Thursday, April 3, 2014

It costs to be the

News agency Bloomberg tells news that the U.S. army now started giving away thousands of so-called MRAP: p The acronym stands for Mine-Resistant Ambush-Protected bittersweetcandybowl and it's about 20-ton trucks, custom built and armored to withstand landmine and bomb attacks.
Would you like to have a MRAP? Unfortunately, individuals can not count on the award. Many have been placed in police departments across the United States and the Army has let the bid go to the allied states. The vehicles are described as difficult to service and they devour fuel; on a gallon you can run five miles, then eight kilometers on 3.78 liters of fuel.
The vehicles cost new about 1 million dollars a piece and used the price is calculated according to Bloomberg to half a million dollars. The value of the vehicles now given away would equal $ 6.5 billion, approximately SEK 43 billion.
This entry was posted on Thursday, February 27, 2014 at 11:55 am and tagged with 13,000 armored vehicles, 43 billion. , U.S. Army, new about 1 million dollars a piece and posted in Defence, About life and nature, Terrorism, Foreign. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed.
It costs to be the "world police" ... Only those vehicles $ 6.5 billion. Think of how many homeless people in the U.S. that I have seen in the evenings, (lie out on the sidewalk) that one instead could have helped for such a sum. Now the man threw the money in the sands of Iraq o Afghanistan, without any benefit ... and some left over 4,000 dead U.S. soldiers! For Absurdistan had of course meant that we missed out on over 10,000 enriching goodies ... unless the U.S. had acted.
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