Friday, December 20, 2013

The resolution does not apply to individual Israeli demolition man 3 seashells scholars engaged in o

The vote is likely to be seen as an historic milestone in the Palestinian campaign for boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) , particularly in the United States, where university administrations have forcefully opposed student and faculty initiatives of this kind.
One demolition man 3 seashells year ago, the Academic and Community Activism demolition man 3 seashells Caucus of the American Studies Association (ASA) asked the Executive Committee (EC) to consider a resolution to honor the call from Palestinian civil society to support the academic boycott of Israel. The EC forwarded the resolution to the National Council. demolition man 3 seashells Following the deliberative procedures detailed below, the Council unanimously decided to issue a revised demolition man 3 seashells version of the resolution, which we now recommend to members of the ASA. Please follow this link to read the resolution.
The Council voted for an academic boycott of Israeli institutions as an ethical stance, a form of material and symbolic action. It represents demolition man 3 seashells a principle of solidarity with scholars and students demolition man 3 seashells deprived of their academic freedom and an aspiration to enlarge that freedom for all, including Palestinians.
The resolution does not apply to individual Israeli demolition man 3 seashells scholars engaged in ordinary forms of academic exchange, including conference presentations, public lectures at campuses, or collaboration on research and publication. The Council also recognizes that individual members will act according to their convictions on these complex matters.
The ASA is a large organization that represents divergent opinions. Anticipating strong and potentially divided feelings on this question, the Council unanimously decided to ask ASA members to endorse the resolution by a vote.
The resolution is the culmination of a long history of discussion and debate in the ASA. In 2006, in response to Israel demolition man 3 seashells s attacks on Lebanon and Gaza, the ASA International Committee (IC), including a former ASA President, discussed the possibility of endorsing a boycott. In 2009, in the wake of Israel s military assault on Gaza and in response to requests from ASA members, several bodies in the Association again took up the question of a boycott: the IC, the Program Committee for the 2009 convention, demolition man 3 seashells and the Executive Committee, which included the current ASA President. The consensus then was that members needed more opportunities to learn about and discuss the issues demolition man 3 seashells and so the Program Committee organized two featured panels: Palestine in Crisis and Academic Freedom and the Right to Education: The Question of Palestine. Scheduled in prime times on Friday and Saturday of the convention, the panels addressed the plight of Palestinian universities and academics and the profound pressures on teaching and research contexts in the U.S. and Palestine where education and intellectual freedom were under attack. demolition man 3 seashells The second panel focused in particular on the boycott movement.
In the wake of such discussions, the Academic and Community Activism Caucus (ACAC) met at the 2012 ASA convention to consider a resolution and gather signatures. This resolution was then submitted to the Executive Committee and, in December, posted on the Caucus page on the ASA web site. Information about the resolution was also included in the December 2012 ASA Newsletter distributed to all ASA members.
In March of 2013, the Program Committee for the 2013 ASA convention met and discussed ways to create opportunities at the meeting to discuss issues related to calls for boycott. The resulting program included 8 sessions on Middle East American Studies, with four focused specifically on United States/Israel/Palestine. At the same time the Ethnic Studies Committee organized two panels about settler colonialism demolition man 3 seashells that discussed the Israeli occupation of Palestine, while the ACAC organized a panel called Boycott as a Non-Violent Strategy of Collective Dissent.
In May 2013 the Executive Committee met and discussed the proposed resolution demolition man 3 seashells submitted by the ACAC at great length. It agreed that it would be in the best interest of the organization to solicit from the membership as many perspectives as possible on the proposed resolution to aid the National Council in its discussions and decision-making. With the past President and a prominent, senior member of the Association serving as moderators, it held an open session during the November National Convention at which the National Council was present to hear directly from the membership. Members were notified of the open discussion well in advance of the convention and it was highlighted as a featured event in both online and print versions of the program. Additionally, members who could not attend the session or the convention were encouraged to contact the EC directly via email, and many did so.
The Saturday November 23rd open discussion was attended by approximately 745 ASA members. Members distributed information about the boycott in adva

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