Saturday, May 24, 2014

Week Disneyland - after all, it can be easy to try without any new shares not purchased - long live

"St. John have on the island's ancient cave paintings, but people need to escape into the wild for a hike through the jungle! Without giidita! Your own risk! Many people do not dare to go there! We came here to live out there and organize a small company who makes a guided hike through the jungle. For lunch, we reach a hiking great start trail along the cliffs to the drawings, there would be a picnic and then go forward from here derivative (John waves his chance in front of my nose islet card) - Look here, this white-sand beach in its own right! Gorgeous beach and deserted! By evening, the boat should be here on the way back to the people and offer õhtusnäkki and wine at sunset background ... from seven to put the people ahead of their own hotel down. Days of such travel would serve very well! " great start
"No, no, actually, cruises attending great start families with children and young people great start in love," Justin's mom pushes my opinion around. And uhkuega adds voice: "Let's just say that cruises are upper-middle class entertainment. But the age-you can not define it. "
On the one hand, it mus eternal wanderer. The sea around you, every morning, new places, new smells ... What do you mean spring-flowering trees and tropical southern smells how the village runs back garden manure ...
But on the other hand ... I'm afraid to get on a cruise hockey culture there, and proliferate in a bad sense wasting tourist culture. As pictures can be seen. All of these one-time use containers great start or paintings ... gone kruiisiseltskonda surrounded by a single stroke natives "buy it!"
"This is so awesome! Hotels in direct amusement park in the middle of all of this for you for free within a week. We want to buy a two-bedroom suite, so that the company great start could immediately accommodate great start three - you, Ian, and our company. "
Once, when I lived for two months in the Canary Islands, also communicates with our local hotel chain osakumüüjatega (young beautiful people, unfortunately, many of them cocaine ...), for example, belonged to its own chain of 50 hotels in different parts of the world.
That if someone reads your rent apartment in debt and has never been outside Estonia great start traveling, then it will not be jealous when reading cruises and hotel units are ... Happiness and well-being are two different things. Maybe Justin's mother and father are fleeing and are looking for something for nothing - so you can not find the money. And that's something you can find cheesy wallpapered great start room Supilinn.
Week Disneyland - after all, it can be easy to try without any new shares not purchased - long live a couple of days there, and a clear picture, whether you like it? But I think they are great kids though, they do not go to Las Vegas every year?
It is wonderful that these "biznizplan-id" remain only plans. Because in my eyes, they would not koopamaalinguil jungles, untouched and no longer match, where every day there's a guided walk around the crowd, and "bare great start human" would have a picnic on the beach. And in general, if at all in this world for something to save money, then it is traveling. Because of the memories you have new carpet or sofa five years later?
nojahh great start .. for example, I dreamed that can take a car and a tent, and family and drive around Estonia. in the spring when the sun is shining and the snow has already melted you should immediately get an urge such a special trip. However, we do not have a car and license as well. prior authorization will not tegemagi when we come to the real car going.
I've also always wanted to be a distributor of Starbucks even made any calculations and came to the observation that there is no point bringing in Tallinn. If so, Riga. But since I do not live in Riga itself, then let there brings a Latvian.
But St. John is one of the most beautiful places in the world in my head. And it's a hike to the cave was one of the coolest things I did there. Even cooler than dark-colored swimming in the sea, at the same time as a jazz band playing on the beach and yonder is the second largest island in lights.
This hike was really great start just an organized walk along the proper path. Card on top of the existing runway. But physically demanding, especially for income. But it did a beautiful hike, that would come down the hill and out of the trees and see the sea and the white sand and cactus. And before that we had taken along sandwiches there at the petroglyphs.
I like Papa John's hooking, but St. John's integrity and business idea seems to be quite safe äraeksimisvõimalus (a feeling that you can get lost, but do not really get the track does not go away). And you can not very well, because the island is small.
Disney World is like a story, it depletes very quickly. for the child, of course, exciting and all, but I guess it's own spiritual health cost. Whenever any considerable attractions in the queue about an hour at the least. great start so most of the time it takes to amusement parks Smooth. even if there was a cool attraction, then the second time in my life that did not bother the queue for 3 minutes after tapping stand. hehhee, and I imagine several pairs mikihiirekorvade and princess dresses with your child after a break therein Old

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