Monday, December 9, 2013

When he had gone a little way he found a hound lying on the road, the jappte as one who has gone to

A certain man had a donkey, which had carried the Scke already many years assiduously to mill whose Krfte but now came to an end, as he always was unfit to work. And the Lord remembered to get him out of the chuck, but the donkey, seeing as there is no good wind was blowing, ran away and made his way to Bremen, where he said he knnte as town musician.
When he had gone a little way he found a hound lying on the road, the jappte as one who has gone to mde. "Well, what do you jappst so Packan?" asked the donkey. "Oh," warming trays for buffets said the dog, "because I'm old and each day will more subdued, also on the hunt can no longer continue my master wanted to kill, so I Reiaus taken, but how am I to earn my bread? " - "Do you wide what?" said the donkey, "I am going to Bremen to become town musician there, go with thee and la music too accept., I will play the lute, and you schlgst the timpani." The dog was satisfied, and they went on.
It was not long, so sa to a cat on the way and makes a face like three rainy days. "Well, what has come to you in the way, old whiskers?" said the donkey. "Who can be merry when one goes to the collar," answered the cat, "because I now come to years, my teeth are set on edge, and I prefer to sit by the fire and spin, as around warming trays for buffets chasing after Muses , has my wife want ersufen, I have still continued done, but now is some good advice: warming trays for buffets where should I go " - "Go with us to Bremen, but do you get to the night music, because you can become a town musician." The cat thought for good and went with them.
Then the three Landesflchtigen passed a yard, there sa on the gate of the cock and cried out Leibeskrften. "Your cries through and through," said the donkey, "what are you doing?" - "Because I have prophesied good weather," said the cock, "because of our love women's warming trays for buffets day when she has the Christ-child washed the shirt and wants to dry them, but because tomorrow Sunday guests arrive, so the housewife has no pity, and has the Kchin said she wanted warming trays for buffets me to eat tomorrow in the soup, and I'm supposed me this evening laen cut your head off. Now I scream from my lungs while I can. " - "Oh what, you redhead," said the donkey, "better go with us, we are going to Bremen, warming trays for buffets something better than death you'll find anywhere, you have a good voice, and if we make music together, so mu it have a kind. " The cock is lie like the proposal, and they all went away together four.
But they could not reach the city of Bremen in one day and evening they came to a forest where they wanted to stay overnight. The donkey and the dog lay down under a big tree, the cat and the cock made in the ste, but the cock flew up to the top, where it is safest for him was. Before he fell asleep he looked round on all four winds around since thought he roomy in the distance a Fnkchen burn, and shouted to his companions that there mte not very far to be a house, because it appears to be a light. The donkey said: "We men get up and go there, because the shelter here is bad." The dog said: "A few bones with some meat on them kill him good."
So they made their way to the area where the light was, and soon saw it shine brighter, warming trays for buffets and there was always bigger, warming trays for buffets until they came to a bright, enlightened Ruberhaus. The donkey, as the biggest, nherte to the window and looked inside. "What you see gray mold?" asked the cock. "What do I see?" answered the donkey, "a set table with schnem food and drink, and Ruber sitting at it and laen's be at ease." - "That would be something for us," said the cock. "Yes, yes, oh, we wren there!" said the donkey.
Then they consulted the animals as they begin mth it to hinauszujagen the Ruber and finally found a way. The donkey mute with the Vorderfen put on the window, the dog jump on the donkey Rcken, climb the cat on the dog, and finally flew up the cock, and sat down on the cat's head. How this was done, they began on a sign at a total to make their music: the donkey brayed, the dog barked, the cat mewed, and the cock crowed. Then they strzten in through the window into the room, because the panes rattled. The Ruber fled at the dreadful cry in the height, warming trays for buffets thought no otherwise than a ghost kme in, and fled in fear grter out into the woods.
Now the four companions sat down at the table, took the be content, what was briggeblieben, and ate to their hearts content. How the four minstrels had done, they counterfeit the light and looked for a place to sleep, everyone. warming trays for buffets According to his nature and The donkey lay down on the crap, the dog behind the door, the Ka

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