Monday, April 6, 2015

2015-03-30 Chinese Central Bank speaks of additional stimulation 2015-03-27 Swiss National Bank i

Investment decisions are providing the life insurance sea shell images group of companies Mandatum Life welcomes China's commitment to "free up" the national currency exchange rate and the yuan as a favorable investment currency market. "Almost sea shell images two years ago, China was the national currency against the US dollar understated. Undervalued yuan gave Chinese exporters an advantage - that exchange sea shell images rate adjustment of the global recession was one of China's help the economy. At present, China's economy is overheating on the line, and the national currency revalvavimas and would be one of the most effective ways to "farm" chilled "- commented Mandatum Life Investment Management Department for the Baltic States Paul Lukka. Mandatum Life According to analysts, the yuan revalvavimas are favorable and the US economy as the United States exporters to become more competitive. US and other major countries have long been strongly criticized China for its strict measures to control the exchange rate. The first signs that China is ready to revaluation of its currency, appeared last weekend. On Saturday, the Chinese central bank officials announced the decision to increase the flexibility of the yuan exchange rate - analysts, this means that expires in two years of the yuan peg to the US dollar exchange rate. "Currency market transactions already settled 6.8 yuan per USD exchange rate and the 12-month futures Derivative this rate was 6.6 - ie the market sea shell images is predicted that within a year the value of the yuan to rise about 2 per cent. Mandatum Life analysts expect the yuan appreciation may be even higher and get closer to 10 percent. If this happens, it would allow the currency market investors expect to earn more profit. Eg., If the yuan strengthened 10 per cent., The yuan investment in futures contracts to gain 8 percent. Meanwhile, China's exchange rate in an unfavorable direction is unlikely, "- says Mandatum Life analysts.
2015-03-30 Chinese Central Bank speaks of additional stimulation 2015-03-27 Swiss National Bank issued 25.8 billion. Franks 2015-03-18 House prices in China fell by the most since 2011, 2015-03-13" The euro will become cheaper by 0.8 dollars 2015-03-11 "At the end of the year the euro-dollar parity sea shell images 2015-03-10 Hedge funds expect that the ruble will become more expensive sea shell images 2015-03-06 One dollar per euro - it's just a matter sea shell images of time 2015-03-05 Speculators reduce the pressure sea shell images on the Danish currency on 2015-03-05 China's economic growth rate of about 7 percent of 2015-03- 02 China reduced the base interest rate
They all explode Chinese slums and sand boxes playing the Communists together with their stock market bubble, crashins yuan against the dollar. Then be able to recognize that made the biggest mistake, but will already be too late.

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