few days in orbit.
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