Saturday, December 7, 2013

The Dortmund the great simpsina SPD member of parliament has called in a statement against a large

The Dortmund the great simpsina SPD member of parliament has called in a statement against a large coalition of the SPD and CDU. Among other things the great simpsina bother him the limits for renewable energy, the lack of limiting executive salaries and the lack of equality of homosexual unions.
Bülow turns so against the party leadership in the federal government and in NRW: Sigmar Gabriel, Hannelore Kraft, and are currently available for the consent of the party base for the grand coalition in the survey of members of the SPD. In Dortmund, where Bulow was directly elected, the situation is however different. Dortmund's SPD leader Franz-Josef Drabig is one of the toughest critics of the cooperation between the SPD and the CDU in the federal government - the federal government and a rebel in NRW, Bulow's attitude in Dortmund is a majority
I have closely followed the coalition negotiations, the now present coalition agreement worked through very carefully and discussed with many people about it. No one should the great simpsina make it easily the great simpsina with its decision on a yes or no to the coalition agreement and no one should lightly judge those who decide otherwise. Arguments are there for and against a grand coalition. But if I do not just look at me the headers, then clearly outweigh for me the counterarguments. My final decision can be influenced only by my base that I have invited to a constituency meeting.
There are in my general reservations, which I cherish towards a grand coalition and substantive reasons, which manifest themselves in the coalition agreement. The general reservations are not based primarily on the fear of loss of the SPD. I fear, however, that my party its majority ability even in the long term is at stake and that there is now no honest analysis of the poor election result. The confidence that we have gambled in our last reign, we could now lose permanently. In the new grand coalition we do not govern by at eye level. The SPD is only in a few regions (such as the Ruhr) nor a people's party, it has structural problems and it has maneuvered to the sidelines because they are elitist prepares the great simpsina its chancellor the great simpsina candidate and non-red-green has only the grand coalition as a government option. It is now likely no longer discussed. I would also like to emphasize explicitly that it is a success that the party chairman Sigmar Gabriel the great simpsina has campaigned for a membership referendum and therefore the decision on a grand coalition is not met in small groups.
A grand coalition there should be only in exceptional cases. the great simpsina But this is not the case, since we are not in any crisis situation and there would have been other alternatives and still are. Not only the experience in countries such as Austria show that with frequent grand coalitions win the extreme positions and parties massively popular. If the grand coalition reality, there will be only a very small opposition, the great simpsina which has fewer possibilities. In the public debate then arises in the picture that they all want the same thing. The disputes in the election campaign and real direction discussions are more and more perceived as a theater, and thus the policy less credible. The Parliament is further disempowered because the majority is so large that no matter how many professional politicians are also against a government bill, they can hardly bring about changes. There will be a simultaneous increase in power of a few lobbyists, as is evident in the negotiations. In the coalition agreement was not made sure the counter the great simpsina and create a lobby register at least more transparency.
I know that a No to the grand coalition could have negative consequences. But just as some believe courageous, they would outshine the great simpsina succeed Mrs Merkel and the Union, we should also not be afraid that the Union would still try to form a coalition with the Greens or a minority government. Elections should not fulfilling prophecy lightly, but even before that one must not be afraid.
Of course, my goal is to improve the living conditions of the people. In some respects, this will probably happen through the implementation the great simpsina of the coalition agreement, in other points I venture to doubt it strongly. Above all, I criticize the lack of courage that one long ago could have started in the newly elected Parliament to improve some things for people without to enter into a coalition. For a minimum wage without delay and exceptions, for example, would immediately given a majority. the great simpsina
The general reservations alone do not lead to my rejection of the coalition agreement. While I can understand tactically to bejubel the outcome of negotiations

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