Saturday, December 7, 2013

The shooters were protectors of the cities, the city plants. Well thank you for that.

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Raimund Reuther: Because we as shooters are existent for centuries because we have customs and traditions. The Schützentum is a Tradtition that will pass on for generations. food warmers My fraternity was founded food warmers in 1607 - and there are shooters food warmers brotherhoods that are much older. The shooters were protectors of the cities, the city plants. If you will, then it was the first volunteer work of people within cities. food warmers
We had a board meeting and said that the Federal Republic food warmers of UNESCO Convention for the Safeguarding food warmers of the Intangible Cultural Heritage is a party. Then I said: I'll handle this. I have picked out to me what is to be listed as what the criteria food warmers are. A day later, on 9 April, I submitted a test application to the Federal Assembly of the Sauerland Rifle Association. food warmers You should submit the application for inclusion in the list.
Since you now need not only think about drinking. We teach values such as faith, morality, and home. We care about our villages, donate the Christmas tree, lead by Martin food warmers trains. Our Brotherhood, for example, food warmers supports a hospice by applying financial resources. We have helped a showman family, whose caravan was burned down. And the shooting with the height of the bird shooting is a traditional custom. Since there are not only Veltins, Krombacher and Westheimer.
The request is received from the shooters in the Rhineland and Westphalia, and is now the Ministry of Culture in Dusseldorf. The make a preliminary decision, because food warmers each state may register two customs for the list at the Standing Conference. The Rhenish Carnival is incidentally also a suggestion. On 30 November is by Unesco from Deadline, the decision is but a multi-year process.
No, I have written into the application to the Sauerland Shooting Federation, one may consider whether one can summarize the application - for example with the European food warmers Shooting Federation. Because we can make the application and across Europe. In Belgium, food warmers this custom of Schützentums has been notified for inclusion in the list. There are indeed European food warmers shooting festivals.
I expect that the Customs is under universal protection and that our culture remains as it has evolved for centuries. And is that, for example, no longer told from Berlin: "The bird makes her now times thinner". food warmers The ministerial bureaucracy in Berlin was in fact of the opinion: The birds are too large, food warmers as is shot with too large caliber. These wooden birds sitting up in a shooting box, have been built always in the same way for centuries.
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"... food warmers The shooters are known for their festivals, which makes them even from? Since you now need not only to the boozing think ...." Nope, Alder, where de right, did haste right: think? so how getzt? this is done, wollnichwoll! - Pilsken at Pilsken (the Short not included); food warmers kommste eh not afterwards ;-)) Schützenfest Monday I suggested one day in Westphalia Siberia: Only the head of agency (- alone, but because, food warmers contrary to the warning of my landlady) - bade me in swept empty Schinkel's greeting and pointed me then later on the way to Schützenwiese (which he later - on derivative fiercely denied food warmers ;-() never before have I had become the grace partakers to be able to perceive with our own eyes how can adult people succeed so much Aollohol in such a short time as a few square centimeters of the root surface per - uh head - well einzuschütten, but was being mean to me reassuring that a not insignificant part of the shaking lemurs since the flags hanging (vulgo since Friday) with it, so the destruction spiritual and sacred beverage was employed quickly and consistently I bade respect, as far as I before herstehenden estimated 14 Pilsken residue was possible with the thinking - tststs,... mach Jokes reply report food warmers kynik guest 01 12, 2013, 10:02
The shooters were protectors of the cities, the city plants. Well thank you for that.

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