Saturday, April 11, 2015

Greed often begins when ordinary people become aware that their neighbor, friend, smoothie cup or c

Your attention unorthodox and instructive Cash generation rubric "1000 LT. This time we will focus not so much their investments located, but the analysis of the events, which encourages us to become better investors, and that would make better decisions in the future formation of an investment portfolio.
In the last months of 2010, the optimists stock markets became much more. Some of the bright future of their faith expresses stock purchases, while others predict the growth of financial markets in 2011. The fact is that optimism has now more than two years.
However, people are still afraid of a lot, so to speak about global stock bubbles really worth it. This story just might be a good example of how to prepare for future human madness, which certainly recur.
Greed often begins when ordinary people become aware that their neighbor, friend, smoothie cup or colleague become rich from trading smoothie cup in shares smoothie cup in just a week, earning an annual salary. Suddenly everyone seems that this is their chance straight from heaven, and these opportunities simply not to be missed. One famous investor such periods described as follows: "To all who invest starting to look that God himself wants all the world to become rich."
To contribute to the herd instinct and the mass media. TV financial experts "gurus" and economists predict a bright future and say with a straight face that this year, the shares have yet to rise about 20 percent. from its current heights. (By the way, appeared in a number of these and go into the year 2011). Yes pučiasi bubbles that burst and sometimes make very great harm.
Global view of the stock exchanges, there is still more fear than greed. Sovereign bond is a lot of money, so the brave patiently waiting for the end ostriches will pull their heads out of the sand and realize that it is better to channel funds into shares. When it is, does not know anything, because it is too large mass of frightened people whose behavior in the short term it is impossible to predict.
Despite the emergence of global fear gold corner. A story that teaches us once again that people are really passionate about greed. Great press this case is not widely described, but it is a story worth attention žmoniems wanting to become better investors. smoothie cup
Bangladesh's stock exchange value over the last few years has increased smoothie cup five times! (From 10 billion. To 50 billion US dollars!). Although since 2008 the world is going through difficult times, the people of Bangladesh looked different. All rushed to buy local shares in the last issuance of savings. History once again repeated - bubbles burst ...
Bangladesh on 10 January by the key stock market index fell by 9 percent. during a single smoothie cup trading session. Such has been the collapse smoothie cup of the stock market over the past 55 years. smoothie cup Crowds of people took to the streets and stormed the Stock Exchange building. Police gas began to calm protesters who accused the government and regulation of the market for those responsible. One local broker noted that a bubble inflated most individuals to get rich as quickly as possible.
The people are looking for culprits in all circles: "The Minister of Finance smoothie cup has brought our country to the exchange, saying that it is safe for everyone. In fact, not only people that did not earn, but still lost everything he had. The government has sold us poor corporate shares at a high price and all ordinary smoothie cup people are left with nothing. smoothie cup "
For their investment decisions must take responsibility for themselves. No one has reported smoothie cup to you that action really will bring profits in the future. The financial world is full of speakers-sellers, smoothie cup which make this work shout and try to convince you that one or the other action will be a real treasure.
This whole story is a perfect example of the human instincts of greed and do not change regularly influence the actions of people smoothie cup buying shares. Smart investors always try to avoid the shares in such circumstances, but it requires a lot of patience and the ability to withstand the sense of the herd.
China's BYD (Build Your Dreams) the company has received the most attention at the beginning smoothie cup of the economic downturn, when the all-time most successful investor Warren Bafetas acquired smoothie cup 10 per cent. stock in the company. It was a unique case within the story, so that in 80 years the first time investor invested in a technology company. Contributed the most to the Bafeto The larger hand Charlie mangoes, which guide the company BYD Wang Chuanfa named the new era of Bill Gates.
BYD company took first place in 2010, Bloomberg Businessweek's fastest growing technology companies in the list. Although the company has been in existence for only 15 years, this is what she did in such a short period of time and surprised smoothie cup even the richest in the world. BYD is the world leader in the manufacture of rechargeable batteries, but not this will be their main rocking the future.
Over the past seven years the company has successfully developed

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